The bell never rang again| Part 2

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Mason and his group could help her in case things got ugly. For the past week, he has been hell-bent on leaving the school building and reach for the coliseum inside its grounds. After all, that's where anything reassembling a weapon it's stored. With her support, she could convince him of sneaking out from the safe place they have and he would very likely bring Adam, Jason, or both with him. He was her best choice. Besides, she would also be able to get a little closer to him. Killing two birds with one stone! She allowed herself a private smile as the fear and excitement traveled her nerves. She wanted her friend to see the stars again and maybe, the old Layla could come back. "what are you smiling for?" Emma jumped a little at Mathew's intrusion, however, she quickly turned around to meet him with more enthusiasm than he was expecting. "Has Mason mentioned anything about wishing to go out?" "More than what he already has to the teacher's you mean?" "yeah! Has he?" Mathew stared at her now with suspicion. She realized her mistake and tried to salvage the situation. "I'm trying to understand him a little more, I think it's important we all get along here, don't you?" "I don't know Emma. It sounds to me like you are trying something dangerous here." "Emma?" Layla spoke up making Emma's heart peek, looking at her she saw genuine fear in her eyes. "Emma are you trying to leave?" "NO no!, I'm just trying to have a better relationship with him!, You know why Layla!" Layla's eyes relaxed a little bit, of course, she was aware of Emma's interest, but she seemed to forget someone in this conversation didn't. "Wait a second, you like my brother?." "Me? Oh, it's just that" it was useless, she could feel the blood rushing to her face, letting out a defeated sigh she straighten her back and stared directly at Mathew "Yes, I do like him." For a moment she saw his eyes twitch, like if he was angry for some reason, but why would he? "So, you are gonna try to risk your life to get my brother's attention?" Oh, if he puts it that way, it becomes more understandable his reaction. Emma struggled to find words to fight back without spilling out her entire plan. -No. I won't let you put yourself at risk for something so imbecile as that, so forget about it. Emma. Right after finishing his statement he turned around signaling the end of the topic and looked away from her. She frowned at his stubborn reaction and wanted to hit him for misunderstanding everything. Kind of. Then the soft pulling of her hair made her look at Layla once again and she was not happy either. "Don't do it." In less than a minute her entire plan had gone to hell and what was worse. She had made angry both of her closest friends. If not only. However, she was not gonna give up on her plan. She knew that if everything went alright Layla would be happier and they would understand. "I won't, Layla, I'm sorry." The two friends stared at each other for a couple more seconds, then Layla finally let go of her and dug her face deep in her arms as she rested on her desk. Something she did when she didn't want Emma to see her mad. "Good morning everyone!" The joyful and singsong voice of Miss Juliet it's always a welcomed surprise. Emma looks up and immediately feels a little bit better. Miss Juliet dresses in a modest grey blouse and a long black skirt. Together with a dark blue long fur coat. Her hair is brown, somehow shiny, and tied on a braid that falls on her left shoulder. She was a young woman and used to be in charge of the kid's classes. She always enters the class with a welcoming smile, her blue eyes helping you feel at ease. As well as her calm voice. The door of the classroom opens and the rest of the students walk in. Each one taking their seats. The only one who misses Miss Juliet's class is Annie. "Today we will go over the anatomy and the biology of frogs. It may not seem interesting, but please! Don't hop away from class just yet! I'm sure you will have something to catch your attention!" Low laughing filled the room, she wasn't funny. But somehow, her positive demeanor filled everyone with hope and joy. As Miss. Juliet's class advances, Emma finds herself lost in thought once again. This time she remembers the comforting arms of Juliet when she inquired about Emma's household. Her calm, approachable self-made her c***k open about her parent's divorce. About how she felt like the source of it all and. Oh no, her parents. A painful sting hit Emma right in the chest, so much that involuntarily she brought her hand to her chest. Her father. A police officer should have been at the center of the outbreak when it all began. And he had left a voicemail in Emma's cellphone from the moment he tried to call her. She turned off her device on the second day when it was low on battery. She was terrified of listening to whatever it said. And her mother worked as a secretary in the electric company of the city. Her business building it's at the center of it. In other words. She felt that the possibilities of they being alive were low or none. Just as her thoughts of being reunited came she panicked and thought about anything else. In this case. How would she get to the balcony? As the morning passed and the room shifted between laughter and silence Emma thought about a way to speak with