Chapter One: You're Just as Scary as Your Mother

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    "f**k you!"      "Ruslana--,"      "No, Elder Mathews. You don't get to call me Ruslana anything. To you, and everyone else, it's Alpha Ruslana-Slava until I deem fit otherwise!" I seethed, settled comfortably on my father's large well cushioned wooden chair.      I placed my hands on top of the large mahogany wooden desk in annoyance, looking down at the short balding man who sat across from me in a random stiff chair. The dark wooden floorboards matched the desk, yet gray wallpaper adorned the walls. A single window was placed in the center of the wall behind the desk, casting sunlight down on my features.      I was tall for a woman, yet short for a werewolf, as I stood at five foot nine. My messy brown bob swayed with the movement, brown eyes glinting darkly in anger.      "With all due respect," he stated disrespectfully, looking directly into my eyes, "but you haven't had your ascension yet, Ruslana. You are no Alpha."      A low growl rippled through my throat as my anger flared. "What did my father say as he left town, Mathews? Please, do refresh my memory."      A sweat bead dripped down his balding head, gray eyes twitching from nervousness as he pursed his mouse-like mouth. "He stated to the pack that you're his stand-in Alpha while he's gone. Because he didn't have a Beta to do so when he left." He said lowly, almost as and after thought.      I leaned away from the desk, walking around his chair and placing my hands on his shoulders. "That's right, father doesn't have a Beta! Now, remind me what happened to his Beta, Mathews?"      He swallowed visibly, not daring to move as I put more pressure on his shoulders. "Beta Ademar had betrayed him and disrespected him, many years before your birth, so Alpha Vasili tortured and then killed him."      "You're right! That is what happened after all. Now Mathews, let me remind you of something." I released him and went back to my chair, leaning back comfortably. "Unlike my father I snap and act on my anger much quicker. If you ever disrespect me again I will not hesitate to rip out your throat. Elder or not, disrespect will be repaid by my claws in kind."      I narrowed my eyes at him as he shifted in his seat, not saying anything in turn. He gripped the manila folder in his hands tighter.      "Are we clear, Mathews?" I asked, a low growl nearly blocking out my words.      "Crystal!" He squeaked out, before setting down the now wrinkled folder in front of me. "Now onto more pressing matters..." He trailed off, looking anywhere but at me.      I glared at the manila folder as it slid to a stop inches away from my hands. "Did you not hear me earlier, Mathews? I said f**k you, which means I will not look at your f*****g marriage candidates!"      He slid a hand on mine, in a comforting like gesture. "Now, ah, Alpha Ruslana-Slava, the agreed engagement date is fast approaching. You will need to mate before the ascension so that the Konstantin pack will have a rightful Alpha."      My anger rose, teeth lengthening into those of an Alpha wolfs nearly three inches long as they protruded from my mouth lips peeled back in a snarl. "Rightful!" I barked out a fake laugh. "Do not humor me, old man! Does my mate have the Konstantin blood running through his veins? Is he the first born child of my father like tradition dictates? f**k no! I am the next Konstantin pack Alpha! The Konstantin blood runs through my veins not my mates! I will be the Alpha of this pack, not my mate! My mate will take my name as his but that does not make him the Konstantin Alpha!" I finished, standing now claws gripping the desk, a growl ripping through my snarling canines.      Mathews retracted his hand quickly. "But Ruslana--,"      I cut him off not patient enough to listen to anymore of his bullshit. "Does having a d**k suddenly make any man more qualified than the blood heir to this Alpha position?"      He said nothing, but his answer was in the air, in his eyes he spoke his peace focused on having a male for an Alpha.      "Fine have it your way." Excitement danced across his features far too soon, right before I tore through his throat with the claws on my right hand. He looked at me in confusion as he grabbed his throat and choked on his own blood. "I told you what would happen if you disrespected me again, Mathews."      I leaned back again as his body limply slumped against my desk, his blood pooling on the desk and staining the folder. Slightly curious I opened the folder and poured out its contents while l*****g the blood off of my claws. All the men in the list were somehow related to the Elders of our pack, and all rather unappetizing. I snorted as I saw a picture of Mathews' son scattered in the lists. Disgusting, aristocrat werewolves conniving to sit their sons on my throne.      "Damn. You're just as scary as your mother. You two make Vasili look like an angel." Said an aged yet energetic voice as someone entered my office.      I glanced up from the b****y mess to see Uncle Owens, I smiled up at him immediately, like there wasn't a dead body on my desk. "Uncle Owens! You just have such perfect timing don't you? Would you mind burning these papers and throwing his body to the wolves? You wouldn't mind at all? Great! I knew I could count on you!"      Uncle Owens blinked down at me once, the scarce wrinkles on his weathered skin seeming prominent as he frowned down at me. At forty-two he had yet to find his mate and has always looked over my brothers and I as our uncle despite not being blood related at all. His golden curly locks are still as full and lush as when he was younger, or so mother says. Blue eyes shined with amusement as he lifted Elder Mathews over his shoulder and grabbed the folder.      "Of course I would help you out, little Slava. But I had come over to remind you to call your father and mother, and to also prepare for the Alpha meeting we're going to be going to tomorrow night."      