CHAPTER 4: My Girlfriend

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Seth made such a declaration because he felt that Hannah’s dignity being compromised might be solved if he admitted that they were in a serious relationship. It could also stop Beatrice Lim’s stalking. And, it could also end his parents’ plans to set up dates for him. But honestly, he didn’t know how to explain this to Hannah. Daddy Alejandro, Seth’s father, wasn’t that surprised anymore by Seth’s revelation. He knew that his son had always had a soft spot in his heart for Hannah. But he still wanted to make sure that his son was really serious about it, “Are you sure you’re not just using Hannah to evade the setup date? I knew that Avi had already told you about it.” Seth needed to make his alibi truthful and so, “Hannah and I are just taking things slowly, Dad. She might already be emotionally matured for her age, but I don’t want to rush her. She will just turn 21 by July. But then Beatrice Lim’s scheme had cornered us.” Then Daddy Alejandro recalled Beatrice Lim, “Yeah, what about Beatrice Lim? Does Hannah know about your short affair with her?” He said, “Hannah already met her last Friday before we were photographed together. My relationship with Hannah started after that hookup I had with Beatrice Lim. Hannah didn’t want our relationship to come out into the open yet because she knew of the media attention that she might get. So we tried to be private about it. She is also having some problems at the moment. She couldn’t get another job because her former boss was spouting lies about her. She didn’t want my help.” Daddy Alejandro recalled, “Eliz had already offered her a job beforehand. The plan was that she would work for our company after her graduation.” He imparted, “She couldn’t leave her aunt behind. Tita Carmen preferred staying in Missi.” Daddy Alejandro asked, “What are her plans now?” He said, “She might already consider the job offer of Ate Eliz or she might go on establishing her own marketing firm, a small one first.” He was already unsure if Hannah working under her sister was still possible, since he announced his relationship with her. His father expressed, “Succeeding on her own is not a bad idea. But if you are really serious about her to the point of considering marriage, then eventually she will be occupied with the duties and responsibilities of a wife to the CEO.” He could sense the approval of his father on Hannah, so he told him, “Hannah and I will have to talk about it, Dad. I haven’t released any official statement yet to the public regarding our relationship. I don’t want her to get pressured about the complexities of my life yet. You also don’t need to pressure us about settling down this early in our relationship. She has a lot on her plate right now. Her aunt has just been diagnosed with ovarian cancer and so she wants to focus on this first.” Daddy Alejandro expressed, “Well, we need an expert in marketing the soonest time possible for this coming summer. Eliz is finding it difficult to elicit new advertising campaigns and feasible marketing strategies from her team. Perhaps she can work as an independent contractor first for us. If her aunt is sick, then it might be hard for her to move here to Veda City to work under Eliz. Anyway, you said that she is planning to establish her own marketing firm. She may then consider Villacorta Lands as her first client.” Hannah had proven her worth in the marketing field at Villacorta Lands during her internship. She performed exceptionally well regarding the 7 Ps of Marketing – product, price, promotion, place, packaging, positioning, and people. She also had an amazing talent at making creative and catchy advertising campaigns. He acknowledged this, “I will let her know, Dad. I am sure she will be very happy about this.” When his older sister heard about his relationship with Hannah, she immediately talked to him. Ate Eliz asked, “Why did you not tell me that Hannah is your girlfriend and that her aunt is sick? How can she comfortably work here for me when she is worrying about her aunt?” He told his sister, “She is just considering working for you. But she hasn’t reached a decision yet. She is contemplating whether to continue or not establishing her own marketing firm. Nothing is definite yet. Dad already told me that she may work first as an independent contractor for the company, since you’re in a rush to have a new advertising campaign and feasible marketing strategies for this summer.” Ate Eliz felt relieved, “Yeah, that’s possible. That way, we may also avoid the issue that she just got the position as my chief-of-staff because she is your girlfriend. Establishing her own marketing firm, no matter how big or small it is, is also a brilliant plan. Encourage her to continue with it. That way she can regain her credibility that such a horrible former boss of hers has ruined. I so hate that man! He took advantage of Hannah’s kindness,” and then said, “Anyway, I will talk to her then about the possible angles for the new advertising campaign as well as the end goal for the marketing strategies.” He informed his sister, “She got a new number already. Just ready the important files as well as the list of all those possible angles and end goals. Then I will ask my helicopter pilot to deliver such so my secretary. Gene would then deliver them to her. My men are monitoring her to maintain her privacy and security. The new contact number is also a privacy and security measure. And please don’t interrogate her yet regarding our relationship. She needs to focus on the work that you want to get done, plus she needs to look after her aunt. We’ll come together here after sometime. But for now, let us just give her the space she needs.” “Okay,” his sister agreed and then asked regarding business, “So what