Mason without alerting Mathew, who would more than likely tell Layla. Upsetting her in a way that Emma was not wishing to see. Suddenly, a wristwatch began to make a sound. Signaling Miss Juliet's class to be finished. A couple of unhappy voices made clear their dislike of the time passing so fast. Miss Juliet simply smiled and addressed her students. "It's been another wonderful morning, remember you can see me in classroom sixteen if you wish to have some counseling. After that, you know you can talk to me at any time!" She had also been the school counselor before the outbreak, so her support pushed everyone out of the pit we fell when it all started. With that, the imaginary bell rang and recess had begun. This meant they had half an hour before the last and least liked class began. Probably only Emma and Jason enjoyed math after all. "I apologize if I came out too aggressive." Mathew spoke to Emma out of nowhere. "me too. Emma." And so did Layla. "I know you both just worry about me. It was a dumb idea anyway." Both of her friends smiled back and everything seemed forgiven. Miss Juliet's presence did wonders in everyone's mood. "How do you think other places are right now?" Mathew said as he moved his desk slightly closer to the two. "better. Hopefully." "I'm sure some are, Layla," she said as she hugged her friend with one arm " I'm sure Australia it's doing just fine!" "No joke, middle of the ocean, a lot of terrains to hide. It's almost ideal." "I was thinking more about weaponized kangaroos." The group laughed and laughed even harder as Mathew spoke about giant Japanese robots and surprisingly Layla mentioned how in the United States very likely Texas was doing just fine. Emma stared at her friend once again, glad to see her smile and laugh if ever so briefly. There was no way she would give up on her plan. And she had come up with a great idea. "Don't speak too loud. kids." they looked at the teacher's desk and saw Me. Landon sitting cross-legged with his white shirt and grey jeans. On top, a thick leather brown jacket. A man in his mid-forties with a bulky frame and a bald spot on his short black hair. A thick beard on his face. "Mr. Landon doesn't care about the classes "Mathew stated while throwing distrustful eyes at the man. "We know. He seems to not care about us at all! I'm surprised he wanted to stay with us and not go with the other teachers to seek help." "he is probably the strongest of all the teachers. And yet, he is here." "maybe he was afraid?"Layla inquired innocently, making her two friends ponder on the possibility. "that is a good point. Even though I have never really seen him flinch, even that day." Mr. Landon seemed bored resting his head on his hand while he leaned on the desk, watching the students now and then before returning his attention to a magazine on his hands. Eventually, his class ended as well, so everyone was free to do as they wished and he left to the teacher's room. Where they used to have coffee at recess and sleep together at night. Once classes ended the empty four classrooms were used for recreational activities. One for workouts, where Mr. Landon spent the most time together with Mason's group and a few girls now and then, more often than not Sarah. The other was sort of a social group for support, where Miss Juliet would be if not counseling someone. Layla, Joshua, Jose, Luca, and now and then even one of Heather's bunch or in few occasions Hope. Apart from that was the lab A, where Jason and Brook spent most of their time, probably trying to come up with an answer on this outbreak. Only the two of them ever go there. Lastly was the Janitor's room, the only place with an actual bed. Every night someone different would get the room for themselves after much infighting over its ownership. Whoever gets the bed often stays there all day with someone, or in Annie's case on her own. Of course, they could simply return to the bedrooms. Emma needed to wait until everyone went to sleep so she could act. So she spent her day going around the rooms and mostly keeping to herself, staying away from the makeshift "Gym" as bathing was already a bothersome task with only small towels to get wet and clean yourself with. Speaking of which, Emma went to the bathroom and clashed with Mason as he went out of his "Shower", an embarrassing moment that she managed to avoid facing by quickly getting in the girl's bathroom right next to them. The day went by slowly, like every day. But eventually, night came in and everything was shrouded in darkness. The undead seemed to be able to see, so no lights are ever on at night. Emma lay on the floor next to Layla, some girls were talking while others occupied their minds with silly games. In time one by one they went to sleep, rest that often came very late at night since everyone was too on edge especially when the birds rested. The undead never made a sound, even as they walked somehow they managed to remain silent. So at night, everything seemed, dead. Having a couple of weeks of that and anyone would begin to lose sleep. Emma remembered the noise of cars and the occasional shouting, bringing welcomed memories of when things used to be happier. Then she opened wide her eyes, feeling her body jump slightly. She was falling asleep. Worried she immediately stared at the clock on the wall of the room, trying to focus her eyes on the dark until