Chapter 13-2

2031 Words

“From here, we monitor all activity on the planet,” Nubern said as they paused just past the doorway. High above the holographic Earth was the dark, starless sky. Austin blinked. Wait a minute. He squinted into the night sky, wondering at the absence of stars. His eyes focused on three, no, four blue shapes moving across the sky. They grew in size and the colors shifted from blue to a soft red and back again. “Those look like jelly fish,” Austin whispered. The others leaned back to stare into the sky. Nubern followed their gaze. “Ah, yes, they are. This is Earth Command, also known as Atlantis Command.” He slapped Austin on the shoulder. “Come on! We still have a schedule to keep.” Nubern led them through the controlled chaos of the room. Dozens of languages buzzed around him. Most of

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