Chapter 22-1

2006 Words

Chapter 22 At your battle-cry, my lady, The foreign lands bow low. When humanity comes before you In awed silence at the terrifying radiance And tempest, you grasp the most terrible Of all the divine powers. . —Endheduanna, Sumerian High Priestess . NINSIANNA It was Ruax who'd gotten them addicted to As the Galaxy Turns. Each week, billions of people tuned in to watch the picture-play which depicted the happenings in both galactic empires far more accurately than the boring documentaries Lerajie liked to show them. A white-winged Angelic female's smile faded as a stern-faced, froglike nurse ripped her cooing newborn out of her arms. Lucifer's wives sobbed. Ninsianna wiped away a tear. If what Lieutenant Apausha said was true, the reality in the picture-words was a much more com

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