Chapter 3

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“He doesn’t look like he’s going to have a good season, though…” Miles said as we watched the practice of the football team. Cyrus is there, sweating so hard, however, still looking so fine and pleasurable. With his hair in a mess, he could still win an award for the best looking male in the campus. He’s so admirable. He’s too passionate in everything he does. I love everything about him. I narrowed my eyes at Miles who was talking negatively of Cyrus. How dare he say that when my Cyrus is working so hard?   “What?” Miles blinked at me. “I’m just saying that he’s better last season!” “He’s still good now!” I insisted. Ivana laughed beside me. She knows that I don’t like anyone talking ill about Cyrus. To me, he is the pedestal. To me, he is the highest peak. To me, he will never be less than perfect. He doesn’t shy away from being the best in his field and I will forever attest to that. “Woah! Remind me to not talk s**t about Cyrus when the fangirl is here!” Miles teased me and I gave him a deadlier glare. He better not talk s**t about Cyrus even when I am not around. I know! I will know it even though I am not there! Ivana just shook her head. “She’s just too obsessed with him. She watches all of his games. Even his practice games…” Miles’ eyes widened. “Really? That’s too clingy!” he beamed. “Maybe that’s why he’s not looking at you that much? Because you made it obvious that you like him!” I narrowed my eyes at him. “What do you mean?” I asked, curious as to why he would say that to me when all I’ve done was support Cyrus. He sighed. “Girl, I know I told you about Cyrus liking girls who are easy…for sure he thinks, you’re a little too easy for him this time.” I bit my lip and looked at Cyrus who’s sweating so hard in practice. Am I really too showy? Do I need to distance a little bit? Cyrus is panting while his hands are on his knees. He’s panting. It’s obvious how tiring their practice is. But then he’s talking with his teammates and smiling. Maybe he’s used to it. Well, he’s been into this sport for god knows how long. And I have been watching him on the sidelines for a long time, too. My heart flutters every time I stare at him like this. Even with the sweaty get up, he still looks so pleasant, so divine. It’s like there’s nothing in this world that can make him look dull. At least not in my eyes… “You think he thinks I’m too obvious?” I asked. Miles nodded. “Duh?” Ivana rolled her eyes. “Only a fool would think you’re not too blatant.” I glared at her and she smiled at me unapologetically. She just makes me want to throw her to the Atlantic Ocean for once. She’s too straight forward that it sometimes hurt already. I let out a deep breath. I have to remember that Ivana is not my problem now. She’s not my enemy. But, well…what can I do about this now? I continued to watch Cyrus talk to his teammates. With his hand gestures, I can say that he’s trying to explain a play. His teammates are listening to him like they do to their coach. I was too immersed in watching him that I didn’t realize that he glanced my way. My eyes widened and I stupidly froze on my spot. His eyes met mine and I was suddenly out of my mind. What the hell? It’s as if my system is coiling, making me really confused of what I am going to do. He smiled at me and waved his hands. My heart is beating so loud. Is he waving at me? Am I dreaming? Damn it! I can’t think straight! I couldn’t move at my spot. I am too stunned to move. I am too surprised to think, as a matter of fact. Astounded, even. This is tormenting my brain cells. Why is he doing this to me? He’s never waved to me before! He even ran up to the bleachers. I was almost fainting. What if he’s here to…oh my god! I was already smiling and was about to stand up but then he passed by me and walked towards the higher end of the bleachers. What the f**k?! I followed him with my gaze and my heart fell when he went towards Samantha Niel who’s waiting for him a few bleachers higher than us. She’s smiling so wide as Cyrus came to her and took the drink on her hand. “Oops!” Miles beamed. I sighed and shut my eyes forcefully. “Somebody thought he was coming for her…” he teased. I turned to him and gave him my deadliest glare. I took a deep breath to calm myself. I am going to kick this creature beside me if he doesn’t stop teasing. How dare he make fun of my wounded heart? But hell, Tracy! That was so stupid! I can’t believe I thought he was waving at me. I already know that he’s never waved at me before. Where did I get the idea that he’s waving at me now? I am so stupid! I can’t believe I almost embarrassed myself. Damn it! I shut my eyes tightly. I need to leave. Reset. I need to reset. I stood up and took my things without speaking. I didn’t even tell any of my friends where I am going. I want to go home. I need to move on from this humiliation. f**k. I feel so dumb! I went straight to my locker and took all of my things. I didn’t even bother sending a message to my brother. I’m just going to ride a cab home. I can’t believe my ego would be bruised like this. I still feel my insides cringing. How can I f*****g move on from this shame I brought myself? But damn it! It was also my fault. I assumed he was looking at me. I assumed he was waving at me. I assumed that he was coming for me. I assumed that he would approach me. Like, whatever made me think so? I took out my phone when I realized that I was rude at Ivana and Miles for leaving them alone in there without a word even when it’s obvious that they made fun of me. So, I sent them a text that I am sorry that I had to leave like that. I also explained that my ego was probably just bruised that’s why. Miles apologized for teasing but then, it’s fine. It’s