Chapter 1

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Angel's P.O.V The file dad gave me contained the details of my new mission. the mission where I have to travel to South America and kill some dangerous rogues, I have always loved to go to missions like these cause I got to kill destructive rouges. "You ready?" Asked Zeus my male best friend hoisting his duffle bag on his muscular shoulder, he was wearing the typical bad boy clothes which kind of did suite him. He is a vampire, not just any vampire. he is a vampire prince but he disowned it saying that he didn't like sitting a room ordering people around to do things which he can easily handle with the flick of his wrist, he likes adventure, going out in the open, facing your deathliest fears. and living your life to the fullest just like I do. guess this is what we have in common "Ready as always," I said with a grin clicking my gun on safety, I too picked my duffle bag off the ground and walked towards where he was standing along with my other friend Zeus is a tall, pale, well built, muscular, sweet and polite but dangerous Vampire, he hates being disrespected. he has brown hair, green eyes, he can get any girl he wants, and she would also be lucky,  but I don't feel attracted towards him, better yet I think of him as an older brother I never had Or when come to think of it, I've never had any feeling whatsoever for anyone for that matter. don't know why? maybe they don't have what I need? who knows, maybe I will find out soon. "Then, what are we waiting for?  lets hit the road " said Sarah making her way out of the mansion towards the front of our beautiful car, waiting for us to drive to our destination. Sarah is my childhood best friend, she is a werewolf but I don't hate her, but she hates wolf's more than I do, we 3 make a pretty good team. she tall confident, fair, with blue eyes, blonde hair and strong trained body. both of us are almost of the same age, we're both 17. as for Zeus, he is as old as my great-great-great late grandfather, too old in short. 3 hours later we reached our destination. We are in South America. the destination given to us is far away from the cities, and more into the deep wildness of the country, the accommodation is given to us was a secret house, given only to the trained hunters like us. "We are here" Zeus announced, he parked the car in front of old vintage and a proper haunted house, this place is a great spot of Halloween, 'we should have brought our costumes with us' I think sarcastically in my head.  we got out of the car pulling out our luggage, our duffel bag only consist of our clothes and fewer weapons, whereas there suitcases that consist of deathly weapons, knives, guns, rifles, arrows, and quiver, you name it. we have got everything we will need on this mission thehouse given to us was not in a good condition but not that bad either, it can look livable once cleaned thoroughly. it was 2 stories house, painted with a dull grey color or maybe the color has washed off years ago, but we have had worse than this. "Let's go," I said and we took our bags out, pulling the stuff together ready to be placed inside, but before I could move any further, I felt a presence. like something or someone was watching us, but when I turned around and watched carefully into the woods there was nothing. just utter and complete silence, maybe I was being paranoid strange, I thought, my gaze was still fixed on the trees, my instinct was hardly ever wrong. "You, ok?" Zeus asked following my sight to see what I was looking at. if his super sight couldn't see it, then surely there was nothing there. "Yeah, I'm fine," I said carrying my bags inside the house, the house inside was not as bad as it looked from the outside, it was livable. this place is now our home for the next couple of weeks, or at least till we complete our mission "Get settled, we leave at 7," I said and left for my room, I always get the upstairs room. The benefit of being a princess I guess, the room was not bad, a single bed with a bedside table, a wardrobe, an attached bathroom, and last but not the least an old fashioned window. the moonlight would look great from this window. I took out my outfit for the hunt, it was all black. it had a lot of pockets for my weapons. I always go for guns and swords, I love sword and lots of daggers. and lay it on the bed. satisfied with everything I had for the hunt, I walked to the attached bathroom for a cold shower, the cold water helped in removing the tiredness from my body. making me feel clean and refreshed Soon it was time to go, we got information that there were few packs fewer wolves nearby wandering around, which means rough wolves were roaming around in this part of the area, it's a good way to start. so, here we are hiding in the trees waiting for the