Chapter Eighteen - Hungry like the Wolf

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WILLA POV Rhydian and I were on our way to meet Elira for our first run in wolf form together. We waited patiently outside the main doors of the packhouse for Elira to join us. The main house was like a castle at the centre of what was more of a town than just one building where everyone lived. It was easy to see that these lands had belonged to Blue Midnight for hundreds if not thousands of years. The stonework on the buildings was far from modern, likely built in the Victorian era. Moss and greenery covered the brickwork of the buildings, making them look right at home in the middle of the beautiful forest in which they centred. The morning was foggy, giving off an eery feeling. I loved this time of morning when the world was quiet. There was a crisp scent of flowers in the breeze, and it made me feel more at home than I had ever felt. Elira soon arrived and we headed off in the direction of the Night Wolf cafe. Coffee being a great start to this early morning. “So where are we off to this morning?” I quietly asked Elira. “I was thinking we could discuss strategy over coffee first thing before checking out the training grounds. I know the warriors will be starting their training around now. Then we could all go for a run in our wolf forms.” Elira answered me with a sparkle in her eyes, a glint of Artemis peeking through. “Sounds good to me,” Rhydian said, still half asleep. We soon entered the café and decided to sit in the far-right corner. We ordered our coffees and waited patiently for them to arrive. Being the only ones in the café, it didn’t take long. Rhydian needed the caffeine to wake up properly. “Well, I’m a little apprehensive about turning into a wolf first thing in the morning. It is a strange feeling, learning you are what you’ve been trained to hate and to kill your whole life.” Rhydian smiled guiltily, which made sense, as he had always known what he was. Elira nodded and smiled before continuing to sip her coffee. I noticed a strange scent on her, familiar yet completely different to the scent I had noticed on her the day before. “What did you get up to last night?” I asked her with a cheeky wink. She began blushing right away and now I was certainly interested in her spilling the beans. “Go on, tell us. Rhydian won’t care if it’s sexy, will you Rhyd?” I looked at Rhydian and he just casually shook his head in solidarity. What Elira said next made me spit out my coffee. “I had a threesome with Elaine and Killian!” Her voice was rushed, and her tone was unsure. I sat in disbelief and even Rhydian had his eyebrows raised. “Come on guys, I thought this was a safe space? What happened to the almighty trio etc, etc?” Elira said. Her voice was a little panicked at our reaction. “Sorry Elira, I honestly wasn’t expecting you to say that. I thought Killian was your true mate?” I asked her. “Yeah sorry, I was still half asleep and not expecting this level of R18+ so early in the morning. I’ll do my best to check the ratings next time.” Rhydian said with a chuckle. Elira began to smile back and playfully swiped Rhydian on the back of the head. “Shut up Rhydian.” She said with a laugh. “Yes, Killian is my true mate, my fated mate. Gifted to me by the goddess Selene, but I am not ready. I’m not ready for any of this. I have a brother or had a brother. He’s out there somewhere. I can feel it. I need to get to the bottom of what’s going on right now and that means my love life just isn’t a priority. There is also the fact that, until a couple of days ago, I hated werewolves. Now I find out that not only am I one of them, but I am apparently powerful and involved in some kind of prophecy? Oh, and my one true love also happens to be the very thing I hate. You know, the thing I hunt on a daily basis! At least I used to. With Elaine it’s different, there is no pressure to be Luna or give in to the bond when I’m with her. There is just pure natural attraction. Something I understand. Killian and I haven’t had s*x yet, so we haven’t begun to complete the ritual. That will have to wait until a more appropriate time. He knows where we stand, all three of us do.” Elira spoke her words softly and to the point. I admired her for it, but I was also worried for her. She was playing a dangerous game. I didn’t know the Alpha that well, but surely, he wouldn’t be able to wait for her much longer. “Just be careful ok Elira. Killian is an Alpha, a Lycan Alpha to be precise. You are playing with fire, being with him fully would make you both more powerful. Just remember that