shall we do about those corrupt general managers?” He said, “I'm still in the process of investigating the depth and breadth of their corruption. We must clean up the entire mess. Everyone who is involved must go, from top to bottom.” His sister imparted, “It is the main reason why Lolo and Dad asked you to handle this matter. Their personal friendships with the general managers might cloud their judgment.” Later that evening, Seth called up Hannah. Hannah answered – Yes, sir. He spoke – Ate Eliz has an urgent job for you as a marketing expert. I told her about your initial plan to establish your own marketing firm. I already told her that you might not be able to move to Veda immediately because of your aunt’s medical condition. For the time being, Dad has suggested hiring you as an independent contractor instead. So you wouldn't have to worry about moving here for now. You can also start with this job to regain your credibility in business world. Working as a freelance marketing expert isn't a bad idea. This project will be your stepping stone to getting more clients and I can help you with that. Anyway, one of my men will deliver the files to you soon. I know that you will do great, so just keep on fighting. She expressed – I like it more this way. Thanks for this opportunity, sir. I’ll try my best. He said and then asked a more personal question – You do not have to thank me. You earned this job because you have shown what you are capable of doing during your internship at Villacorta Lands. So how's Tita Carmen? She said – She is fine for now. She is regularly being monitored. Her doctor said that the chemotherapy may start after two to four weeks. He commented and stated – That is nice to hear. The media attention about you has not subsided yet and I cannot do anything for now because I am investigating some corruption cases with all our general managers at the three isles. She assured him – I will be fine, just do your work there. I am not reading or watching the news. It might just die down naturally. He wanted to tell her the lie he had made up but he must tell it to her in person, so he just said and then asked – Yeah. Anyway, can I ask you a favor? She responded – Yeah, what is it, sir? He divulged – Please start addressing me as Seth. I feel very old whenever you call me sir. She agreed even stammering a bit as she mentioned his nickname – Okay, S-seth. Even if she didn’t watch the TV or view online news, she was already aware that everyone was speculating that she was Seth’s girlfriend. The female employees of the hospital were all looking at her from head to toe whenever she passed by and they were whispering about her being so lucky. But she also heard not so good comments like – Yeah, she is pretty, but she is so simple. Why did Seth Villacorta fall for her? I heard she is just the daughter of the former driver/bodyguard of Seth Villacorta who saved his life during that car accident almost two years ago. How did she win the heart of a handsome and young national artist? She is pretty and intelligent. But I heard that she isn’t rich. Her aunt was just in a ward a few days ago but when the national artist came, she was transferred in a private room. So the playboy billionaire national artist prefers a Cinderella. But then these people had immediately been put in their place by the hospital’s director when he addressed everyone in the hospital lobby – I called all of you here to address the hospital gossip circulating around here. Please stop all of this nonsense if you want to retain the good image of this hospital. We should all act as professionals. We must treat all our patients, as well as their guardians and visitors, with the utmost respect. Gossiping about their personal lives is not respectful. Let us respect their privacy. So please stop all this gossiping. Consider this as a warning because the next time I will not be lenient anymore. Honestly, ever since she reached puberty and started to have a crush, Seth had been his only crush. He might have a reputation as a playboy but he had always been kind and respectful towards her. It didn’t matter what others said about her or about him. Anyway, she was not that foolish to aim for a man like Seth. She is just contented admiring him. She did not want a rich man for a husband because she could always work and earn a living. She just wanted a man who would truly love and respect her, a responsible and insightful man like her father. Her childhood dream of becoming rich wasn’t actually true. Lately, as she matured, she had realized that having more than enough was just fine for as long as she is happy and healthy. As she had grown up, she had realized that being successful is being happy with what you do without stepping on others. Achieving your goals through dirty tactics is not self-fulfilling. When Primo handed her over the files from Seth’s older sister as he drove her home that night, she also noticed another folder containing all the information about the MBA programs of UF – Vienburg as well as Athenaeum. He thanked Seth’s driver/bodyhuard. When Hannah reached the comfort of their apartment unit, she prepared a quick and light dinner, a tuna corn mushroom sandwich with lettuce and pure mango juice. Afterwards, she took a quick lukewarm shower, dressed into her tank top and pajama pants. She reclined in her bed as she browsed the notes that was scribbled by her former internship boss. Then she browsed the files. A lot of ideas popped on her mind. She would need to organize her thoughts first. She already felt sleepy and so she uttered a silent prayer thanking God for the blessing of a new work in the midst of all the trials. She really felt reassured that God always provides. And then she slept. On her sleep, she had a very nice dream, she and Seth were getting married. Meanwhile, Beatrice