Getting up late backfired

1269 Words
So, in the end, I managed to get into the opening ceremony. It was just like the opening ceremony in our school in the human world. Anyway, I entered the big hall without making anyone notice me. I was tiptoeing while roaming my eyes all around the crowd. I wasn’t looking straight in my direction all of a sudden I bumped someone. I fell onto the ground right away with a thumping sound. ‘’ Ouch, watch you will you?’’ I shouted, raising my fists. ‘’ Uh…Little Peachy miss, why do you always bump into me?’’ the familiar voice made me stare into the face. It was the bird boy whom I met earlier in the dorm. He was wearing the school uniform as well. But then why was he wearing that? Was he also a student in this Academy as well? But then he didn’t say anything about it. ‘’ By the way, your face looks, you didn’t expect me to be a student in this place did you?’’ he comments with a grin on his face. I gulped when he said that. ‘’ Well…I didn’t…’’. ‘’ I can tell from your expression very much well. Now get up.’’ I glared at him, frowning back. I got up on my own without anyone’s help. But then I noticed, that the girl who was standing near the stage glared at me from where she was standing. And the people around me stared at me as well. In other words, I became the center of attention already. I felt like freezing on the spot, seeing the glances of others. It’s been a while since I had seen others looking my way since I had stopped going to school. Why are they staring at me as if I am a stranger? Clinton noticed, that I was feeling nervous. So he patted me on the back, to assure me. ‘’ Fix your posture. If you keep looking down you won’t be able to see what’s in front of you.’’ I stared at him from the corner of my eyes. I am truly touched by his advice. I nodded and held my head high, walking forward. ‘’ Before going back into the line again, may we know why you are late?’’ asked, a guy coming forward from the crowd. He had brownish straight hair and greenish eyes. ‘’ I….I….’’ Oh crap, if I say something wrong here seems like the whole class is going to laugh at me. How to handle this situation? Without thinking, my eyes traveled to Clinton’s way. He looked the other way not wanting to stare at me. This guy doesn’t seem like he has any intention to help me. I have to help myself. ‘’ Do you mind answering?’’ the guy asked, once again. ‘’ Ah…well…I woke up late, so that’s why It took me a while to arrive here.’’ It’s better, to be honest than lying, isn’t it? After hearing the truth, everyone glared at me even more. ‘’ Don’t you have any responsibility as a student in this Academy? Why aren’t you punctual?’’ the guy asked, crossing his arms in front of his chest. I looked up at him when he said that. I wasn’t late for anything. ‘’ I think we should get her out of the ceremony,’’ suggested the girl, who was above the stage. She had twin tails with scarlet red hair. What? Just a little late and they wanna kick me out of this place? This isn't supposed to happen right? ''What do others have to say about this matter?'' she turned to the students who had gathered at the hall. A bit of confusion was created, but then everyone had only one answer,'' Yes, let's do it.'' Clinton clicked his tongue in response. What? Is this how things work here? The girl who was making the announcements stared at me and smirked. '' Do you understand your place here now?''. I lowered my eyes, not able to understand what was going on in there. ‘’ Get out,’’ that guy said. The others started saying that as well. They were surrounding me and repeating telling me to get out. My legs were shaking, just like my hands. ‘’You don’t belong here. Go away,’’ that was all I could hear. I could recall the scene earlier from back in school. When others were blaming and pointing at me. Everything was becoming too much for me to bear any longer. ‘’ No, no….stop this….no, this is not supposed to happen.’’ ‘’ Don’t say you don’t need me.’’ ‘’ Don’t shut me out.’’ ‘’ Please stop!’’ a loud voice, said, attracting everyone’s attention. ‘’ Please give me the way out.’’ Everyone became silent. The sound of footsteps was heard, and an old woman came forward. She had greyish hair and cat eyes and had worn a black attire, from head to toe. The girl at the stage was kinda shocked to see her. ‘’ Young lady,’’ she turned to me. ‘’ Please don’t get her out just because she’s late. You don’t know, but she’s the only one who has passed the first stage this year.’’ ‘’ What?’’ everyone was shocked to hear that. Though I couldn’t understand what she meant by that. ‘’ What’s the first stage though?’’ Clinton asked, stepping forward. ‘’ Now that’s a very good question, young man.’’ ‘’ I bet every one of you had faced some kind of troubles on the way to coming here last evening?’’. ‘’ Yeah, what about it?’’ Beatrice asked. ‘’ That was a test as well. And none of you passed in that test, only except one person.’’ The woman smiled at me. ‘’ That’s you, Reina Jordan, who helped the old couple even though you were late in arriving at the hostel. I like the compassion that you have for others.’’ She placed a hand on my shoulder while saying that. Everyone was staring at me in surprise. I could feel the glances of others on me. I was nothing less than a celebrity to them. Did I expect that I would be able to be forgiven just for the sake of helping them out? Thanks for the peaches. ‘’ As you are the only one who passed the test, I wouldn’t mind letting you off the hook for being late today. I think others agree with me as well right? If anyone has anything to say, then I don’t mind hearing out.’’ Everyone became silent right away. ‘’ Good, no one has anything to say in this matter. Then we shall go ahead with the ceremony. She’s late, so let’s go through what we were talking about from the beginning.’’ She turned to the girl who was on the stage. God, do you really exist? Such a nice person defended me? I really have some luck, don't I? '' Talk to you later Miss Reina,'' said the old woman, going away. '' Still, I wanted everyone to pass the test. I guess, not all the students are as I had expected this year.'' Clinton smiled and commented,'' Girl, you sure have some good luck on your side. To be able to make everyone know you on the opening ceremony.'' I guess, nothing in life is bad. Everything happens for a reason. But I have to make sure I don't get in anyone's ways after this, not my luck will work every single time.
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