Chapter 5 - New Feelings

1968 Words
Eden The walk home had been... different? Interesting? I wasn't really sure how to describe it. I had felt a myriad of emotions with the bits and pieces he had told me. Real happiness because I was walking side by side with my mate. True sadness at hearing just the tip of the iceberg of the struggles he had to face and from such a young age. Anger like I'd never felt before. I knew Alexander's story was just that, a story, a fabrication. Did that mean he was really responsible for the whole m******e? If so, the last thread of respect I had for that man truly was snapped. The stroll had also got me thinking about the cells. Not placing Conner there, no. More why he would think I would. True, most rogues I did send to the cells, primarily because they had attacked our borders, pack, or had tried to steal from us. Others were simply as a precaution till I assessed whether they were a threat or not. Conner wasn't a threat, he was wronged by family that should have protected him. What he needed was help, mate or not he needed shelter and aid to confront his pack. It had got me wondering how many times he had been thrown in a cell, that was, if he'd actually ever been caught by other packs before. The idea of Conner being thrown in a prison and being...tortured... I didn't want to finish that thought. I couldn't imagine with his...size...he would have gone quietly. Looking at the man beside me now it was hard to imagine him being violent. But appearances could be deceiving, that I knew too well. 'Mate isn't anything like him. I can feel it,' Era tried to soothe me. I knew she was right, but once bitten twice shy. That anxiety that lurked in the background, like silent vibrations, almost non-existent at times, enough to lull you into a false sense of security. Only to creep back again when some innocuous action triggered it. But I had to admit, it was true what they said about mates, their presence really was calming. Conner's scent wrapped around me like a cozy blanket on a cold day. So comforting I could almost sigh in contentment. Which led to other feelings I was having being around this man. Desire. I had found other man attractive, that was true. But I had always found it difficult to get close to people. And I had certainly never felt this level of raw desire at first sight with anyone... ...Even James. As the Alpha's daughter and only heir, many kids at school wanted to be my friend. Not because they cared about me, but what they could get from me. So I generally kept people at a distance, not in a dismissive or rude way, but I wouldn't go out of my way to spend time with them or share details of my life with them. Being around Conner though, the resolve I prided myself on felt incredibly slippery to hold on to. I had already shared with him details I would never had shared with an acquaintance, let alone a stranger. But I felt comfortable with him, more so than almost anyone. And it wasn't helping that Era was flashing every fantasy she, and I, had ever had about what we wanted to do with our mate...what we wanted our mate to do to us... When he made that comment, that innocently flirtatious comment about 'being a handful if I wanted him to be', had Era practically wanting to pounce on him. 'Handful? I doubt anything is a handful on our mate. Just look at the size of his muscles and his shoulders! Do you think it's as hard and thick as his arms?! Goddess, can we mate him now, I want to see! I felt my face flame and my arousal flared without warning and I was desperately trying to get it, and Era, back under control. 'Can you fangirl a little harder?! I don't think the next pack over can quite smell our arousal yet.' I sighed, internally. 'Please Era, you know how hard this is for me,' this seemed to calm her. '...Ok, sorry I got a little carried away.' I couldn't help but chuckle at her, such a horn dog, but a sweet horn dog. I realised quickly that if Conner was going to be staying in my home, in one of my guest rooms, I needed it prepped and soon! There was only one person I trusted to go in my home, prep the room with the required things and be discreet about it, Meli. She was my Beta's mother, a good friend to my own mom and a cook in the pack house kitchen. She was a much loved member of the pack because of her amazing cooking, especially with the warriors, who she fed well. "The way to any wolf's heart is through their stomach," was her famous saying. It was very much true. Wolves could pack away food like no tomorrow, especially the males. 'Meli?' 'Eden, hello dear! What can I do for you?' 'How do you know I want something?' She chuckled in response, 'I know your tone, dear.' 'How busy are you? I kinda need a favour quick, it's nothing too hard. I just need a room prepared.' 'Luckily for you I'm in the pack house kitchen right now baking and it's about to go in the oven. Any particular room in mind, or doesn't it matter which?' ...This was going to be tricky to explain. I didn't have many guests staying with me, ever. I was going to have to wing it and lie, which I hated doing. I tried to keep my tone as light and breezy as possible. 