Lim was already finding ways and means to know more about the lady who visited Seth that afternoon. Why they seemed to be very familiar with one another? Is she really Seth’s girlfriend? It had already been more than two months since they hooked up together for one night. Since then, Seth had ignored all her attempts to rekindle their flame. Is that lady just another of his casual one-time affair? But why did he allow her in his penthouse while she was not allowed? When she asked the front desk regarding the name of Seth’s female visitor that afternoon, the personnel were all mum about it, saying that it is their policy not to divulge any information regarding a tenant to another tenant including their respective guests. The following day, she also tried to go to Filipinas General Hospital in Vienburg City and just waited outside to see if that lady would come out. The lady came out in the morning and also came in after lunch time but she was escorted by two bodyguards in both instances. And she was using Seth’s SUV. Afterwards, she decided to search the internet for more information. So far, all she knew about the lady was her name, Hannah. She tried to search the internet regarding the past news articles about Seth to see if the name Hannah would appear. She saw the accident that happened almost two years ago in which Seth was like a mad man demanding the paramedics as well as the hospital personnel to save his driver/bodyguard named Herman Sandoval. She also had read in the news article that the national artist did not leave the side of the family of his departed employee to the interment. Another news was his sudden appearance in the graduation rites of UF – Vienburg College of Business Administration last academic year. Who could be the person he had suddenly appeared there? She searched news articles about the graduation ceremonies at UF – Vienburg at that time. Then, after reading a number of press releases, she saw the name Hannah Sandoval on the list of top graduating students in the college. She got the highest Latin Honors, as Summa c*m Laude and so many other awards. In Beatrice's mind – Could that lady who visited Seth be Hannah Sandoval? How is she related to Herman Sandoval? She tried to search the internet regarding Hannah Sandoval. A lot of old news articles appeared, including her topping the national college scholastic ability test; emerging as a national champion for a spelling bee contest and many other quiz bees; winning an international competition for the best ad campaign for among marketing/advertising students and many more. Based on her search, Hannah Sandoval didn’t seem to have any social media account too. Beatrice also read the comments section of some recent news articles about Seth and Hannah, she had discovered that Hannah was the daughter of Seth’s driver/bodyguard, who died saving him on a car accident almost two years ago. Based on the previous article she had read about the accident – Herman Sandoval had served Seth for almost ten years. So it meant that Seth had known this Hannah Sandoval for a very long time. But are they really lovers or just acquaintances? But then he treats this lady called Hannah so kindly. Seth wasn’t like that towards me or any ladies he had hooked up with in the past. He had only been known to be kind towards his family, friends and personal employees. As far as his romantic relationships were concerned, he only had two serious relationships, first with Margaux Villena and the second with Kimberly Cheng. Both had been publicly known. In both relationships, amicable separation happened. There were no reported exchanges of harsh words. Seth even attended the wedding of Margaux as well as the wedding of Kimberly. But as with his flings, he had just made it quick and casual. As many entertainment reporters described it, Seth never wore a shirt again that he had already used, even if it was washed clean already. When she approached him that night... FLASHBACK… She said, “Hi. I'm Bea Lim. Care to dance?” His casual reply was, “I'm really not that fond of dancing.” She sat down beside him and then whispered to his heart, “Then what are you fond of?” He callously replied, whispering into her ear too, “I just like hooking up. No strings attached.” She whispered back, “Sure! Where do you want to do it?” He whispered his answer to her ear slightly nibbling it, “We can do it in the bedroom upstairs.” She stood up and reached for his hand and led him upstairs. They were in a common friend’s bachelor’s pad. Their friend was having a birthday bash weekend party. He was rough towards her and she really liked it. When they reached the privacy of the bedroom, he immediately locked the door and pinned her there. He removed her dress swiftly, quickly unhook her upper undergarment, and hastily pulled down her lower undergarment. He didn’t claim her lips for a kiss. Instead, he nibbled on her right ear down to her neck. He had pulled down his pants and boxers at the same time and then quickly sheath his manhood with latex. He then guided her legs to straddle him while supporting her butt and then entered into her core. He let her body bounce up and down to his hardness. In just a few minutes, she had already reached her peak. He walked towards the bed, lay her down not so gently, and then went to the bathroom. He just cleaned up and then left her alone. Her s****l experience with him that night was by far the best of all her experiences. He might have been harsh but she felt extremely satisfied. She wanted more. After that night, Seth had just ignored her. She tried to divert her attention to another man, but he was just so hard to forget. And so she decided to follow him around and she swore to herself that Seth Andrew Villacorta would be hers.
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