ok. Remember that he is the one who will truly love you. He will love you like no one else ever will, like no one else ever could. Do not forget the reputation that follows him. He is a ruthless Alpha and I believe that the version of him we are seeing is barely touching the surface of who he really is and what he would do if provoked.” I was sincere with my words, hoping they would get through to her. I knew how stubborn she was and now it was no different. Elira didn’t say anything, instead she hugged me. “In regard to your twin brother, we will find him Elira. Whatever you need, we will be by your side. That’s the one thing in all this crazy mess that’s still guaranteed.” I spoke into her ear as we hugged. Tears are streaming down both of our cheeks. “That is a promise I know we can keep. As for the other thing, I’m certainly no expert here. The likely hood of me finding my mate is very slim in my opinion but all I can say is don’t take it for granted Elira. I know that you’re having fun and it’s likely a distraction from everything that’s happened. Please just don’t take it for granted. The love you will be capable of is so much stronger than any kind of human love. Embrace it, don’t be afraid of it. Things are about to get heavy and dark around here, I can sense it. You’re going to need him. Don’t forget that your physical body will need him even if you’re emotionally rejecting him.” Rhydian’s words were gentle and sweet. Elira mouthed "I love you" to him before they both stood up and hugged. “OK, that’s great, look at us all sappy first thing in the morning. Should we discuss our next move now?” I asked confidently. They both nodded in agreement before we deep dived into a strategic conversation about Moonlight Tech. We chatted back and forth for half an hour, plotting our next moves. We had decided that we would keep up our personas at Moonlight tech. Waiting for Angie and Richard to head back to town so we could interrogate them. We first wanted to know who exactly was involved 18 years ago, the corporation as a whole or just a group of corrupt agents. Once we had all the information, then we could decide on how to move forward. We had a week before they were due back in Oregon. Plenty of time to get into a new routine at Blue Midnight, continue with school and keep up the rogue mission for Moonlight Tech. Everything was mapped out. Once we followed up with Moonlight tech, we would then come up with a plan in regard to the Red River pack. We had a feeling that would be where Elira’s twin was hiding. The pack lands were starting to awaken as we headed out of the Night Wolf and in the direction of the main training grounds. All three of us were eager to see how they trained. We watched from the sidelines as the training played out in front of us. Elira was explaining the different roles and responsibilities within the pack. Rhydian and I were both fascinated at how many different roles there were that no other pack had in place. Zeta John is the head chief of the warriors. It is his job to lead the training of the warriors with the help of the Beta and Gamma, occasionally the Alpha also. Zeta John’s facial features are well-defined, with chiselled cheekbones and a square-like jawline that add to his overall appeal. His smile is rare but warm and engaging, lighting up his face and revealing a charming and approachable demeanour. His lips are full, his eyes the colour of caramel, captivating and full of emotion. His hair was soft and sat on top of his head, a dark brown colour. He was delicious to look at, his chocolate bronze skin glistened with his sweat as he continued the training technique at play. Demonstrating to the others what they were meant to be doing. So far, the training appears rigorous and thorough. Like what Elira and I were used to but inclusive of fighting in wolf form as well. We did notice that they weren’t doing any weapons training. Elira and I gave each other a knowing nod, making a note to discuss this fact with the Alpha later. I couldn’t see my mate or the Gamma anywhere and figured they must be running late this morning. Feeling bummed about not getting the opportunity to perve on Sloane, I feel the hairs on my neck stand up as his scent immediately fills my nostrils. I feel lightheaded as excitement builds inside me. His hot breath is on my neck as he whispers, “excited to see me?” My eyes roll into the back of my head, wishing I was alone with him. “That would involve seeing you!” I whisper to him as I turn around and face him. His mischievous grin making my stomach do backflips. I never got tired of his looks. His high