she could pick up the hour. 4:36 Am. She is running late. As quietly as possible she got up to the ground, making sure to not wake up the peacefully resting Layla next to her. On her tiptoes, she tried to hurry through the labyrinth of bodies sleeping. Thankfully Heather's snoring was a great cover. She stretched out to hold the handle and stopped as she grabbed it. She had to be quick, the decaying bodies of the walking corpses were very potent so opening any door would let the rotting smell in and may wake up someone. Making sure her cloth was well secure she opened the door and got out as fast as she could. Closing the door behind her with as much care as possible. "So, what did you wanted?" Her soul almost left her body when a sudden voice struck her alert ears. Turning around she saw Mason standing with his arms crossed. She raised a finger to her face signaling him to stay quiet. Then walked right to the makeshift barricade of desks and curtains separating their hallway from the rest of the school. Mason raised an eyebrow and decided to go along, he was already there after all. Once they were next to the wall he grew impatient and pulled out a paper from his pocket. "I got your sneaky note, so what is it?" Emma took a moment to collect her thoughts and try to wash off the feelings of pride she felt at the fact that with a simple "come see me at 4:30 am please" note managed to convince him. He may be putting the tough act, but she knew he was still the kind and thoughtful kid he tries not to be. Taking a deep breath, which proved to be a little mistake as she managed to catch some of the hideous smell. She straightens her back and spoke to the intimidating guy standing in front of her. "I want to go to the roof. Can you help me?" "Why would I do that?" She expected him to simply agree. This would require some explaining to do. "I heard you complaining about the teachers not letting us out and I wanted to let you know I support you!" Mason's eyes showed his growing suspicion. "You have never spoken up or shown interest in convincing the teachers before. And even if you did mean what you said why not speak to the others too so we could be more when going out?" Emma took a step back falling short on words, if she told him it was just to take her friend out to see the stars would he help her? " What makes you think we are even still wishing to do that?." She stayed silent for a couple of seconds and the moment she saw him lower his arms and be about to say something, very likely a denial of help, she decided to take a risk. "Mathew told me okay?" Mason seemed surprised, but stayed silent "You know we are still friends right? So he mentioned it and I wanted to help you." Somehow she managed to keep a straight face, or maybe her nervousness played on her favor as Mason finally looked elsewhere and brought up his hand to his chin in a thoughtful matter. "What can you do to help me? You don't seem very athletic. I will have to speak with Mathew about this." "I have this" Emma said pulling out of her hoodie pocket a small-sized metallic box, opened in front of Mason who seemed to recognize the lock picking tools "and I know how to use them." "Well now, it would have been easier to begin there." Emma allowed air to finally access her lungs once again, without realizing she had been holding her breath. "If you have the nerve for this, and the skills with that," he said pointing at the box "Then I don't want to lose time, let's go now before anyone else wakes up" With that Mason began to quietly move some of the desks to make for an opening. Emma stared at him diligently work a little lost in her thoughts. She was about to go out. She went for it. She would be outside where the dead walk. They silently march seeking prey in this coffin shaped like a school. And not only that but with none other than Mason, she was excited and deeply scared. But then the real driving force behind her daring actions popped up in her mind. There's nothing she wouldn't do to see her best friend smile. "We live in the 21ist century, Emma. Care to help?" She blushed slightly and nodded, proceeding to help him pull the chairs away. Until all that separated them from the main hall was a tiny space in the desks and a piece of hanging cloth. "Are you sure you can handle this? I don't want you panicking on me at the last moment." "Yes." Emma's instantaneous response took Mason by surprise. He then allowed a smirk to form on his face, clearly shown even if it was covered by a cloth piece. "Didn't know you were so brave, Emma." Once again, the blood rushing. They better leave soon or she may lose what little courage she hangs on right now. But Mason was serious, soon after saying that he looked at the space and carefully made his way through the opening. "it's clear, come in." Taking another deep breath, which once again caused her stomach to revolt at the disgusting smell. She stored her box back into her pocket and followed Mason. After struggling a little bit she found herself at the other side of the barricade and, she wasn't ready. Mason immediately placed a hand on her shoulder as she saw her give a step back. "Calm down, don't think about it, Emma." He hushed while shaking her body so she could snap out of it. But even he felt the strength leaving his knees. There was dry blood on the floor and leftover pieces of rotting human flesh spread