Chapter 65 - Offering

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"Can I speak to you something?" William approached the male slave who was of the ancient barbarian lineage and asked very curiously. “Talk to me? Do you want to bring me to my knees to spare my life? Sorry I'd rather die with honor than beg like that!" The male slave who came from the ancient barbarian lineage frowned and looked at William coldly. As a slave, He was ready to die at any moment while following the assessment conducted by the Secret Service Organization. With his low cultivation base and status as a slave, He knew that his life was no longer valuable in the eyes of the Rosch Family. “Better to die with honor than to beg for your own life? Are you sure you still want to think that way after thinking back on the regrets you have in your life?” William looked intently at the male slave in front of him. When William finished saying that, He could see the expression on the face of the male slave descendant of the ancient barbarian race in front of him had turned ugly. "What do you really want to say?" The male slave descended from the ancient barbarian race asked very glumly as if He didn't really like William's thoughts. As a descendant of the ancient barbarian race who loves to fight, He would rather die honorably in battle than die unreasonably. “You know, there's nothing wrong with letting your pride drop in order to survive! After all, as long as one survives, they still get a chance to get back what they want.” William looked at the male slave in front of him with a light smile. “Getting a chance to catch up on what you wanted?” When the male slave who came from the descendants of the ancient barbarian race heard what William said, He had a stunned expression on his face. It was a persuasion sentence that he never expected. "That's right! How about I make you a nice offer? If you make it out alive from the Secret Service Organization's appraisal, you can come to me any time you want! I can give you something that neither Albert Rosch nor the Rosch Family can give!” William said with a wide smile plastered on his face. When the male slave who was descended from the ancient barbarian race heard William's words, He subconsciously frowned. Then with a face full of curiosity, He asked, “Something neither the Rosch Family nor Albert Rosch can give? What a very proud word! I admit that your power is very unique, you could even say that you are the most mysterious person I have ever met! But just by looking at you, I know that you are not someone with a strong background like Albert Rosch. What can you give me anyway?" When William heard those words, He just grinned widely. Her beautiful eyes that were red like Ruby gems looked directly at the male slave in front of her. “I admit that my background can't compare to Albert Rosch! But that doesn't mean I can't give you what you want and what you want to achieve in your life!” "Something I want?" The male slave who came from the descendants of the ancient barbarian race subconsciously looked down while muttering softly, as if He wanted to ask himself what his deepest desire was. "Yes! It is an opportunity to stand on top of the world!” William smiled confidently. When the male slave who was descended from the ancient barbarian race heard what William said, the atmosphere around his body had changed. Just by looking at the expression on his face, William could tell that the male slave in front of him had become excited. But the excited expression of the male slave in front of William did not last long, the male slave had a face full of disbelief at what William had just said. “Standing on top of the world? What a very arrogant speech! After all, who's going to believe your bullshit anyway?" If someone were to say that they would be standing at the top of the southern continent, perhaps that male slave would believe it a little. Although standing at the pinnacle of the southern continent's power seemed impossible, it didn't mean that there was no chance at all. But just now he heard from the mouth of someone who had just killed Albert Rosch, the man said that He was confident that he could stand at the pinnacle of the entire world's power. It really was the funniest bullshit he'd ever heard. “Who believes in my bullshit? If you still have dreams of becoming an influential person with strong power, then I will give you the opportunity to follow me! As for why you should trust me? Because I believe that one day our organization will stand on top of this world!” William looked at him with a faint smile. Then after William finished saying those words, He turned his body towards Prince Alfreed and Chiaki. As William drew closer to the two of them, He could see the stunned expressions on both of their faces. “Why are you two just sitting here? Let's go to the central region to look for the fire lotus soul plant!" William put his black robe back on and walked away from the scene of the battle. Prince Alfreed and Chiaki had regained consciousness from their confusion and started following William from behind. The three of them had gone towards the central region, which was the volcano region where the fire lotus soul plant grew. Right now, William still didn't know that the world he was in wasn't as simple as it seemed. The adventures ahead will be filled with various kinds of life-threatening dangers and some ancient mysteries that have been lost from the world of the gods begin to unfold before his eyes. “An opportunity to stand on top of the world? If I become a person who can stand at the top of the world, it's possible that I can find the reason why our ancient barbarian race ended so miserably. Not only that, even with strength, I can protect the princess from any trouble that comes her way!” The male slave who came from the ancient barbarian lineage muttered quietly in his heart with a hint of sadness, Him subconsciously turned his head towards William and his two companions leaving. Even though his words seemed like nonsense, seeing his confident attitude made him remember William's words in his heart. Unknowingly, the slave boy's respect for William had risen to a good thing. Even though those words sounded like jokes, there was nothing wrong with expecting the truth from them.
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