Chapter 79 - Slaughtered

1990 Words
After William said that, in an instant, all the heat around him began to stir wildly. "What happened? Why is this place suddenly hotter than before?” Reeve looked around him with a gloomy look, he suddenly felt the heat around the surroundings had stirred. At that moment, they saw the black-haired young man in front suddenly move both hands. The black-haired young man's two hands were quickly in front of his mouth to form a small circle. The black-haired young man suddenly inhaled the air around him until his chest puffed up. When that happened, they all saw the heat around them suddenly begin to move into the black-haired young man's mouth. It looked like all the heat that was around here was starting to be sucked into the mouth of the black-haired young man in front of them. "What happened? Why did the heat around us suddenly start to drop drastically?” “No, this is not a normal drop-in heat! All of this happened because of the actions of the young man in front of us!” “That man did it? But how could that man do it?!” There was great panic among the dozen or so spirit warriors remaining on the battlefield. They became extremely frightened and panicked because their four peak 9th stage spirit warriors had been so easily annihilated by another group of spirit warriors in front of them. Then a mixture of spiritual energy and fire element from the surrounding environment, it began to move into William's body. In just the blink of an eye, the two energies began to coalesce within William's body "Let's see how much power the Son of Fire Battle Soul has after leveling up to the next level!" William muttered under his breath. Then after feeling all the energy in his body had filled its capacity, William immediately let it out through his mouth. “Watch out for the oncoming attack!” When Reeve sensed that something was amiss about William's actions, his facial expression immediately turned very ugly. Don't know why, the dangerous instinct in his body told him that a huge spiritual energy force was coming his way. “Ancient technique - Sunrise!” William took a deep breath and spat out directly at the dozen or so people in front of him. The crimson flames emanating from inside the mouth immediately turned into a large fireball after passing through William's circle of fingers. The large fireball measuring 5 meters almost filled the entire underground cave passage. “Isn't this power too terrifying for a tier 9 spirit warrior like us?! How could that man possibly make an attack that only a tier 8 spirit warrior could do?! It's impossible!!!" “s**t, I've never heard of someone whose attacks are on par with the cultivation base of a peak 9-stage spirit warrior like that man!” “Is the person in front of us hiding his true cultivation base?!” "That can't be the case, because the protective array placed in this place can only be entered by a tier 9 spirit warrior!" “Does that mean the black-haired young man in front of us has returned his cultivation base to how it used to be?” "It's over, we will die if we don't run!" The dozen or so people became extremely frightened upon seeing the huge fireball attack released by William, all of them having no thoughts at all of fighting back or defending, all they could do was escape as fast as they could from this place. However, no matter how fast they ran it could never escape William's huge fireball. The huge fireball instantly enveloped the dozen or so people in front. The moment the dozen or so people were hit by William's attack, various tragic screams and screams began to emerge one after another from within the flames. But it's a shame because nothing can get out of that terrible big fire. This fireball attack is a combination of the spiritual energy within William's body, the blessing of the ancient sun god, and one of the Son of Fire Battle soul's abilities in gathering fire elements around the environment. It was because of this that William was able to bring out a power that exceeded the capacity of his original cultivation base which was equivalent to the strength of a mid-stage 8th tier spirit warrior. Moreover, the speed and power of the fireball were much stronger than normal fireballs, even the hot air made Prince Alfreed and Chiaki behind William feel intense heat. After the flames were extinguished, it didn't leave the slightest trace on the dozen or so spirit warriors, including their leader, Reeve. It looked like everything had turned to ashes without leaving any body parts behind. Countless ringing notifications from the system sounded inside William's head for having managed to kill them all. Even among the people William had killed, he heard that he had managed to acquire a new martial arts technique. Despite that, William just ignored him and slowly started walking back towards Chiaki and Prince Alfreed with a pale expression on his face. As William walked towards the two of them, he suddenly felt weak and finally spat out a mouthful of blood from his mouth. Pu! “Damn, this is the effect of forcing in the remaining soul energy of the red fire lotus spiritual plant! Those plants should only be used for spirit warriors tier 8 and above who already have a lot of soul energy storage capacity, I don't know if this counts as a blessing or a disaster.” William sighed softly, and could only resign himself to falling to the ground in front of him. But before William could feel the hard texture of the ground, he felt someone's arm had grabbed him. When William turned his head, he saw that Prince Alfred had caught his body swiftly and swiftly. “William, are