around. But thanks to whatever being that watches over their misfortune, no corpse. Or was that something bad? Her mind had stopped working. Flooded my memories she tried to bury like everyone else, but sooner or later. You have to face your demons. And she went back to the beginning. "Emma! Snap out of it and help bring those kids here!" Emma came back to herself and rushed outside with the rest of the group, there at least a dozen students laying on the floor. Some had their limbs in weird positions while others had other more sensitive parts of their bodies twisted in ways they shouldn't. Like their necks. Some screamed some didn't speak while others mumbled words such as "This can't be real" "please no, please" or "THEY ARE DEAD!!" The high pitched scream of Heather made everyone return to themselves. "But maybe some are not!" One of the students pushed the crowd gathered at the door and ran to one of the students that seemed the least broken. He checked and realized it wasn't breathing so it began resuscitation. "Come on we can't stand here!" Mason said as he too rushed out. Many students had pure horror on their faces and right after Mason ran past the door they began running for the stairs. The student trying to bring back the wounded guy was doing his best when finally the guy opened his eyes. "Mason, come help" It grabbed the head of the student and pulled down to bite and tear off its neck in one single motion. Now almost everyone was screaming, one of the teachers jumped at the turned student and tried to restrain him with a chock hold from behind. "EVERYONE RUN AWAY!" As the students began to do just that one of them fell head straight to the ground as its leg had been grabbed by one of the bodies laying on the ground. But not only that, it had its neck mangled. With a single arm managed to pull the entire weight of the victim and just like the other, pulled out its entire calves with a single bloody bite that made the student scream in agony. Soon every supposed death student began to rise from the floor, no matter how broken their bodies seemed. The reanimated corpse of the student in the teacher's choke grabbed the torso of the man and dug its claws in his sides. As he screamed and let go of him the guy turned around and jumped at the pained man, bitting him several times as everything fell into chaos. Mason reacted fast and pulled everyone who had not yet run away inside the classroom, pushing the door with his body so none could open it. Emma stared through the small window of the door how all the undead ran at full speed to catch the other students who had ran away. Leaving only the teacher fighting for his life. "Open the door Mason we have to help him!!" Mathew screamed while trying to pull his brother's arm who shoved him with so much strength that it fell a couple of feet away. "I WON'T LET YOU OUT TO YOUR DEAD MATHEW!" "WE CAN'T LET HIM ALONE!" "DO AS I SAY FOR ONCE!!" The scream of the teacher broke the fight as it was soon followed by several crashing sounds. "You f*****g kids, I SWEAR ILL-" the clear noise of someone dragging his body off the ground could barely be heard through all the noise in and outside the school, but everyone was so on edge they could probably hear a needle drop"N-NO! GET AWAY FROM ME!!" Then feets running. Then silence. After several seconds of it, Mason raised his head to confirm there was no one else in the hallway and opened the door when he realized that there was no one else. Only the body of the guy that was attacking the teacher, his head smashed on the ground. But also, the body of the student with the torn open neck was nowhere to be seen. "Adam and Jose" Mason spoke and the two friends stepped out of the classroom"Help me throw that body in the room next to it. Everyone else gathers all the desk and big furniture you can and barricade this hallway!!" "We should be leaving for help Mason!" Mathew once again defied his brother by walking out right after Adam and Jose. "No! We must shelter ourselves here and wait for help, we can't risk getting separated right now" Mr. Asher intervened before the brothers could fight again"We must wall up the hallway, EVERYONE MOVE NOW!!" Teachers and students moved as they began pulling out large desks and chairs. Sarah came out of the bathroom with as many blankets as she could carry. Soon the barricade was being made and like a robot, Emma was lost in thought while she helped carry the desks. Then she saw Mason get out of the room where he left the body and even though anyone could tell he was as scared as everyone else, he was still guiding all of them. She would memorize that face. The same face that now stared at her a few inches away from her face. "Don't chicken out on me so fast, Emma." She whispered "No" a couple of times while she shakes her head, returning to reality. "I'm fine, let's go fast." "No. No fast- Mason nodded in approval and crouched as he made sure to make as little noise as possible- Slowly." With one last nod, Emma crouched as well and the two of them silently walked through the hallway. It was a long walk as they passed through several rooms. Both floors of the school were shaped like a square, with the first floor being connected at each turn and the second having a dead end on the front of the school. Where the group of survivors had barricaded part of the hallway. Once they reached the first turn Mason signaled Emma to stand behind him. They stayed close to the lockers as Mason's head peeked into the hallways. Unfortunately, they are there. Standing still, barely moving at all at least a dozen corpses waiting patiently for any signal that would awaken their senses. "What?