Chapter 13 - Distance of the Heart

2005 Words
WILLA POV It had been a few hours since Rhydian and I left headquarters in Ohio. Rhydian was driving my car as my head was reeling from the last few days, and I couldn't focus on anything right now. We pulled up at the main entrance gate to Blue Midnight, and a guard approached the car. He checked our vehicle registration before approaching our window to confirm who we were. We drove through the grounds towards the large parking garage. "Are you ready for this?" I asked Rhydian. He gave me a nod but didn't say anything. We were now back at Blue Midnight, after what felt like a much longer journey that it had been. I missed my best friend, and I could feel that Rhydian did too. We weren't sure what to expect if she was awake yet, but we knew that waiting to read the file together with her was the right call. I felt with every fibre of my being that our lives were about to change drastically. All I could think was, bring it on! We headed for the packhouse, anxious to shower and change before going to check on Elira. We went our separate ways, neither of us speaking but fully understanding each other's needs. I headed for my room, eager to experience the glory of my fancy bathroom. As I walk down the hallway, I smell it. His scent was wafting from my room, and I suddenly feel excited as I enter. There he is, Sloane, waiting for me, sitting on the end of my bed. During my trip with Rhydian, I wasn't sure if Sloane was it for me. It felt so strange, giving myself to a stranger completely. Not in the matter of my body, but in the matter of my heart, my soul, my very essence. I almost run to him, and in my haste, he stands up. As I reach him, I jump into his arms and wrap myself around him. Now, I am overwhelmed with an emotion I had never felt before. It was a concoction of so many things that I had no idea what to call it. I felt sad, defeated, uncertain, anxious, excited, challenged, and confident. I felt a sense of yearning as well. I breathed in Sloane’s' scent, feeling a calmness wash over me right away. He breathed me in, he looks up at me and brushes the hair from my face, a look so intense I thought it would burn me up, or both of us. "You were gone too long, little red. Don't let that happen again." He's looking into my eyes. It feels like his soul is touching mine, I can feel them becoming entwined, and my heart is pounding. "I've had this feeling of sadness that I couldn't understand, and right now, I realise it's you. You were that feeling. Being away from you was affecting me terribly." I stroke his face and lean in for a kiss. He tastes like he belongs to me, we grab each other's faces, desperate for one another, as though we both fear this moment won't last. While he's still holding me, I can feel his hands on my body. He throws me onto the bed. His eyes are glowing gold, and I am completely turned on by the desire in his eyes. Suddenly, he's on top of me, I can tell that I am completely sopping wet, I want him so badly, but I'm tired and in desperate need of a shower. "Sloane, please let me shower first!" His eyes widened in excitement, "I don't care if you need to shower, I'll taste you anyway. You have one of two options; let me taste you here and now, or I'll be joining you in that shower, which we both know is big enough for both of us!" My mouth is agape at his words would he eat my p***y without me having showered? I didn't know whether to be turned on or disgusted. The thought of him showering with me gave me goose bumps, and I shivered a little. Sloane starts to grin and says, "Your taste will be like your scent, you are my mate, there is nothing to be ashamed of here." He sits up, and it allows me to sit up also, I am pondering the words he's spoken, still trying to wrap my head around this new world I've found myself in. "I opt for the shower, time to show me what you're made of Mr Bigshot Beta!" I wink at him and then scurry for the bathroom, my heart racing in anticipation of what he's about to do to me. Although I scurried, Sloane approached the bathroom in calm strides, reaching the door moments after I got there. A silence fell between us. We didn't need to verbalise anything in this moment as we were speaking to each other in another way. I leant against the sink, my back to the mirror. Sloane stood in the doorway, which he almost didn't fit through. God, he was the sexiest man I'd ever seen. His short dark hair sat in waves on top of his head, he must have been at least 6 feet tall. His usual blue eyes were now glowing golden, a sign of his heritage to the Alpha Centauri, to King Lycaon; of the Lycans. He had some stubble on his jawline, it made him look a little rugged, and I liked it. We stood facing each other, drinking in the image we had of one another. His eyes roaming my body just as much as mine were his. He takes off his shirt, and every muscle in his body is ripped. Now I can feel my mouth drop open a little. He was a giant of a man, and he was mine. That thought intimidated me and turned me on, simultaneously. Seconds later, Sloane was right in front of me, he lifted me up onto the sink so that I was sitting