you all right? How's your body doing?" Prince Alfred tried to help William to his feet. “Let's get out of here quickly! I just felt a living being staring at us somewhere!” William spent the last of his energy saying those words before falling unconscious as he couldn't take the weight of the pain in his body any longer. William was a little worried that many people would move in this direction out of curiosity about the sudden change in spiritual energy in the underground passage. If the two of them were surrounded by other Spirit Warriors, then the situation would be even horrible than before. "Let's go!" Prince Alfreed carrying William's unconscious body on his back fled with all his strength with Chiaki and moved towards the passage of the cave passage they had never been through. There were countless underground cave passages within the center of the area, without William's eye of life guidance, it would be impossible for them to find their way out in just a short time. Therefore they could only come up with other plans and find a hiding place to hide. Even Prince Alfred only had a small amount of spiritual energy left in his body. After fighting for so long, no matter how high and how strong his previous strength was, he was currently only an advanced level 9 spirit warrior who only had a limited soul energy capacity. Even Chiaki who was in charge of defense only had very little spiritual energy. With her cultivation base not as high as Prince Alfreed's, and being heavily injured from enduring Reeve's attacks, it was a miracle that Chiaki had still survived until now. Right now the three people were truly at the point where they were exhausted. If they faced another battle, perhaps there was only one waiting for them which was death. After running for about a kilometer, Prince Alfred began to feel his feet as heavy as lead. Every step he took forced him to break the boundaries that were in his body, but he could only grit his teeth and keep moving forward until the last minute. As they turned a corner, a group of three appeared in front of Prince Alfreed and Chiaki. It made both of them's hearts skip a beat. “Two people with a 9-stage advanced spirit warrior cultivation base and one with a peak 9-stage spirit warrior cultivation base!” Chiaki quickly assessed the opponent's cultivation base with his spiritual perception and couldn't help but smile wryly. If only people like that appeared while their strength was still full, then Prince Alfred might be able to defeat him easily. But in this world there is no such thing as wishing, therefore they can only do their best to prepare for it. “Use the last point of our spiritual energy just to escape, hurry!” Prince Alfred said with an expression full of earnestness. This is the best choice for their situation, maybe that blurry looks like cowardice in other people's eyes. But this is the only option that is best for those who have had a lot of experience in the outside world. The busier the battle they made, the faster it would attract a lot of other people's attention. "Okay!" Chiaki could only nod his head in agreement with Prince Alfred's rational decision. Then the two of them mustered all their remaining spiritual energy and suddenly increased their speed to the max. This was the last resort they could do! "Hah? The cultivation base of the group in front of us doesn't seem very strong, but it looks like they're being seriously injured! Shall we attack him?” “Looking at their previous direction, it looks like the three people just came out from where the underground strangeness happened earlier. They should have plenty of beast crystals and red fire lotuses, there might be a surprise waiting for all of us!” “This is a good chance to kill the three of them!” The three people no longer hesitated and immediately decided to take action. In this cruel world, one would never hesitate to kill others for their welfare. It was a custom that would not change from ancient times to today. Bam! Bam! When the trio's fists and feet landed on Prince Alfred's body, he neither defended nor fought back. All Prince Alfred did was take a deep breath to ease the pain and rushed past the three people. As for Chiaki, she only drew closer to William's body to protect the oncoming attack towards him. Attack after attack they had received to protect William's body. Blood had flowed from the corners of the two people's mouths, but after a while, the two of them made it through the group. "Damn it! Don't let them get away from us, chase!" The three of them never thought that Prince Alfreed and Chiaki would ignore all attacks and only muster all their strength to escape from the pursuit of the three of them. “There are still about 100 meters to get to the narrow cave passage, which William's Eyes of Wrath have found. It's the only hidden place I know of, once we get there we'll be safe!” Prince Alfreed held Chiaki's little hand who was beside him after seeing the little girl almost lose consciousness. Even though the two of them had almost lost consciousness, but persisted with the strong determination they both had. Too bad that hope started to fade after the two turned sideways. They saw in front of the road, there was another group standing in the middle of the passage. One of the three looked familiar to both Prince Alfreed and Chiaki. Even though Prince Alfreed and Chiaki didn't know his name, they still knew him. Because that person was a male slave who came from the descendants of the ancient barbarian race that William had previously recruited.
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