Night at the Hostel

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At last, after all the obstacles were cleared we reached the Academy. Soon the day ended and it was evening. As we entered the Academy gates it was sunset. It was beautiful scenery to see. Usually, I take walks at this time. But now all my freedom will be taken away by the people at the Academy. The carriage stopped at last. The doors opened and I stepped out and got down. We were at the hostel, as tomorrow is the entrance ceremony. The driver got the luggage and we stood at the door waiting for anyone to come and get us. All of a sudden a woman wearing a white gown walked towards us. She had blond hair and hazel blue eyes. Her hair was tied at the back and she was above average tall, from my perspective anyway. ‘’ Greetings,’’ she said with a bow. ‘’ Welcome to The Maria Academy of Magic. I am the teacher in charge here, my name is Vivian. Nice to meet you.’’ Her deadly smile was enough to kill birds easily. ‘’ Where are you from miss?’’ she turned to me. ‘’ Well…Miller.’’ ‘’ Wait for a little-‘’. ‘’ Boo,’’ she made a sheet of paper appear in her hands right away. ‘’ Let me check the list. What’s your name sweetie?’’. ‘’ My name? My name is Reina Jordan.’’ I managed to say those words without stuttering. My introverted personality sometimes gets in the way of my interacting with people. Well, I am anti-social anyway. ‘’ Hmm…Reina….where are you in the list…’’ she searched for it for a while. ‘’ Ah, there it is. Your name is here. Come inside with me, and I’ll be bringing your things with me inside. Tell your driver to leave.’’ ‘’Sure, Marcus, leave.’’ The driver nodded and gave a bow and left. Vivian saw him leave and patted my shoulder. ‘’ Come inside, I’ll show you the way.’’ ‘’ But what about my things?’’. ‘’ No need to worry, just follow me.’’ I decided to believe her words and started walking inside. It was structured in the model of old buildings in London, where I was able to go one time during my first foreign trip. Old movies had houses like them, but this place has a cheerful feeling. The white marbled walls had a mysterious feeling in them. But this is more homely than the place where I had stayed during the camping trip. All of a sudden I stopped in the middle of the track. Wait, I had been walking for a while but why haven’t I spotted anyone? ‘’ What’s wrong?’’ Vivian looked behind to see me. ‘’ Where are the other people at the dorm?’’ I asked, in a cautious tone. ‘’ Oh, they are,’’ she looked around and spotted someone. ‘’There she is, comes here Beatrice,’’ Vivian called a person. I looked in the direction to spot a tall girl with white hair and green eyes, coming towards us wearing a one-piece dress. She came and stood in front of Vivian. ‘’ Yes, teacher? You called.’’ ‘’ Yes, This is Reina, your new dorm mate. She’ll be staying with us from now on. Meet her.’’ After Vivian’s introduction, I was expecting her to face me. But she changed my thought. She didn’t face me and replied,’’ Is that so? Then show her where she’ll be staying. I have magic to practice. So I’ll be heading off. Have a good evening.’’ She walked off without talking with me. I was astonished. Are all the people at the Academy insane or extraordinary? ‘’ That’s just like Beatrice. anyway, Reina, come with me.’’ Vivian started walking along. I was following her as well. We went upstairs, in a while we arrived in front of a room. ‘’ Here’s the key,’’ Vivian said, placing the key on my hands. ‘’ And your luggage will go into your room on its own. Dinner will be served at eight after that go straight to bed. You have the opening ceremony tomorrow, don’t be late, get ready by nine. That’s all.’’ Vivian left the place promptly, without letting me ask her anything properly. Is everything alright with the people in this place? Why’s everyone in so much hurry? They didn’t even explain anything to me properly. Ugh, I hate these people. Anyway, I heaved a sigh and inserted the key in the lock and opened the door, and went inside. The moment I stepped in I was surprised by the atmosphere inside. It was just like the room which I had in my house, but a little bit different. There were books on the shelf and the table and the chair and all, everything was just neat and clean, unlike my room, which was always dirty and comics scattered here and there. Even though mom scolded me so much for this, I still didn't learn. I used to keep the room dirty always. When will I learn? I guess, there's no time to learn is there? I have died anyway. '' You have to graduate from the academy without any problems at all. Or else I'll disown you.'' The words of my present dad were echoing in my ears. Yes, I had forgotten that I am not alone anymore. My dad is with me now, and he loves me very much well. Hey, I have time at my hands, don't I? I can write a letter to dad for the time being and then go for dinner. Yes, that's a good idea. But too much time had passed by. When it was past eight-thirty I looked at the clock. The pen in my hands dropped from my hands in surprise. O s**t! I ran out of my room and went to the dining room. But the table was empty, and hardly a soul was there. Who'll serve me dinner now? Will I have to sleep on an empty stomach? I looked all around the dinner table and then I went to the counter to see whether any lady was there to serve us food. But no one was seen. '' Wish anyone was here,'' I muttered out loud without thinking. '' Yes?'' a figure rose from the counter to meet my eyes. It was a boy with brown curls. He was around my age, wearing normal clothes. '' Who are you? New student?'' he asked in an excited tone. '' Ah...mmm...I am new. Just came in the evening.'' '' Great,'' he held onto my hands in response. '' What's your name?''. '' R-Reina J-Jordan,'' I stammered, my eyes kept travelling to his hands. He kept hold of my hands tightly, without showing any chance to let them go. Is everything alright with the mind of the people here? Everyone seems weird here. '' Reina? Oh, what a cute name. What kind of magic do you use? Is your dad a wizard as well?''. '' Where are you from?'' he kept bombing me with questions without giving me the chance to answer. '' I....I...'' What's wrong with this guy? Let me go, will you? '' Tommy, stop it will you?'' a voice interrupted between us from behind. It was none other than Beatrice, the girl whom we met earlier. She interrupted between us, and eyed me and the guy, then slapped his hand away from mine. "You should stop disturbing people so much. Just because she's not protesting you can't do anything to her can you?" her voice was as sharp as a blade. "Uhh...I didn't mean to disturb her. I am sorry Reina. I didn't mean any harm. what are you here for by the way?". Beatrice and Tommy stared at me. I was starting to feel embarrassed to say that I missed the dinner time. " Well....i..." all of a sudden a loud growl came out of my stomach. Beatrice and Tommy heard it as well. "You should have told me from the start you were hungry," Tommy added with a sigh. "Hungry? Didn't you have dinner?" Beatrice asked turning to me. I nodded in disapproval. "I missed the time. I was writing a letter to my dad and hours passed by. That's why...." I lifted my face to see that Beatrice's expressions changed. "Is that so? Give her dinner then Tommy. I have work to do. Goodnight." "Sure, wait for a little Reina. I'll serve you right away." I watched Beatrice go. I have to say, she is a good girl. My initial opinion of her has changed after seeing how she came running to save me from Tommy's questions. Maybe, I can be friends with her. can't I? I am starting to admire her. As I ate Tommy was trying to keep his voice low. Because of the warning of Beatrice, he acted as much normal as it was possible. I went to my room right away. but before I left I heard the voice of another boy downstairs. But I pretended not to hear and walked away. I finished my letter and went to sleep. I have to send it to dad tomorrow. He must be happy. I am not forgetting anything before going to sleep, am I? hmm...nothing is missing. I'd better go to sleep. I soon fell asleep right away. But I had forgotten to set the alarm for the Academy tomorrow, which might help me get into all kinds of problems later. Anyway Goodnight!
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