wolves to come out of their hiding spot and fall prey at our traps, we have masked our scent so they don't find us before we find them. we have placed a few detectors here and there, which will signal us with any kind of movement in those areas A few minutes later 8 wolves were coming our way, a couple of detectors flared up, signaling that these wolves were not the only ones here, we took our positions ready to jump but 4 more wolves came out of nowhere but these were not rogues they were pack wolves 'What are they doing here?' Zeus and Sarah asked me through sign language 'I don't know. let's find out' I said back observing the rouges, they looked roughed up, nasty and gross. just like any other typical rough would have looked, the pack wolves were clean, tidy. but they also looked like they were about to be chewed to the bone by these roughs. We were watching them fight and let me tell you it was a waste of time. we could have finished them off by now, the one I am assuming is the beta was trying to fight back with all his strength but they lack in strength and 4 against 8 is not a good ratio before the pack members get killed brutally, we jumped into the bloodbath fight field and the wolves snapped their heads in our direction, all of them stared at us venomously charged rushing towards us 'this better be a good fight' though and took the safety off my guns 'Showtime' I thought smugly 2 rogues attacked with Sarah trying desperately to knock her down, what surprised them was that she suddenly jumped on top of them and turned into a huge dark wolf growling lowly and dangerously at the roughs and 2 of the roughs attacked  Zeus, maybe they didn't sense that he was a high powered Vampire or maybe they simply ignored it 'fools'. rest of the roughs rushed towards me but it's nothing I can't handle, I'm human but I'm a human with deadly weapons, and humans with weapons are far more dangerous than anything on this planet Those roughs lunged towards me growling and snaring. as it neared me. I took a fighting stance and waited for it to reach me. I held its head and threw it upside down. smashing its face into the hard ground, almost breaking its neck. I punched it, kicked it, and cut its throat in a swift moment with my dagger, then 2 other rough wolves came towards me, looking furious with what I had done to one of them. but I cut their heads off in a swift moment with my sharp sword, the last one was a bit stronger than the others. it caught my sword in its filthy mouth and threw it on the ground, as I tried to reach to my gun it pushed me on the ground and was on top of me in seconds, but I kicked it away. pain shot through my head, maybe I had a concussion. all of my weapons were on the ground and a bit far away from where I lay flat on the ground with no other weapons left, I took off the scarf off my face, it was long enough to chock the wolf to death or at least it would buy me some time to get one on my daggers, it lunged towards me again but I kicked its guts and as it dropped on the ground quickly I wrapped the cloth around its neck, putting pressure on the right places successfully chocking it to death. it had scratched me in defense, making my arm bleed from the claw mark Moments later the wolf was dead when I looked around for any leftover threats I caught the beta was looking at me with awe. I just smirked and walked to my friends, Sarah had some cuts but it has started healing, Zeus, as usual, didn't have any cuts, all the rogues were dead.  we took off knowing very well that the pack members will be here soon, probably because to take care of the mess that we made. "That was easy," Zeus commented while lying lazily on the couch "Very easy," Sarah said joining him on the old beaten up couch I had a weird feeling of being watched, again. the feeling was too intense to ignore. "What were they doing here, anyway?" I asked confused "What did they want?" "Well, that is for us to find out," Zeus said closing his eyes with a peaceful look on his face, for a person who killed a living thing an hour ago, he sure did look calm and peaceful. "You need some stitches," Sarah said inspecting my arm, it was still bleeding but she wrapped a cloth around it stopping the excess blood flow "I'll be fine, don't worry," I said with a smile "Let's get some rest," Zeus suggested being the lazy person that he is, with that he went to his bedroom "Sure, " me and Sarah said at the same time And we were off to sleep, tomorrow we have to look around for the reason why those rogues keep on coming back. what did they want? is there something that we didn't know? As I was deep in my thoughts there was a shadow on my window but before I got up it was gone. this is suspicious Having all these thoughts I drifted into the sleep
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