'No, it's not in the pack house. I need one of the spare rooms in my home prepared, but I'll probably need some things from the pack house.' 'Oh?' Here we go...'yeah, I wasn't expecting him to arrive this soon and I need to make a good impression on him and his pack. Any one of the spare rooms is fine.' I mean, I wasn't really lying on that one...well maybe about his pack. 'Him? A man is staying with you?' I could hear the slight teasing in Meli's tone. How the f**k was I going to sell this...think Eden, think... 'The pack treaty with Moon Meadows,' my wolf interjected. She was a genius! 'Great thinking Era!' She puffed her chest up at the praise, proud that she'd saved the day. 'He's from Moon Meadows pack, it's important for the treaty we're drawing up.' 'Ooooh, well this does sound important, I'll get him set up straight away. What does he need?' 'Well, it was a last minute arrangement and he doesn't have much with him,' again, technically true. 'So he'll need some spare clothes from the warrior's stash. He's real tall and pretty built. Some toiletries too...oh and maybe something to shave with? He kinda has a beard that he might want to deal with, but at least he'll have the option.' I hoped that sounded non-suspect. Meli chuckled again, 'sounds like his Alpha kicked him out in a hurry!' ...You have no idea, I thought. 'Yes, don't you worry, I'm on it,' she responded. 'Thanks Meli, you're the best.' That I really meant, because she was. Before I knew it, we were wandering through the pack grounds towards the pack house, gaining some curious glances from a few human and wolf members that we passed. 'Room's all set, Eden. I won't be hanging around, I've got my cake to get back too.' 'Thanks again, Meli!' I led Conner up to my home and let him in through to the mud room, where I left shoes, coats and whatnot that were muddied from outdoor activities. I hung my coat up and took my boots off and he did the same, but leaving his coat and backpack on. I led him through the archway to the rest of the house. "So, feel free to make yourself at home. I had a room made up for you here and there should be some spare clothes for you too. Come on," I said as I turned to lead him up the stairs. I could smell the room that Meli had been in, it was just down from mine and had french doors that looked out to the forest. Good choice. I looked to Conner gazing around the room. It was fairly spacious in a dark teal colour, with a king-sized bed, a small walk in wardrobe and a chest of drawers all in rustic olive wood. It also had an en suite that was shared with the adjoining bedroom, not that he would actually be sharing with anyone. "So the closet is here," I opened up the door to reveal a few clothing items hung up, I noticed they were a good mix of casual, lounge and activewear, even footwear too. "And here's the bathroom, the other door in there is just another bedroom," I said, indicating said door. "Yours?" He asked, with a quirked eyebrow and a teasing smirk. I felt my face flush again, to which my wolf was jumping to act, 'why can't we have him in our room? We can help him get changed and bathe him too,' she was practically vibrating with want. 'Chill,' I commanded, making her huff in defiance, but she quietened down nevertheless. "...No," was all I could manage to get out. "Shame," and there my heart rate and redness soared again. Clearing my throat I moved on, "take as much time as you need, there's no rush. I'll be down stairs when you're ready, ok?" "What, you didn't want to join me?" He chuckled seductively. Oh goddess he was going to be the death of me. Yet again, I didn't know what to say. I was never this flustered, no-one ever got under my skin like this. All I could utter was "," again, before promptly extraditing myself from the room so I wouldn't blush myself to death. I heard him laugh gently as I left, a sound that did things to my very centre. The fucker was doing this on purpose! I decided that freshening up wasn't a bad idea, I wouldn't have time to do what I had previously planned. I took a quick shower, not bothering to wash my hair. I had training to lead tomorrow morning so it'd be pointless to do it now. Drying off and changing into some skinny jeans and a thin knit green sweater, I put my hair in a loose, side braid to air dry from the rain earlier. Heading downstairs and making a cup of tea while I waited, I would imagine he may be a while. I didn't know when the last time he'd had any home comforts. I sat at the breakfast bar in my kitchen with my tablet in hand, going over the paperwork I wanted. I needed to think, also, about how I was going to introduce Conner to the pack. It seemed like a bad idea to introduce him as my mate and who he really was. If his brother learnt he was here, he may try to invade my borders; this would be a danger to Conner and my pack. We needed time to formulate a plan to confront Alexander about his crimes. And I wanted time to get to know him first before fully accepting the bond. I was caught in my thoughts when I heard Conner coming down the stairs. When I looked up I almost fell off my stool and my wolf?...She didn't know what to do with herself.
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