Synopsis-Chapter 1

601 Words
Introduction When 18-year-old Regina Crimson graduates from high school, she finds herself alone when her boyfriend goes off to the air force. Concentrating on earning money for college before starting college in the fall, Regina finds a mysterious bottle of strawberry wine on the beach at her favorite spot. Intrigued, Regina spends the summer wanting to know who has been sending the wine and why? When Regina finally finds out who it is, will it be a match made in heaven, or Regina's worst nightmare? Chapter 1 “C’mon, Parker, let’s enjoy this last night before you go off to the air force?” Regina pleaded with her boyfriend. She had been dating Parker since they were freshman and had known each other since they were in diapers playing in the sandbox together. “I’d love to Regina, but I really must pack and get some sleep for my flight in the morning.” “So, that’s it?! No celebration send off before you leave?!” Regina pouted “I’m sorry, babe, but I can’t be hung over from drinking when I show up for boot camp.” Parker apologized. “Hey, I tell you what. I will get a week after I complete my boot camp training at the end of summer. How about we spend it on the beach alone when I come back here then?” “Okay, sweetheart.” Regina said, softening to Parker’s promise. His promises always seemed to have a way to soothe Regina with his promises. “Oh would you look at the time.” Parker said, glancing at his watch. “I best get going.” He gave Regina one last kiss before leaving her front porch. As disappointed as Regina was at the prospect of being separated from her boyfriend for the summer, Regina had hopes for a glorious reunion when Parker came back at the end of summer after his boot camp training. She watched Parker leave in his beat up old jalopy. There was the one thing Regina loved about Parker. His family had money. He could afford to have the best car, yet, he loved that old jalopy. He was always fixing it up and adding new features to it. After Parker left, Regina went inside her home and went upstairs to her bedroom. She dialed her best friend, Alice to see if she was up for some fun. “Hello, Regina.” Alice said after seeing Regina’s name on her cell. “Hey, Alice! Are you up for a night on the town?” “Wish I could!” Alice said bummed. “The parents went out and I’m on babysitting duty.” Alice’s parents just had a new baby who was only 3 months old. Alice was always busy having to watch her baby sister. She never seemed to have any time for Regina anymore. This was turning out to be the worst summer of all. The last summer they would be able to enjoy before they start their lives as adults. Parker was off at boot camp training for the summer and Alice was always watching her baby sister. Regina was left all alone. Well, Regina decided in the morning, she was going to make the most of this summer. Even if she had to go it alone by herself. She decided she would spend it on the beach drinking her favorite Strawberry Wine. This was going to be the best summer of her life, even if she had to be by herself, Regina vowed. That is, when she wasn’t working to earn money for college.
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