in front of him. We kiss ferociously, like we are desperate and cannot survive without each other's kiss. Eventually, we come up for air and smile at one another. Sloane then leaves me to turn on the shower, he strip's naked, and my eyes go wide. I am in shock at the size of his bulging p***s. What the f**k am I supposed to do with that? I thought to myself. It's literally the definition of a third leg. I'm almost frightened of it. But I love a challenge, and this would be no different. Sloane chuckles, deep in his throat and gestures for me to join him as he steps into the hot shower. Fuck! If I was standing right now, my legs would be buckling at the sound he just made. He must be a God. There is no way that he's just another shapeshifter. I stand up and start to take off my clothes, stripping slowly so that Sloane can take it all in. I was putting on a show for him and I could tell he was enjoying it. "Touch yourself!" I said to him in a sultry voice. He raised an eyebrow in surprise but didn't object. He began to slowly stroke his shaft, up and down, while I continued to slowly get undressed. Sloane growls a little, deep in his throat as he continues to touch himself. I am naked now and I slowly walk over to the shower, ready to join him. Sloane moves to the side, allowing me to soak my body under the shower head. He stands back, watching me with hungry eyes. I quickly lather the soap in my hair and begin to slowly massage it. He watches as the soap suds drip down my body, through my cleavage and over my navel, disappearing between the folds inbetween my legs and washing down the drain. Now that I've washed my hair, I quickly move onto the rest of me. Sloane growls low in his throat as I lather soap all over my body, his hand never leaving his shaft. I can feel my v****a pulsating at the sight of him pumping his shaft. I rinse off the remaining soap as Sloane speaks with another low growl in his voice, like he's holding back his beast. "I. Can. Smell. You. From. Here!" His eyes begin to glow as he fights with the wolf inside him, his c**k is at full mast and all I can think about is riding him till he bucks me off! I take a deep breath and decide that I will take one for the team in this moment and hold off those thoughts. My mate isn't going anywhere. "Don't stop now, beta boy! I won't be satisfied until I see you cum." Sloane growls but continues to stroke his hard c**k with a fierce intensity. There was something so empowering about watching a man masturbate in front of you, because of you. I proceeded to tell him, "No touching." And then I started to touch myself gently, to begin with, softly over my n*****s and breasts. Tweaking my n*****s with my fingers, moaning as I throw my head back. Suddenly, Sloane switched off the shower and picked me up over his shoulder, carrying me out to the bedroom. We didn't quite make it to the bed though. He lays me down on the rug and covered me in his wet torso, kissing me with such passion it left my head spinning. I knew I was in big trouble; I should have known better than to tease and antagonise this brooding beta, but I couldn't help my nature. We were sopping wet from our shower but I didn't care, I was willing for him to take me in every position possible, to claim me and make me his. Sloane kissed my neck and nibbled on my ear, making my p***y throb even more. Then he made his way to my breasts, making sure they got equal pleasure. Kissing and sucking on my n*****s, massaging with his tongue. By this point I was begging him "Please Sloane, please." Not sure if it was me begging or the arousal that had risen inside of me. Sloane made his way to the slit between my legs, tasting me, massaging his tongue around my clit, licking every part of me, devouring me in a way that left me moaning his name more times than I could count. Then he put his finger inside of me, intensifying the pleasure building inside of me. He knew exactly which parts to lick and suck and stimulate, it was like an art form for him. I felt like my entire body belonged to him, every inch of me felt electrified and I was ready to explode. Moments later that's exactly what I did, like fireworks had exploded from deep within me, I screamed out in pleasure, sensitive to his every touch. Sloane held me in his arms as my orgasm came crashing down, I felt so relaxed. He kissed me gently and breathed in every part of my scent. "You taste, just as delicious as I knew you would from the moment, I laid eyes on you. I look forward to doing it again." I felt as though I was floating on a cloud. No release had ever left me in such a state before. Sloane held me a moment longer before getting up. "Time to get dressed and see Elira, we all want to see what your little adventure with Rhydian has unfolded. Let's see if you're both really as good as you say you are." I raised an eye brow at him as he stood up and walked out of the room, completely naked. I leant up on my elbows and just stared in shock at the fact he had just walked out into the pack house with no clothes on. I was absolutely going to be giving him some repercussions later.
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