Tinkerbell’s Claws

2357 Words
Drinking all night with Owen was a bad idea. At the time it felt like it had to be done but maybe I should have slowed it down a bit. Usually, all I drank was wine together with Nina. She's pregnant now so I can't even remember the last time we had a moment like that. Now it was tea time with Nina which was still fun. My head was pounding and it felt like I was floating on my bed and not in a good way. One wrong move and I felt like throwing up. Going out with Owen wasn’t happening again. Rolling to my side I reached at my bedside table, grabbing my phone I checked the time. The bright light f*****g blinded me causing the pounding in my head to get even worse. Ten in the morning. I could stay in bed all day but I knew I’d feel better after downing a bottle of water and taking a shower. Another wave of nausea hit me, rolling to my back I closed my eyes and hoped it would go away. My eyes snapped open when I felt soft pressure against my chest, “You can’t hold your liquor, can you?” I recognized that sassy and slightly annoying tone everywhere. There was no way though. My brain was f****d after all the alcohol I downed. It had to be. Trailing my eyes to my left I cursed seeing the smug looking Tinkerbell beside me. What the f**k did I do? She laughed quietly the sound no less annoying. It made the pounding in my head worse too. Trying to suppress a groan of pain I rolled away from her, feeling like throwing up when my feet hit the ground. It's then when I realized I wasn't wearing any clothes either. Fucking great. Tinkerbell leaned her elbow in the mattress and rested her chin upon the palm of her hand. She looked like she was having a great time. That smug look never leaving her face. She raked her eyes over my body, pulling her bottom lip between her teeth. I wasn’t sure if I liked that look on her face, I think I preferred the smug look. “You’ve been hiding all of that under that suit of yours, huh.” Rolling my eyes I turned around and walked into my bathroom, hearing Tinkerbell make a whistling sound which was completely unnecessary. That woman I’d never understand nor would I ever understand why she ended up in my bed. Temporarily loss of my sanity is what I was going to call it. Showering and getting rid of not only the disgusting feeling of my hangover but also the evidence of last night made me feel better already. Wrapping the towel around my waist I moved in front of the mirror, brushing my hair to the side. I could definitely use some more sleep and downing maybe five bottles of water would also help. Quickly brushing my teeth I prepared myself to face Tinkerbell. I couldn’t keep ignoring her, she was a guest in my house. There was also no denying me sleeping with her, there were scratches on my arm and back which was proof enough of what happened. What worried me was not finding a used condom in the trash. Treated her nicely would work in my favor to start the awkward conversation of not using a condom being a problem or not. There was no point in freaking over it. I needed to think ahead. What steps to take if it would become a problem. Taking a deep breath I left the bathroom ready to face Tinkerbell. It surprised me to see her not wrapped up in my sheets with that smug look on her face. Her clothes were gone too. There was no way. Rushing out of the bedroom in only a towel was not the brightest idea I had but it fitted in with all the other stupid mistakes I made so far. I stopped in my tracks when I watched Tinkerbell open the front door which I didn’t lock last night and nearly ran into Joy. Joy looked surprised to see the pink haired woman and when I approached them she looked absolutely horrified. “Good morning.” Tinkerbell broke the awkward silence, “If you could move out of the way I can take my leave.” I couldn’t allow her to leave yet, we didn’t have the talk yet. Joy wouldn’t appreciate it if I did insist on Tinkerbell staying but at the moment it was far more important if Tinkerbell stayed and Joy left. Didn’t my ex-girlfriend make it perfectly clear she didn't want to see me for a while? It made no sense to me that she was paying me a visit already. “Tink-“ I stopped before referring to Amber as Tinkerbell, I reminded myself that I needed to show the woman more respect right now, “Amber, we need to talk. I would prefer it if you stayed.” She glanced over her shoulder, throwing me a knowing smile, “I’d like to have breakfast with you, but I need to go. Something came up.” “Right now?” I asked, not buying her excuse at all. She held up her phone, “I left my number on your bedside table.” She smirked at me, “Give me a call, yeah?” She then pushed past Joy who hadn’t moved aside even though Tinkerbell asked that of her as politely as she could. I glanced at Joy who stood frozen before my front door. The horrified look never left her face. I could only imagine what went through her head. I slept with her only a few nights ago and already did the dirty with another woman. I could understand why she was upset even though she didn’t have the right to be. “Why are you here?” I asked, “Thought you didn’t want to see me for a while?” It came out rougher than I intended to but at least it brought some life back into her face. I noticed how she clenched her fists at her side. She was upset now. It would make her talk and maybe then she’d leave so I could gather my thoughts. I needed to figure out what the f**k happened last night. “Owen looked like s**t this morning so I got worried.” She explained, “Seems like I didn’t have to be. You already had someone to care for you.” If I stood any closer I was sure she’d show me