Chapter 25 - Main Features Have Been Unlocked

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Inside the tent, there was a young black-haired boy with his eyes as red as rubies, sitting cross-legged as if waiting for someone to arrive. That's right, the teenager was William. He had been waiting a few minutes since telling the little girl to take a blood sample. Then before a while, William saw a small silhouette slowly enter the tent with his body shaking. Just by looking at it, William could feel how nervous the little girl was. The little girl tightly gripped the hem of her skirt with both her pale pale hands. An expression of fear was plastered on her adorable face as if the little girl was afraid of what would happen to her. Suppressing the feeling of fear within her, the little girl step by step began to walk forward towards William. Seeing his fear, William subconsciously sighed helplessly and opened his mouth, “Chiaki, don't worry! I only need a sample of your blood, I won't do anything that will hurt you!" When the little girl heard a soothing voice from William's mouth, she raised her head and looked at William with her eyes shining with hope, "Really?" Being stared at by innocent eyes, William subconsciously nodded his head and replied, “Chiaki, do you think I have lied to you before? That's why to believe my words, and also I ask you to help me pull up your sleeves!” After hearing William's words, the little girl had a doubtful facial expression. Then he pulled up his sleeve and revealed his small jade white sleeve. "It will hurt a little, but don't be afraid!" William took out a small needle-like object from behind him and spoke softly to comfort the little girl. Unfortunately, the reassuring words were of little use, as the little girl was still trembling with fear. Even though William saw that the little girl was still trembling with fear, William hesitated a bit before walking up to her and sticking the syringe into the little girl's vein. The little girl's face contorted slightly as the needle entered her vein, her facial expression was that of someone trying to hold back tears. After taking enough blood samples, William immediately pulled out the syringe. “You did well Chiaki, now rest back to your tent!” William calmed the little girl by rubbing her head and telling her to return to her own tent. Seeing the little girl leave, William slightly rubbed his nose while smiling wryly, “Why does it feel like I am a criminal who just bullied a child?” Then William saw red blood in the injection tube. Inside the injection tube, the red blood gave off a slight scent that calmed William's soul. "Ding! The system finds a suitable world tree bloodline for the host's evolution." When William listened to the magnetic sound of the system inside his head, he was actually very surprised after learning that the little girl's blood-red was extremely unusual, “World tree bloodline? Isn't the world tree said to be the first tree that was created with the whole world? It seems that the little girl's background is not simple! No wonder the demonic creature from the abyss of death is so attracted to the little girl's body!” "Ding! An unknown error occurred, the requirements to evolve have not been met! The host is expected to complete the requirements as soon as possible before it can evolve!” Just as William was feeling happy with his life the main feature of his system, he suddenly frowned slightly when he heard he wasn't qualified to evolve yet. “System, what exactly happened? Why am I not qualified to evolve?” "Ding! The host has not filled the third Battle Soul and the host's blood sample is not sufficient, that's why the host is not qualified to evolve!" The moment William heard that plausible explanation, he slightly nodded his head, “Don't have the third Battle Soul yet and blood samples are insufficient? There's some truth to that too! So the system, what's so special about having an evolved body? Does that mean I will turn into a race that is even higher than the human race?” "Ding! The intended evolution is not a change in the race of living beings, but some members of the host's body will have special abilities as a result of that evolution." “So it's like that, I thought it was called an evolutionary system because my body will become stronger as my cultivation base increases, it turns out that I have to find suitable special materials for my body." William nodded his head after knowing the explanation. Then William subconsciously looked at the injection tube in his hand and thought to himself, "Looks like I need to take the little girl's blood for a while, I'm really curious about what kind of Battle Soul ability this little girl has." Although William felt a little sorry for the little girl's fate because of his own selfish actions, William did not hesitate in the slightest to do so. It was because William knew the true nature within him that he was actually a very selfish and greedy person to want anything for himself. Even so, William did not throw away his true nature even though he knew that it was not following existing morals. As long as William still had his own conscience in mind, he was at least confident in his decision not to do anything that could harm himself. “Alright, time to complete the first requirement for my body to evolve!” William thought for a bit before making his decision. "System, open the system shop!" Luo Wen could only grit his teeth and look at the system screen in front of his vision. "Ding! The system shop has opened!” Then a blue screen immediately appeared before William's vision, he again saw the different types of items grouped separately which were the same as before. There are five types of names in the system store. 1. Equipment 2. Battle Souls 3. Potions 4. Companion 5. Disposable Items “Before I didn't have time to open the potions section and the disposable items section, so this time I wanted to see what the disposable items looked like.” William looked at the system screen in front of him while pinching his chin with his right hand. Then William saw the same look as at that time, the most expensive items that immediately appeared before William's eyes. Nuclear Explosive Bomb: 1,000,000 Evolution Coins Function: Can destroy a large city in one go. Although this nuclear explosive bomb looks the same as the nuclear explosive bomb that exists on planet earth, the system has changed the chemical substance in the nuclear explosive bomb with a terrifying world law of corrosion that can destroy any energy in this world. The power of the laws of this world of corrosion had the same power as the black aura of the abyss creature of death.
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