Midnight Visit

1148 Words

Trisha Damn! I can't believe I f*****g kiss him. I blamed it on the alcohol, though I only had two glasses. Well, three if you counted, the fruity mix that I choked on. So, his driver is now driving me back to my place. I gave him my address, while I typed a text to Devon saying I left Brenton at Players, as we met a couple of his friends there. I got back to my place and sighed. Taking off my shoes and going straight to the bathroom and started my warm bathwater. I stripped naked and walked to the kitchen to get a big glass of wine, and filled it to my liking. I got my phone and put it aside in my tub next to my wine. I put in some of my favorite oil and bubble bath to the warm water. I slipped into the bath relaxed, as my phone beep. Got your number from Brenton, I hope you don't mi

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