I nodded in understanding before leaving the room, going towards my room to find my phone. When father had let me take over most of the Alpha duties he and mother moved out of the pack house into a nearby house, letting me take over the Alpha quarters. Even after moving in I didn't change the decor, I appreciated the dark scheme. Black carpet, darkly colored wooden walls with matching wooden furniture scattered throughout the room. The king sized bed was adorned with black silk sheets and many fluffy pillows. The only difference was that I added a large darkly colored wooden vanity table in the far left corner of the room.      Flopping down on my bed I reached for my LG 6 android while unplugging it from the charger. There were only nine contacts in my list, all family, and I quickly clicked on Dad's number listening to the phone ring. On the last ring he picked up and I immediately spoke, not even giving him a chance to say hello.      "I'm going to kill all of your Elders." I stated in monotone, rolling onto my stomach and propping myself up on my elbows.          A distinctly feminine laugh made its way to my ears. "I can see that everything's going well at the pack then, yes?" Sylvan, my mother, asked lightly with amusement.      A smile lit up my face. "Mom!" I stated in greeting before getting back to the main topic. "Well it is now, I mean I did just rip the throat out of Elder Mathews after all."      She didn't miss a single beat. "That's my girl! I never liked that a*s, he always had it out for me because I was human. You gave him a clear warning before you attacked, yes? You know how your father likes to give our victims a fighting chance."      I laughed, loving how in sync I was with my mom. "Yes, Mom, I clearly warned him right before I lunged. It wouldn't have mattered anyways, he was disrespecting me too much I was going to kill him either way."      She hummed in agreement. "He was bringing bullshit up about forcing you to marry someone who wasn't your mate again, wasn't he? You know your father and I would never make you do something like that, Ruslana-Slava. Vasili was almost forced into doing that right before he met me, you're like your father in some aspects. I'm sure you'll find your mate any day now."      I made and incoherent noise of agreement, not being so sure that she was right. My birthday was next Friday, April thirteenth and today was Wednesday the fourth. I'm cutting it way closer than my father ever did, and it's beginning to make me nervous. At least his pair was a she-b***h that ended up being kicked out of the pack, giving Dad the few days he needed to meet Mom. I haven't even been given a pair, I deemed all candidates far too ugly, nor found my mate.     "You and Dad are going to be back home for my birthday and ascension, right?" I asked, playing with a short strand of my brown hair.      "Of course, Slava. We wouldn't miss a single birthday of yours for anything, and besides, we're already making our way back towards the US. We're in Spain now." I heard a crash and some strangled grunts in the background.      "Well that's good to hear. Um, Mom, I was also wondering where Dad is. I mean, I did call him." I stated in confusion.      "Oh, don't worry about him Slava. Some guy told me I had a hot a*s and asked for a piece of it so Vasili went ape s**t on him. He's still beating the s**t out of him, so I answered his phone for him." Sylvan answered with a laugh, probably watching her husband fighting.      I laughed into the phone, happy that my parents are enjoying themselves. They were never able to go on a honey moon after marrying, they were too busy with the pack.      "I'm glad you guys are doing well, Mom. I love you, but I'm going to have to go. Give Dad my love?"      "Of course, love, I love you too. We'll see you next week." And with that we hung up.      "Alpha Ruslana-Slava! You're needed in the war room!" A wolf called as he knocked on my door.      Without responding I exited my room and followed to wolf to the war room, which was on the second floor. It was a large room, with plenty of space for pacing, with a singular rectangle table in the very center that could seat twenty. In the center of the table laid a map of the North American continent and all five alpha territories outlined. Out of all five territories, mine was the smallest much to my dismay.      Looking into the war room I saw Uncle Owens, my younger brothers Alexei and Vladislav, Grandpa Aaron and Ray. Grandpa Aaron is the warlock who took care of Mom when she was younger, when she was sent to a Juvenile Correction facility for killing two people in self defense. That was when she was first introduced to the world of crime, where she began her ascent to one of the highest positions within Grandpa Aaron's g**g.     Grandpa Aaron is ridiculously tall with dark blue skin. He's shrouded in a thick gray cloak with metal armor like pieces on his shoulders, chest, and forearms. Looking like he wears armor from the medieval age. His black hair is always pulled up into a high ponytail, his hair so long that it nearly touched the ground. Black markings are etched across his face, almost as though they were tribal tattoos. His eyes have slits for pupils and are such a light and bright blue that they almost mixed with the whites of his eyes. The most, err noticeable, feature of his was the large a*s horn that protruded from his forehead. It was a couple inches long and curved, a deep blue color that matched his skin. He carried a staff, tall and sharp, a rugged black staff made out of rock, seemingly created from basalt.        Alexei and Vladislav, being sixteen year old twins, were off near a corner rough housing. For twins they couldn't be any more different. Alexei is a ginger, looking quite like our Aunt Barzakh, with brown eyes and is well over six foot. Vladislav looks more like me with his chocolate brown hair, yet has green eyes, but is just as towering and muscular as his younger brother. They were both outspoken, energetic and playful teenage boys despite having such important roles resting on their shoulders.      