cheek bones and well-structured jawline with dark stubble made him look rugged and sexy. I breath him in and lean in for a passionate kiss. One he returns favourably. A moment later, he is gone and the empty space he leaves behind makes my heart ache a little. I scoff at myself, shake it off and turn to join the others once more. “Who is that caramel goodness with Sloane?” Elira said with hunger in her eyes. Rhydian and I both look at each other and shake our heads. “I’m going to assume that is Gamma Tate, he is basically the beta to Sloane and soon Willa.” Rhydian responds matter of factly. Impressed with himself. “Anyone would think you’ve turned into me at the rate you talk about men… and women actually.” I say, a slight grin on my face as I thought about Elira and her bisexuality. Gamma Tate was nice to look at. It was easy to see how he and his mate couldn’t keep their hands off one another. We hadn’t met him officially, but the rumours were out there. Zola was Tate’s destined mate. She was petite, blonde, and crazy for him. She was in college and studying to become a lawyer. She was drop dead gorgeous and looked like a typical blonde stereotype, she was nothing like that. She was kind, modest and extremely smart. ELIRA POV We watched the training for an hour before heading off for our run. I was pumped, Artemis had been yipping in my head all morning. Her excitement about this morning’s plan to run in wolf form was a little contagious. It was strange but also comforting to hear her. She had been a bit quiet lately and I knew it was due to my situation with Elaine. Last night’s shenanigans had been on my mind a lot this morning. I couldn’t stop thinking about it, how Elaine smelled, how she tasted and the way that Killian fit right between us, perfectly. I wasn’t from this world, not really, and although I was still getting used to how things worked, I couldn’t help but do things my own way anyway. I knew deep down it was going to come back and bite me on the ass somehow, but another part of me honestly didn’t care. So much was out of my control right now, fun with Elaine wasn’t one of them. As much as I had enjoyed my night with her, I promised myself it was the last time. Rhydian and Willa’s ranting about the mate bond may have been annoying at times, but it didn’t fall on deaf ears. I wasn’t prepared to throw myself at Killian just yet, but I was open to building some trust between us at least. Artemis seemed to cheer up at my thoughts and it made such a difference. Having a wolf that you grow up knowing about is one thing, but having one suddenly forced on you out of the blue along with apparent superpowers and a prophecy. I had tried my best to bury her deep the last couple of days, but now that she was more forward in my mind, it made me realise how much better I felt with her present. I couldn’t deny my biology, I was a werewolf and I needed to make sure I didn’t weaken my relationship with her any further. Especially if I am going to figure out who I really am. After we left the training grounds, I told Rhydian and Willa that I knew of a hidden hot spring we could utilise after our run. They were keen to know where it was, and I promised I would take them there. “So, let's head to the barn and use that as our starting point.” I told them as we headed in the direction of the horses. “Wait a minute, there are stables here, for horses? Like real ones?” Willa said, exacerbated by the information. I chuckled at her, “Yes and they’re magnificent. I was thinking tomorrow we could head out on a trail ride; it’s been years since we enjoyed a good horse ride together.” Willa squealed in excitement as she hugged me. Rhydian stood with raised eyebrows at our interaction. I look at him with a grin and say, “I take that as a yes from you Rhyds?” He nods and smiles back at me. Once we reached the barn that stabled the horses, Willa wanted to go inside and take a peek. Something that didn’t surprise me at all. We both loved horses and had even fought demons whilst on horseback in the past. “Ok guys, have either of you actually transformed before? It is excruciatingly painful the first time, but after that it feels as normal as anything else, so I hear.” Both of them stood staring at me, likely surprised by my sudden transformation knowledge. “This will be our second time. Sloane went through it with us last night to make sure we were OK.” Rhydian said, his arms crossed over his chest. “Ok great, well then, this time it should be easy for all of us. Let’s get naked and run.” I said with a giant grin on my face. Artemis chuckled in the back of my mind. We stripped