Chapter 9 - The Night In Question

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Eden We had sat down next to each other, me on one side and Conner at the corner seat next to me. The first mouthful was heavenly. "This is amazing!" I exclaimed. He laughed "again, don't be too surprised would you!" We settled into conversation as we ate, or rather as I ate and he inhaled his ridiculous plateful. He told me about first living alone in California trying to finish his highschool diploma, before he had to run again. How he drifted around the country after Alaska doing odd jobs for cash, never staying anywhere longer than a few months. It sounded like a free lifestyle, but bitterly lonely. Even an asocial wolf like myself would struggle with that level of isolation. After finishing and cleaning the dishes away in the dishwasher I led him through to the living room. We sat next to each other on the couch, turned slightly, so we were facing each other. I was nursing a glass of gin and ginger ale while I had talked Conner into a bottle of my pack's own brewed beer. "Damn this is good" he conceded. "Told you, it's why on every treaty or trade deal I make, the other pack want it exported to them" I said proudly. A comfortable silence had fallen over us and I was already kicking myself for what I was going to broach with him. "...Just ask" he suddenly said "you're dying to ask me something and you're hesitating so it must be a tricky subject." I nodded "you don't have to answer, I completely understand if it's something you really don't want to talk about." "You wanna know what happened that night" he sighed, "can I ask first what exactly he's been spreading?" "He said that rogues invaded, that it was odd that they knew where to hit and when and that they got deep into the territory. He couldn't make it in time to save your parents and that he was devastated to be brought evidence that showed you meeting the rogues that attacked" I cleared my throat before continuing "...and that you...uh...ran like a coward.." I finished looking back up at Conner. He scoffed before shaking his head "he's got a set of brass balls, I'll give him that." "When the attack started he was nowhere to be found. I was fighting alongside my dad, trying to hold them back. I hadn't been shifted long, barely over a year, but I was already pretty strong and fast. Both me and my dad got a mind-link from my mom that some rogues were at the pack house and she was trying to keep them at bay but needed help. My dad sent me ahead of him so he could cover us....I was too late though...and when my dad felt the bond's like he just gave up, he didn't even move when one of the rogues walked up to him and snapped his neck. My brother eventually showed up with reinforcements, conveniently chasing the invaders away. The pack had been devastated. My dad's Beta and his mate were dead, so was the Gamma; his mate survived, my grandparents dead, scores of pack warriors. Emotions were at a high and Alexander used that to his advantage, he threw photos of me meeting with the rogues on ground and branded me a traitor. I knew with emotions being so high no one would believe I ran...I didn't have any other options. If I stayed I would have been executed." This version was definitely the truth and was in keeping with what I knew of Alex's character; like hell that man was ever a f*****g hero! I took a huge swig of my gin to calm my rage flaring. "How did he have pictures?" I asked, feeling a little confused. "A few weeks before the attack he pulled me to the side to ask for my help. Needless to say I was highly suspicious of that. He said that he was trying to help some people, wolves made homeless by their packs collapse. I should have known better but I just wanted to see some good in him, I thought maybe he was actually trying to be better and I wanted to help him...I was a f*****g idiot." "No you weren't" I said, placing a hand on his arm "it's not a bad thing to want to see the best in people...I actually like that about you" I tentatively added at the end, loving how his face softened. "When I went with him to meet those guys he must have had someone hidden to take pictures to make it look like I was making some seedy deal, when I just thought I was helping some poor wolves who had lost their pack" he looked away, down at the bottle in his hands. "You were just doing what you thought was right...I'd have done the same in your place." He looked back at me like he was searching my eyes for something, I didn't know what. "Why did Alex do all this? If he was older wasn't he inheriting the title anyway?" I asked perplexed why he would go through so much effort to secure something that was already his. "No, my dad had enough of him and his s**t. He was making me the heir, not Alex." "What did he do?" Conner sighed again, I felt like this was going to another painful tale. "He rejected his mate" of course he did, that shouldn't have surprised me but it did. "She was a young Omega that worked in the pack house kitchen, Kitty, real sweet girl, made the best bread you'd ever tasted" he smiled at the memory. "She was 19 and just got her wolf spirit but hadn't shifted yet, Alex had turned 20 by then, I was 16 about to turn 17. I never saw the actual rejection, just