The Deal

1200 Words
His sharp, golden eyes scanned the mountaintops for the millionth time. Not one shadow he misses lurking between the fog. The king sniffs in, and out only to discover they are animals fleeing across the land. Each one senses his restlessness growing. The king flies up across a steadily flowing river and the broken bridge.  His spikes on his face stand erect, remembering the memories oh too well. He had high hopes that day that the asshole would come forward and plead guilty so all the families would not suffer. Not one human was a man or woman enough to do this. They stood by their guilty crime of taking the dragon's eggs. For this, they had to do it. They had to cut off the world between them. The king whips across the sky, his rage building more, remembering how even then that didn't stop the eggs from disappearing. "I will find the bastard, but first things first. I must find my eggs." "They are all I have left. The bastard knows it too. Taking and destroying our eggs was a mistake. Touching what was mine was a death sentence." He huffs through his sharp fangs and dove into the depths of a dark forest. ******* "Ailwin Adryth you don't say?" Esmerelda asks with a new sense of interest and watches as he runs his hands through his tousled hair.  "Yes. That's right." That man nods. "Hmm," She bites her lip and thinks to herself for a minute. "Here, let me go get some more oil, to loosen you up a bit." With shaky hands, he quickly scampers over and gets the oil bottle. When he bends towards the sink, Esmerelda sits up and looks to make sure. It is there just as I suspect... I see it, the one clue I have been waiting for.  Esmerelda offers, "Yes. You go do that." She quickly gathers her bag from the red leather chair in the corner and straps it across her chest. "Wait a minute? What are you doing?" The man stops in the middle of the room. "I thought we had a deal?" Esmerelda rolls her eyes and crosses her arms. "The deal was you tell me everything you know about the golden eggs. Not just give me some random name."  "I assure you that the name I gave is worth checking into, Esmeralda." He says and attempts to step closer to her.  Esmerelda puts her hand up in front of his chest, gesturing for the young man to stop.  His lips pucker tightly together in frustration, but he listens. Esmerelda glares into the young man's eyes, knowing the truth is there. "And I assure you that I know you are holding back more information."  "I'm done here." Esmerelda threatens as she takes the final steps towards the door.  The young man clenches the towel with his fist as her fingers clutch the round knob. Ever so slowly, Esmerelda turns the knob, giving him once last chance to redeem himself. The man looks down at his bulging pants, debating to himself if she is worth it. His shoulders slump and he shakes his head in defeat.  "I'm truly sorry, Esmerelda. Ailwin Adryth is all I can give you at this time." Dammit so close! "I understand. No worries."She says and shrugs her shoulders nonchalantly. "Goodbye, then." The man lets out a sigh and says mumbles, "Look, Esmerelda. I really want to help you.. not just because I am standing here stuck with a massive case of blue balls now, but..."  "But, what?" Esmerelda raises my eyebrow and waits. "I'm sorry." He clenches the towel so tight that his knuckles turn white.  "Well go on, spit it out."  "It's just that... I'm sworn to secrecy, and if I tell you, I will be dead in a matter of minutes." Esmerelda adjusts her bag and takes a step out of the door. "Oh, I already knew that the moment you walked in the door." "Wait, a minute? You knew the entire time?" The man gasps in shock. "But-but how?" The young man pauses and slowly rubs his hand down the back of his neck. "So, you saw." His comment was a statement, not a question.  "Oh, you mean the Blue Dragon tattoo on the back of your neck," She smirks.  His face turns crimson red. "Yes." "Yep. Sure did."  "You weren't supposed to see that. My hair was supposed to hide it."  Esmerelda throws her hands in the air."Well, it didn't do a very good job. Young man, do you know how many others may have seen it today? If they have, they could come after you looking for answers too. You could blow it for many of the Blue Dragons. Is that a risk you are willing to take?" "Over a tattoo, Esmerelda?" He says nervously. "Yes, over a tattoo. My God. Who trained you?" The young man runs his hands down the back of his neck again. "Look, I can tell you are one of the new guardians, but it is a well-known mark the hunters look for, and if they see the damn tattoo, they will do anything to you to get what they need to destroy the last of the eggs." "Okay, I will be more careful." He promises, "Although I still cannot give you more. I am curious about one thing, Esmerelda." "What is that?" "If you are not out to destroy the last of the golden eggs like the rest of the hunters. Why do you seek them?"  "Mmm, That is a very good question, young man." Esmerelda winks and stares hard at his c**k. "But, I have to go now find this Ailwin Adryth. Have fun dealing with your blue balls." "No, wait! Come back!" "Lovely." ******* The bright sun peeks through the mountain, painting pastel colors of pinks, blues, and yellows. For the past hour, Joffrey is watching the clouds float across the sky while he stands steady, gripping a dagger in his hand. He nods to himself and sighs, knowing its time to go.  He walks inside his cobblestone cottage and looks around at the walls at the paintings of a woman and him embracing one another, and some of just the woman with long flowing chestnut brown hair. Her thick full lips and round emerald eyes are a sight he will never forget for the rest of his life. With heavy feet, Joffrey walks over to one particular picture. It has Joffrey and his woman sitting in the forest by a huge oak tree. Their oak tree.  Joffrey lowers his head, a single salty tear slides from the corner of his eye. He grabs the frame off the wall, turns his head, and busts it to pieces. Taking the photo out, Joffrey sighs. "Always for you, Jodine. Always for you." Joffrey slides the photo in his shirt pocket and wipes away the tear. He clears his throat and gathers his knapsack and dagger, "Leigh better be ready. In honor of Jodine, I will find the eggs, with or without Esmerelda," and with full determination, he slams the door and heads to the fountain.   
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