off our clothes and stashed them in the barn. Artemis knew what to do. It was still a strange feeling to mentally take a back seat while my bones broke and mended in the shape of Artemis. She was definitely a leader-type personality, both Willa and Rhydian’s wolf forms did not hesitate to follow her through the paddocks and forest. We ran for what felt like hours. I was silent as I admired Artemis’s thoughts. She was fierce and strong by nature, putting my current attitude to shame. She was more like me than I was. If this had been a couple of days ago, I’d have freaked out at that realisation. Right now I just feel annoyed with myself. It was surreal to see the chestnut golden fur of Willa’s wolf Athena, the way her personality truly reminded me of my best friend, a strong and sassy Warrior. Rhydian’s wolf Griffon, was a mixture of blonde and grey fur. He gave off more of an alpha energy than Rhydian, which made me think that his wolf was also more Rhydian than he had truly been himself. Moonlight Tech had warped us, and we were still finding our way. Our wolves would hopefully help us too. As we arrive at the hot springs, I am abruptly thrust forward into my own body. I stand on the water’s edge, completely naked in front of my two best friends who were, a few seconds later, also completely naked. “Well, I guess we're going to have to get used to the whole naked thing.” My voice was chipper, but the others laughed, which helped me to relax a little. We relaxed by the waterfall and swam for a while before changing into our wolves and heading back. “Wow, that was something else. Let's make a thing of it. See you at the same time every Sunday morning?” Willa asked and I nodded in agreement. Rhydian just smiled as he headed off to get dressed. Willa and I begin to get dressed, side by side. “I’m glad you enjoyed it Willa, I think I’m starting to as well.” I told her. “I know you’ve been struggling with everything that’s going on right now, I’m just glad you’re finally starting to come around to it. It’s for your own good, you know.” Willa said as she placed her hand softly on my shoulder. I smile at her and proceed to put my top back on. “I’m going to head over to my room and have a shower. I’ll catch up with you guys later.” I was desperate to shower and eat something before having a nap. As I reach my bedroom door, I smell something that hits me like a tonne of bricks. I wasn’t expecting it and had completely forgotten about the two of them being in my room with me last night. It was now ten o'clock in the morning and I was sure they would both have been gone by now. The sounds they were making suddenly made Artemis angry. I slowly open my door and sneak in, turning to face them, shocked at the scene before me. My mate is f*****g Elaine like a dog, hard and fast. Her screams of pleasure make me feel both angry and aroused. I am silent and don’t move as Killian’s orgasm erupts inside Elaine, both coming hard and fast. The room stinks of their scent and s*x. Killian pulls out and turns to face me to make a statement. His hard c**k is dripping with both of their c*m. His rock-hard abs and firm pecks move like a dream with his heavy breathing. His eyes are golden as he stares at me waiting for me to say something. I have no words. All I want is to have him to myself, for Elaine to no longer be in my bed. I want him to f**k me like I’m the only person in the world that’s his. I wanted him and only him. I was confused at how drastically my mind had shifted from last night to this morning. Was it Artemis? Was she somehow influencing my thoughts and emotions? I didn’t know what to make of what was happening. All I knew is that I wanted his lips on mine, I wanted to feel his body. So, I kiss him. I kiss him with everything I can in this moment. His kiss was warm and passionate, like mine. I could feel how much he wanted me, how badly he wanted to lay me down on my bed. And then it was over, and I was standing there again. He says something to me as his eyes flash gold, but my mind is racing so fast i can't make out his words. Now I am watching him walk into the bathroom and I am aroused beyond measure. I walk to my bed and sit down next to Elaine. She looks up at me from her position but I stare ahead, waiting for a glimpse of Killian as he leaves the bathroom. He doesn't look my way as he leaves the room. I sit there in silence, staring at my bedroom door, wanting him to return. I barely notice as Elaine also gets dressed and leaves. I lay down on my bed and curl myself into a ball as I drift off to sleep.
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