my fault in the first place. It’s almost sunset and I was about to leave the school grounds when I bumped into someone making my bag fall on the floor. I heard a sound of a fallen ball—a fallen basketball to be exact—as well. I looked up and saw a silhouette of a tall man before me. I couldn’t see his face well because he’s standing on the setting sun’s direction. I squinted my eyes but to no avail. The sound of the basketball bouncing on the floor is all that can be heard. I immediately stood up and took my bag. The man in front of me lifted his head and his face is fully shown to me. My eyes widened when I saw his face. I cannot be mistaken. I cannot be wrong. It may all be a blur in my memory but I know those set of eyes. He smirked at me and picked up the basketball. “Too mesmerized to see me again, Tracy?” he said in a boyish and extremely arrogant tone. His blue eyes seemed playful tonight unlike the last time I saw him when they looked fierce and dangerous…and so intoxicated with lust. Nonetheless, he’s still dangerously handsome now. He’s still looking so intimidating even when he’s wearing a jersey of the school’s basketball varsity. “Clayton…” I croaked, stunned that I had to see him here. I hadn’t really paid attention to him before because I never really liked sports. I didn’t even know that he’s studying here. I wanted to forget about him. I willed myself to not think about him and for a second, I thought I was successful. But right now…fuck! I can’t stop thinking about the way his hands rummaged through my body. How his lips are all over me, kissing every inch of me that night. How he took my virginity and how I let him do that without making a fuss. I was too submissive. I was willingly submitting to his demands. I remembered moaning under him. Too much for my humiliation today. His bore into mine and I internally cursed myself for praising those clear blue eyes that I find really sexy for some unknown reason. But that wasn’t supposed to be what I am focusing right now. I need to go away. I need to escape him before I do something I would regret again. I took a deep breath and tried to compose myself. “I didn’t know you’re studying here…” I told him as natural as I could. “Last time I checked, when we met, we weren’t talking about our whereabouts…” he replied. “But then, we can do it next time.” He flashed his playful and meaningful grin. I bit my lip and took a step back. “I miss you, Tracy…” he uttered in a husky voice. I narrowed my eyes at him. “Well, I don’t.” That’s the truth. I don’t miss him at all. Thinking about him is torture for me. I’d rather have an amnesia and forget everything that happened that night. He chuckled, looking so unfazed by my strong denial. He tilted his head to side, stared at me from head to foot before turning serious all of a sudden. “What are you doing crushing on a lame football player when you’ve already had me?” I gritted my teeth and scowled at him. But he’s staring back at me without stop. He’s staring at me like we’re not in a public place. He’s staring at me like we’re not inside the university. However, I know that nothing would stop him. It didn’t matter where we are. He even kissed me thoroughly when we were in the middle of a sea of people in the club. We were kissing until we reached his car. We were kissing until we reached his place. Damn. I wanted to forget that so bad. It was a night of burning desires. It was a night where my head was in haywire. It was a night when I didn’t use my head at all. I just gave in. I just went with the flow. And it wasn’t what I had expected to happen. “How do you know about that?” I asked him. Clayton smiled. “Of course, I know more than what I have to know about you. You should do so with me, baby…” I cringed when I heard him call me baby. That night, I felt so intoxicated that he made me high every time he called me baby but now, damn. I feel dirty and weak that I had to give in to him so easily like that. “I don’t really care about you,” I deadpanned. He laughed and shook his head. “Wait until I change that.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “I don’t think I will ever change my mind about you,” I replied sarcastically. “Really though?” He raised his brow. I just gave him an expressionless look. “I bet you keep thinking about that night we shared. How I explored your whole body…how I made love to you until you were exhausted to even move…” I shut my eyes. What the f**k? He laughed once more. “Don’t worry, baby. I think about your body a lot, too.” I glared at him but he laughed even harder and louder. He’s so despicable! I shook my head and was about to leave but then he held my arm and brought me back in front of him, this time, a little too close for my comfort. I’ve already known how huge his built is. I already know how much taller he is than me. But then, now that I am sane and sober, I can’t help but take note of these features of him. And more so, his dangerously handsome face. His deep set of blue orbs. His sharp and cutting jawline. His sweaty hair that falls on his forehead. I had to force myself to stop complimenting this devil in front of me. “I have a game this Friday,” he said. “So?” “You have to come and watch me,” he uttered as if that was a normal invitation. He’s acting like we’re close or something. “Why should I?” I asked, mocking him. He smiled. “Trust me. You have to.” I narrowed my eyes at him. “And if I don’t?” I asked, confident about this argument. He smirked before leaning closer to my ear. “I have this video of us…in bed…that night…unless you want that exposed, baby. It’s totally fine with me,” he whispered before leaving me alone in the hallway speechless and stunned.  What did he say?! f**k!
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