Ray Irkalla Williams is my cousin, a half blood like me, and my Aunt Barzakh's only son. He's half human half vampire, an immortal like his father with no problem with sunlight and an interesting magical ability somehow inherited from his mother. He is lean yet short, barely reaching five foot seven. Black hair with green eyes, almost looking nothing like his mother.      Ray smiled a toothy smile at me, showing off his fangs. "My favorite cousin! How have things been?" He asked, clasping our forearms together in a strong shake.      Nearby Alexei and Vladislav whined, jealous that Ray likes me better. Grandpa Aaron came up behind me with a bone crushing hug, lifting me off my feet as his staff stood all on its own.      "Little Alpha, it has been so long since I last saw you! You've grown so much, sweet little Slava. Although, I hear you're growing up to be much like your mother! How proud I am to hear such psychotic praises." He exclaimed in a childish amazement twirling me around for good measure.      I laughed in delight of seeing my grandfather again. "Enough, Gramps! Let's get onto what this war meeting is about. After all, the annual Alpha meeting is tomorrow. Shouldn't I be practicing what should be done then? Is something the mater?"      "Actually," Ray said, "something is the matter, Alpha Ruslana-Slava. My coven lives in a back woods town in West Virginia, and West Virginia is under the Konstantin pack domain. Yet Alpha Belam keeps invading our territory claiming rights to our lands, your lands. Since he had been messing with our coven it means he's invaded by far more than crossing over the border, since West Virginia is far within your territory as is. My mother and father thought it best to tell you right away that you're being invaded so you can take this up at the meeting tomorrow."      I responded with silence, simply looking down at the map. Obviously if an Alpha wanted to take over any lands they would start with mine first, since we are the smallest pack on the map. Yet Ray was also right that Alpha Belam has invaded my territory by more than crossing a border; Ohio is within my territory and that's a state before West Virginia. If an entire state of my lands has been invaded why am I only hearing of such things now?      "Send a party to the nearest werewolf city in Ohio. I want a status report on the state as a whole tomorrow morning, and no, do not call first. If enemies are there I want them in open view." Alexei, who is in charge of recon teams nodded at me before leaving the room.      "Now Vladislav, give me some logistics."      "On what, dear sister?" He asked as he walked closer to me, looking down at the same area of the map as I was.      "On how easy it would be to kill Alpha Belam at tomorrows meeting."      My brother blinked at me once, but, understanding the blood thirsty person I am he didn't question me. "No one is allowed to bring armed men to the meeting, so, you have a better chance killing him there than you would on a regular day. Yet, the other three Alphas will be there, and even though there are no current alliances, I do not know how they will react."      Running a hand through my hair I hummed to myself in thought. "What of the Alphas weapons? Surely they are allowed to bring one or two swords, yes?"      Vladislav nodded. "Yes, sister, two swords and one aid."      I tapped my chin in thought. "Now correct me if I'm wrong. The best way to kill Alpha Belam at such a summit would be if he forces my hand in front of other Alphas so that no one could try to have me tried by their laws. So, during the meeting I would have to wait until Alpha Belam insults and disrespects me, and since he's invading my lands he'll no doubt disrespect me at such an important summit, because no Alpha takes disrespect lightly. And definitely not from another Alpha."      "You are correct."      "Now, dear brother, what would lead Alpha Belam to insult me more? Bringing a vampire, warlock or a little brother, who is not Alpha while a female is Alpha, as my aid?"      He c****d his head to the side, thinking. "I believe that bringing a vampire as an aid would definitely piss the Alphas, in general, off yet it would not be the best option. As this is your first societal outing as the Konstantin Alpha bringing the eldest Konstantin son as your aid would stir up nasty remarks. Seeing as the Alphas don't like half bloods, or female Alphas taking charge they will already be muttering disrespectful things about you. But..."      "If I show up with you waiting on me hand and foot, the Alphas who believe female Alphas can't do anything but bare their heirs will not know anything to say other than disrespectful words. Giving me just the reason I need to slit Alpha Belam's throat at such an important meeting. After killing him you will send a message home, mobilizing our troops."      "Ah, the Belam pack will not be expecting someone to invade during the annual Alpha meeting because the one you have to kill to take over the rights of the land will not be there."      "Correct, and as we take them by surprise you capture Alpha Belam's family and wait for me to arrive. As the law states, for another land to be taken over by another Alpha said Alpha has to wipe out that Alpha lineage leaving only theirs to take the throne."      My brother chuckled lightly. "Honestly, Slava, the only laws you remember are the war etiquette ones. Anyone can see that all your interested in is war."      I shrugged. "I do what I do for my people, our land is small and an easy target for surrounding packs. Growing by nearly double our size over one night will surely stop most invaders. Report to me as soon as you've gotten word from our men in Ohio, also, prepare our warriors for an attack against the Belam pack. I'll be in the training room if you need me."      Vladislav bowed to me slightly. "It will be done, Alpha."   
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