Chapter 18-19-Epilogue

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Regina was blown away when Parker revealed they were married. How could Parker do that to her? she trusted him and he had them married when she was drunk?! But then he threw blame on her by claiming she cheated on him with Jaden after he was called to duty?! She was 18 and wanted a summer fling before starting college in the fall! That was all?! What was wrong with that? Parker was the one who lied about them being married…where was the ring? Why didn’t she have a ring on her finger to show for it? Was Parker too cheap to buy one?! Jaden interrupted Regina’s thoughts, “Hey, I’m sorry?” “It’s not your fault.” Regina told him. “I’ll figure a way out of this mess you’re in.” Jaden promised her. “You’re such a kind man. No wonder I fell for you.” Regina said. “We’re in this together. And Parker’s a jerk.” Regina snuggled up to Jaden on the couch. She felt safe in his arms. Somehow, she knew that Jaden would find a way to fix this mess. Chapter 19 – Epilogue When Jaden finally beats Parker at his game, Regina walks down the aisle to her groom as Jaden and Regina become husband and wife. But don’t count Parker out as she throws Regina a curveball she didn’t expect. Will Jaden stay true to Regina when Parker’s secret comes out, or will the marriage be over? Find out what’s next for Jaden and Regina in the next installment, “Strawberry Wine Summer: The Wedding.”

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