the tail end of it. I went to the kitchen to get some water and a snack before bed, I kinda froze, I didn't know what to do and they hadn't realised I was there. She was crying, begging him to give her a chance and trying to grab hold of his arm. He slapped her hard across the face and she fell. He spat out that he had no use for weak-ass she-wolf. That's when I went to help her, Alex just stormed off past me. I held her for a bit and mind-linked my mom to come down and help. We got her home to her dad, I'd told my mom what happened on the way and she mind-linked my dad on our way back. They went to have it out with Alex, I didn't listen though...I'd never seen a rejected wolf and it was difficult to see" he took a moment before continuing. Just when I thought I couldn't hate Alexander more...I had half a mind to just go there now and rip his head off, f**k logic and sensibility, Era and I wanted blood. "My parents tried for days to get him to change his mind but he was adamant. He was a bit of manwhore before but he really ramped it up after that, especially when Kitty came back to work. He went out of his way to flaunt women around her. About a month and a half later she was found hung in the woods, she committed suicide, left a note to her dad saying sorry and that she just couldn't do it any longer. Her dad was beside himself, she was all he had. When he came to the pack house to confront my dad and Alex he never left. He tried to attack Alex out of anger and grief as you can understand and without missing a beat my brother killed him. And because he was 'defending' himself he didn't break any pack laws so got off with it. That's when my dad told him he was never going to be Alpha and I was getting the title. Alex was not happy about it. A few months later the attack happened" he rounded the story off. "I don't know what to's worse than I could have ever thought" I said, holding his gaze, I didn't want to say 'sorry' as it sounded too cliché. He took a final swig of his beer finishing the bottle. "...He's made a few requests from me...he wanted to have me as his chosen mate..." I wasn't sure whether or not to mention that but I also didn't want to keep things from him either. Conner had been open with me about many things tonight, he deserved to know. "What?!" he let out a low, menacing growl and his eyes blackened. I felt a brief and powerful surge from his direction too, was that his aura? It was so strong it almost made my own wolf want to submit. And that love sick pup would have too for her mate! I was also trying to settle how my stomach clenched in delight at his show of dominance and possessiveness. "Sorry, didn't mean to lose my cool like that" and just like that, he had reined himself in once more. "You really don't have anything to worry about. I almost laughed in his face the first time he proposed it." Outrage almost immediately clouded his face again, "how many times has he asked?" Conner bit out. "...3? After the last time though my dad threatened him with war and he backed off pretty quick" he nodded, but still held a sour and tense expression on his chiseled face. I noticed the time, it was just past 11pm now, this day had been wild. "You gotta be tired and it's been a hell of a day to say the least, why don't you go up to bed?" I proposed, he could really do with a good night's sleep for the first time in goddess knows how long. "You have no idea how good that sounds" he smiled. I nodded in response before adding "if you want to get a start on training, there's the warriors training tomorrow at 9am. I'm supposed to be leading it but I've got new recruits applying so I need to observe with my Beta and Gamma." "Sounds good, can't say I'm not disappointed I won't be getting a little more hands on with you though" he smirked my way suggestively and like a trained reaction, I felt my face flame. Once again I had no reply except to stare at him indignantly, in silence, blushing. "Good night Eden" he said before sauntering out of the living room and up the stairs before I could even get my brain to work. Damn him! I switched off the lights downstairs whilst grabbing my tablet from the kitchen and shutting it in my study. I headed upstairs eager for a good night's sleep myself; after getting ready I snuggled myself under the duvet. My sleep was sporadic, I'd fall asleep for a few minutes before waking up again. After tossing and turning I knew what I needed and my wolf was urging me on in needing it too; I needed Conner's scent. It was a little after 1am now, he would probably be asleep, I was stealthy and I would be able to hear him stir. The shirt he was wearing tonight would be covered in his scent...I could sneak in quickly and grab it? After deliberating with myself and Era, who stated categorically we needed it, I flung the covers off of me. I glanced down and decided I was certainly not going into his room naked, so I grabbed a pair of small shorts and the first shirt I grabbed hold of, it barely covered my midriff but I wanted to get this over with. I crept down the hall and listened outside his door, his breathing and heart rate were steady, he was asleep. Holding my breath and grabbing the door knob, I silently entered.
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