her claws. The distance between us was good. “It wasn’t like that.” It really wasn’t. Tinkerbell didn’t take care of me in a considerate or gentle way. She might have blown my mind last night but there wasn’t much of it that I could remember. All I had was the evidence of our night together on my body. Joy’s eyes scanned my half-naked body, “Sure, it wasn’t.” She shook her head at me, I could see a flicker of sadness in her eyes but it was gone when she looked at me again, “Good luck with whatever that was.” She spat at me and walked away. It didn’t look as sassy as Tinkerbell’s departure. She tried to look confident about it but I recognized the sadness and disappointment in her. Her shoulders were slightly shaking. I made her cry again. I didn’t want to feel like s**t for treating her like this, but I did. Right now I hated myself for what happened. Sighing I closed the front door and made my way back to the bedroom. I did find Tinkerbell’s number on my bedside table. I quickly saved her number in my phone and left both her scribbled number as my phone on the table as I got dressed. I’d wear comfortable clothes and hang out on my living room couch for the rest of the day, trying to remember whatever I could about whatever the f**k happened last night. *** “You managed to get out of bed today?” I asked as I let Owen in, “There is leftover pizza in the kitchen.” The man made a grumbled noise which made me smirk. He still felt like crap, he did drink a lot more than me last night. It was actually a miracle that he managed to come and see me. He sat down on the couch and grabbed the remote control to change the channel. He made himself right at home as if he had been here on a regular basis, which was not the case. “You made her cry again.” I sighed, taking a seat beside Owen and reached for the bottle of water which I left on the coffee table. Gulping down the remaining water, I got comfortable on the couch as well. “She saw Amber leave this morning, she wasn’t supposed to be here so that’s on her.” Owen chuckled, “Didn’t know you were that cold-hearted. You’re in luck I feel like crap right now otherwise I’d have punched you.” It sounded like an empty threat so I wasn’t worried. “She needs to move on.” Owen didn't say anything because he knew I was right. He glanced at me and smirked noticing the marks which were visible on my arms despite the grey tee I was wearing. The bits and pieces I did remember of last night made it clear just how rough the s*x had been. I’m amazed Amber walked out in style like that, there was so little I knew about her. “Amber has claws.” He chuckled, “Looks like a f*****g cat attacked you last night.” It felt like it too, but the painkillers got rid of that problem easily. “There isn’t much I remember from last night, I’m pretty sure she did tie me up at one point.” Owen laughed, making a face because his head was probably still throbbing. I smirked at him, getting to my feet to grab him a glass of water. “Need some painkiller?” I asked. “That would be great.” “Why aren’t you in bed?” I was curious why the man decided to pay me a visit, he wasn’t about to hit me for making Joy cry so this visit was odd to me. I handed him the glass of water and the pills to help with the headache he had, “Lucas kicked you out?” “Joy kicked me out because she blames me for what happened last night.” She wasn’t completely wrong about that. If I didn’t get shitfaced together with Owen I would have never brought Tinkerbell home with me. “Well-“ Owen glared at him, “f**k you, you wanted her and you know it. You two were all over each other. Teasing and edging each other on. It was f*****g embarrassing, I felt like the third wheel, honestly. You ending up in bed together wasn’t a f*****g surprise to anyone who looked at you.” I never wanted to admit that, but that would be immature of me because the evidence was there. Deep down I apparently did want her. I didn't know why there was nothing about her which I found particularly charming. “I suppose I find something attractive about her.” Owen narrowed his eyes on me, “You know, at least your sister had the decency to own up to her attraction to Blackwood. You’re in denial and it’s not cute.” “Listen I can barely remember what happened last night. I know I must have found something attractive about her but I can honestly not remember what made me behave like a teenager. I was immature last night the lack of using protection with her is proof of that.” Owen choked in his drink, “Didn’t need to know that.” He muttered, he tried to pull himself together, “I’m sure Amber took care of it. She’s very responsible you know.” I didn’t believe that at all. “Sure.” Owen sighed, “I ensure you she is. I mean it’s not great that you two did that without using a condom but I have a feeling she’s on birth control. Didn’t you two talk about it this morning?” “We would have if your sister didn’t show up.” He made a displeased noise, “Fair point. Then give her a call and plan a meetup. This is something you need to talk about.” “I was planning on doing that. I’ll do that tomorrow.” Owen placed his glass down on the table then shrugged off his shoes, “Now can we not talk about your dirty s*x with Amber and play a game or something.” I preferred that too. So I grabbed the controllers, handed one to Owen and started up the console. Tomorrow I’d give Tinkerbell a call and hopefully leave our mistake in the past. I didn’t remember much of last night and maybe that was for the best. I was scared that if I did remember more of it I’d want a repeat of it. That would be a f*****g mistake.
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