Hidden Ultimatum

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Lyria, of course, had no desire to go to Cyrrillest. She had no real desire to stay at Winding Road Pack, either, but as the saying went, ‘better the new moon you can predict than the silver knife you can’t’.  “What kind of competition?” she asked, numbly. Twice a year, all the packs sent Warriors to compete in tournaments of strength and skill for the Royal Court. But she would never have expected to be picked for one. To be picked for a Royal Tournament is considered a sign of favor from the Alpha, a great honor, and a chance to commune more closely with the Goddess. No Moonglow had ever been able to go, not even as so much as a spectator. The most recent Royal Tournament had also just been two months ago, and it was not time to begin the selection of the next round of Warriors. Other than the occasional challenge from another pack, where there would sometimes be a call for a ceremonial wrestling match or other competition in lieu of an all-out battle, the reasons for wolves to engage in competition were not numerous at all. “Well,” said Alpha Windmere with a smirk on his face that curled his lip unpleasantly close to his nose and caused his eyes to flash with dark amusement, “as it happens, the King is looking for a wife.”  Lyria was shocked. The King’s solemn promise to never love another was well known throughout the entire land. After a moment, Lyria managed to stutter out, “Wh-what? Impossible,” but in her heart, she could see that Alpha Windmere was telling the truth. There was no hint of a lie behind his eyes, no hesitation to his words. “It’s true,” Alpha Windmere said. “Heralds were dispatched yesterday to travel throughout the kingdom to spread the word to each pack. Of course, as one of the closest packs to Cyrrillest,” his dark eyes glowed greedily with the brag, “we are one of the first packs to receive the news.” “The King has prayed the Mourning Prayer?” came Lyria’s timid voice, before she even realized that she was speaking. It was all too much to process. “No,” came the rumbling voice of Beta Delune. “The King has agreed to take a wife, not a mate.” Lyria was shocked. Though not entirely unheard of, taking a partner who wasn’t your true mate in the eyes of the Goddess was considered an abomination by many. Winding River Pack was not, by a long shot, the most pious pack in the Wolf Kingdom, but she couldn’t imagine some of the more religious packs signed off on this proclamation. “A loveless marriage? He would choose a wolf who would then never meet her mate?” she asked in scandalized tones. “It is an honor!” thundered Alpha Windmere, glaring at her. “It would allow his chosen wife to become the Queen, the mother to his children, and an example to this country. Watch your tongue,” he growled as she opened her mouth to retort. “The King has given every promise that whoever he chooses will be cared for and well looked after, even if he doesn’t love her. A King must have heirs, or the country falls into anarchy.” “Why me?” Lyria asked. “Each pack is permitted to send one to two potential future Queens. The most beautiful and talented wolves among them. We haven’t been given details of the competition from there, only that somehow a wolf would be chosen and that the Queen who wins will be honored..” Lyria waited. She knew there must be more, since Alpha Windmere would never pass up an opportunity to insult a member of the Moonglow family. And Lyria knew well that Alpha Windmere would never admit that she was a particularly special or talented wolf. Sure enough, Alpha Windmere added, “The King is sending delegates who will make the official selections, but I am permitted to make nominations for consideration. I'll nominate you and my daughter, Aidria. She is the talent. You,” the Alpha’s tone was begrudging, “are the beauty.” Lyria knew she was considered beautiful by many of the other wolves in the pack. She was seen as desirable, but most wolves were dissuaded by her low birth and the Alpha’s refusal to elevate Lyria. After a long moment’s hesitation, Lyria said, “of course,” she said. She tried to appear impassive and subdued, despairing, “though I hardly think myself any competition for such a prestigious event,” she added, wondering if she could talk Alpha Windmere out of this idea, out of the ridiculous notion. “Never mind what you think,” Beta Delune said impatiently. “We have to begin preparations immediately.” “And if I refuse?” she asked, careful to keep her tone neutral so that the question could be interpreted as merely curious. In her head, the wheels were turning, frantic and frenzied, hoping to seize on some means of escape. “Well,” Alpha Windmere replied, his lip curling upward in amusement. “You are the oldest of five siblings, I’d certainly hate for any of your younger siblings to find themselves unfit for any work besides a scullery maid in the pack, all because they are related to a young woman who thinks only of herself and not of what is best for the pack. Still, if I did have to report your selfish behavior to the rest of the pack, surely they would understand why I wouldn’t want to take any chances on the Moonglows who, when given the chance to win honor and glory for Winding Road Pack, chose not to. And, of course, I would have to seriously consider the fate of a packmember who turned her back on the wellbeing of the entire group. Is that truly someone we want to share a lifetime bond of love and trust with?” This was the answer Lyria had been afraid of. For a moment, she hung her head, staring into her palms while she considered her options.  Truthfully, she knew she had none. Alpha Windmere was not asking her to go to Cyrrillest. He was telling her, plain and simple, that her fate was already being held in the palms of a King who would either reject her or sentence her to a loveless lifetime of marriage. In her mind, she realized with despair that she would have to play the game. She consoled herself that the odds were not good that the King would ever even look at her, let alone choose her. With a small, almost imperceptible nod, Lyria agreed. She couldn’t bring herself to look at the others in the room, nodding instead of the table at which she was seated and keeping a resolutely fastened gain on the table when Alpha Windmere and Beta Deluna began to discuss their plans to be rid of her as soon as possible. “Hopefully,” said Alpha Windmere, “none of the challenges will be too dangerous. There’s never been a tournament that hasn’t ended in at least a few dead contestants.” Lyria felt a sick feeling in her stomach and finally looked up into Alpha Windmere’s eyes. “I’m sure I can hold my own,” she said in response, staring unblinkingly into Alpha Windmere’s eyes. “I have so far,” she added. Alpha Windmere’s expression darkened. “Of course you have,” he spit out.
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