The truth doesn't always set you free!!!

464 Words
The principal Mr Ebrahim entered the nurses office, since I told the truth she had to report it and now for the cruel consequences... "Miss Laaiqah Ebrahim, why is it that only you have a problem with Zidaan? No teachers complain about him and nobody I mean nobody has ever seen him do anything bad to you or anyone else for that matter!!! Anyway nurse if she is cleared can we go to my office and settle this matter... As he asked the nurse in a tone which sounded more like statement rather than a question, realisation hit me and that's when I realised that the reality is even though I did nothing wrong I'm still the one in trouble! I let out a deep sigh and let my mind prepare it's self for what ever was about to come. We entered the principal's office and then I heard Zidaan talking to someone having a good laugh I strained my ears to hear what was being said, "I wonder what she is getting out of this I mean you are one of the nicest kids in this school, it must be jealousy" the voice I hear seems to be the school secretary. Just great now im jealous, I should have kept my big mouth shut! Bringing me out of my thoughts I hear Mr Mansoor the school principal shouting at me to answer him when he asks me a question... Sorry sir I was lost in thought could you please repeat the question? Is this meeting of less importance do have somewhere else you need to be??? His annoyed expression tells me to be very careful now, I respond politely with a no sir even though in my heart I want to run as far away from here as I can! Let continue Mr Zidaan Hassim did you or did you not punch Miss Laaiqah Ebrahim? Zidaan looks at me with an obvious smirk and says yes sir I did but it was a mistake we were air punching and she came running around the corner straight into my fist, sir I apologized immediately and tried to help her but she refused. The principal removes his glasses and looks at me as though he is thinking how to hide his irritation and politely speak to me. After rubbing his forehead he clears his throat and said miss Ebrahim I understand that you were upset but the better person is the one who accepts an apology now shake hands and put this behind us so that you can make it to class without further incident. As we leave Zidaan whispers "you are going to regret this"!!! Truthfully I believe him.. Hope you enjoy chapter two, chapter three will be far more interesting so keep reading...
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