- Emma said as Mason looked at the ground, his eyes moving from side to side as if in literally viewing his options- are there-" "Yes, the hallway it's filled, now let me think about something." Emma frowned at his rude interruption, so looking around her she stared at the locks in the lockers, pulling out her lock picking set she got to work. "What are you doing that for?" "There may be something we could use here." Mason stared silently as Emma struggled to open the tiny lock. After several seconds she began to get frustrated at the tiny object and the judgemental eyes of the teen next to her. "I thought you-" "CAN'T work on it while you stare at me like a stupid CHILD!, LOOK AWAY!" Her whispering voice rising at the last part as Mason shakes his head and returns his attention to the standing corpses. Finally, the click she wanted to hear, the locker now unlocked, she slowly opens up the metal box and looks through its content. A couple of books, some questionable adult magazines, and eventually, a baseball. "Got anything?" "Only this." Emma stretched her hand holding the baseball and Mason grabbed, stared at it for a little bit, and then nod. He stands up and without exposing his body to the hallway he launches the ball with so much strength and precision that it manages to hit the ground and bounce into an open door several meters away, crashing on a window and breaking it. The corpses seem to react as they stare inside the classroom and making almost no sound at all they drag themselves inside in search of whatever made the noise. Once the last one of them enters the room Mason walks fast without raising his body too much, taking care of not letting the others on the first floor at the central garden have a chance of looking at him through the several windows on this long hallway. Emma frighteningly tries to follow close behind. Mason stops at the last turn that leads left and straight to both the stairs to the first floor and the roof. He once again peeks and sees that there isn't a single one of them. Acting fast he runs to the room now filled with undead and quietly closes the door behind them. With his hand, he signals Emma to follow him, and the rest of the walk is uneventful as they reach the stairs. Both of them approach the corner of the stairs and look down. To their relief, there is not a single soul in sight. Looking at each other they nod one more time and head to the nearby stairs leading to the roof. There Emma pulls out her lock picking set and begins to work on the door. She is so focused on her task at hand that fails to notice Mason staring at her puzzled. He knew her of course, through his brother. And remembered playing together as young children. He was genuinely impressed at both her skills and bravery, not even Adam or Jose were as committed to the idea of getting out as she seemed. But before he could think more about it. Click. They looked at each other, excitement shining in their eyes. "Do the honors." He was smiling. And so was she. Without a second thought, Emma placed her hand on the handle and opened the metal door. Stepping outside was a blessing. No hesitation, she pulled out the cloth in her face and took a deep breath, this time feeling relief as she didn't gag. She wanted to scream, to let it all out from her chest. All the grief, all the pain, and fear. She felt more alive than she ever had. Who knew that something as simple as stepping outside could lift someone's spirit so much. "Hey, don't forget why we are here." Emma turned around and saw Mason digging through several wooden planks and other trash. Pulling out a couple of lead pipes and handing a pair to her. "We will hide them inside the barricade, under the blankets. With this, we can try to do something to get out of this place." "Y-yeah, of course." Emma avoided eye contact, she had forgotten completely about the fact that Mason was targeting this the entire time. "We should head back now. Someone could wake up any minute. You wouldn't imagine how Jose snores." "Ask that to Heather- Emma responded after giggling and securing her cloth on her face once more." "Believe me, I know." In their arms now six lead pipes they made their way back to the barricade, having closed the door to the roof and making sure they weren't seen from any of the walking corpses on the first floor. "I hope this is not the last time we have to get out together." Emma was about to wave him a goodbye when he spoke first, taking her by surprise. Especially with the soft eyes, he was now giving her seemingly out of nowhere. "Your skills could be great to further push us out of her and into the school coliseum- he said as he placed a hand on her shoulder." Oh. She thought. "Yeah, you can count on me in the future, Mason." He squeezed her shoulder and left to the boy's room. As Emma returned to the girls' room she was glad to find out no one was awake yet. Only Sarah had rolled around. So she walked back to her spot and saw Layla giving her back to her. She lay next to her and whispered. "I will show you the stars again, Layla."
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