2- The Battle of Bloods

1140 Words
Just as Christian had planned, after completing the ritual with Kate, he was ready to become a hybrid. But to do that, he needed to die. Moreover, die by the hands of his enemy. Well, that was not a tough task for him. He had already planned to get Ava back even if he had to kill everyone. If Van agreed to give Ava back to him peacefully then he would probably let the fucker go with just a good beating. If he did not then Christian was not going to hesitate from killing Van's entire pack. There was a very tiny chance of Christian getting killed by Van because his attack on Van's pack was planned as a surprise to those fuckers. But Christian could not take any chance. He could not die without having Ava. The ritual that he had completed with Kate was just going to make sure of that. So if he won, he will stay an Alpha werewolf. If he did not, then he will become a werewolf - vampire hybrid. It was a win - win situation for him from both sides. During The War He could not believe he lost the war to Van. He could not believe he could have lost Ava if he had not planned to become a hybrid for her. Tears of individual pain were covering both of their faces as Ava said, "Everything is over Christian! You killed my soul bit by bit and forced me to live in a broken relationship. Our relationship was over even before it started because of your ego and now when I'm happy with someone else, why can't you just accept the truth and GO AWAY!" She screamed the last words in frustration as she moved a few inches away from him. Christian's eyes darted towards a couple of feet away standing Van. Even though Van was injured badly, his eyes were trained on Christian's every move. "Then kill me." Christian said to Van. "Kill me right now because I can not live without Ava. I can not see her with someone else." He panted as he wiped the blood from his mouth while standing up, "I know I did wrong but until I am alive, if Ava can not be mine, then I can not let her to be someone else's." Van's fist clenched in anger. His body was covered in blood. Just as he was ready to lunge at Christian, Ava's voice stopped him. "Leave him Van. He is not worth it." They turned to leave but Christian's voice again stopped them. "Kill me Van." He screamed. "Kill me or I swear to Ava that I will kill her first and then I will kill myself because she loves you. If I can not live with her, then I will not let her live with someone else also. Call it my obsession for her, but she will be mine until my last breath. The choice is yours." Van and Ava's hearts were beating frantically. They knew it was not an empty threat but they did not have any option. So ignoring his threat they took another step and in the next moment Ava felt a sharp pain in her nape as she was grabbed and thrown to the floor harshly by Christian. Ava struggled to breath as Christian kept her captured under his hold. Ava heard the angry howl of Van's wolf through the pain in her head. Christian's hands were squeezing her neck to death. "I've always loved you, Ava." She heard the last whispering words out of Christian's mouth. In the next second, he was grabbed by Van's wolf and his neck was snapped to death. One Year Later When my dead body was handed over to my pack, according to my previously given instructions to my soldiers, they had handed it over to Lisa. Lisa, as we had planned, took me to Kate who made sure to make my transformation from a werewolf to a hybrid successful. What did not go according to our plan was, my half nature as a vampire. Because I was the first hybrid, we did not know what effects were going to take over my body after the transformation. This was the thing that we should have think through deeply. We did not. So obviously it bit us back in the a*s. Three Years Later Just as I had woken up after the transformation, my throat had felt like it had been set on fire. My body was cold to the point of freezing my own damn hair in a summer season. My body had started loosing weight. I could feel my own bones with just the tips of my fingers. I was constantly hungry. So hungry that I could not even walk from one room to another without drinking someone's blood. But my battle with myself had just began. Six Years Later I have started loosing my senses because of anger, hunger and the undeniable, constant need to have Ava in my arms. My patience had long ran out. I had already tried killing Kate a hundred times. I knew it was not her fault that my transformation was clashing my werewolf blood to the newly formed vampire blood, which made it impossible for me to transform quickly. The clash between both blood was unexpected as well as unplanned. Having Kate with me at all time was frustrating as well as assuring. I wanted to kill her but she was the only reminder of having Ava in the world that kept me going. She was the only source that kept me giving constant details of Ava's whereabouts. I wanted to kill her so badly for making my reunion with Ava a long, slow agony. But I couldn't. The hunger was still killing me but I had started developing a habit for it. Now I could go without blood for a few hours. Though I still needed to stop tearing every human apart that came into my view. Nine Years Later The clash between both of my bloods had finally subsided. Though I was still very weak because of hunger but it was not that intense that it had been for the past few years. I could finally go almost a day without blood and tearing anyone else apart. Now I could feel a little better in my own skin. My skin was not constantly burning or chilled. It was coming down to a normal temperature slowly. Rather than going insane, I had decided to focus my senses somewhere. Anywhere. I needed to stay sane. So I did the only thing that I needed to think about. This time, instead of acting irrationally, I decided to make a full proof plan. I needed her back, and this time, I can not fail.
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