Arc 3 Devica Part 6

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Devica PART 6 Nephrite could not decide what to do. He had been trying to avoid Queen since the moment the latter arrived at the party. But he could not do it for the whole night. After all, he was working right now. Which waiter could stay at one place when everyone was running around like headless chicken at the height of the party, serving here and there? Nephrite could be considered lucky he could stay at the bar counter mixing drinks. Earlier, Queen left for a while. Nephrite sighed in relief, thinking things already changed. Who would have thought she would return soon? Queen had not made a move since then but Nephrite could not lower his guard down. “Brother Rei,” one waiter called Raven, “Could you lend me a hand? I really need to pee.” “Sure.” “Great! It’s for Table 15! Thanks!” Nephrite did not answer anymore. Carrying the tray of drinks, strode towards Table 15. Coincidentally, it's also the table where Irene sat, similar to the plot but some little things changed. Since Nephrite did not promise Aloysius, Irene went with her female friends instead. Earlier, Nephrite saw that the table was only occupied by girls and lowered his guard down, expecting the story flow to change. Who would have thought that these people would still appear here? Nephrite could only curse himself. “Dear guests, here’s your order.” “Quick, quick! Serve those,” one of the guests ordered him. As he served the beverages, he glanced at Irene. Coincidentally, she was also looking at him, panic was visible in her eyes. But before she could say anything, the young master beside her took the wine bottle and poured a glass for her. “Drink.” The young master urged her. It was the same scene from the past life. Only, at that time, Raven was not there anymore. Queen already dragged him away since the drug on the wine had already taken effect. An idea sparked in Nephrite's head. He grabbed the glass from the young master’s hand. Nephrite vaguely heard Irene’s shout as he drank the contents of the glass “Please respect the girl’s wishes. Don’t force her to do your bidding.” Nephrite wiped his mouth before pulling Irene away from the young master. He halted after a few steps. Without looking back, he said,“If I offended you, please take it out on me. Don’t vent it on the young miss.” He did not see the young master’s amused smile. “Raven, t-thank you. But my friends are still there.” “Don’t worry, I’ll ask the security to check on them from time to time. You should stay near Aloysius. His shift should end soon.” Nephrite led her backstage. “Stay here for a while. I need to get back to work.” He smiled before returning to the service area. Surprisingly, the young master and his group did not cause trouble. Nephrite grinned. But just as he was about to congratulate himself for the successful change of the plot, his vision suddenly blurry. Clutching his head, Nephrite leaned on the nearest wall. Curses flood in his heart as he forces himself to stay conscious. As if a sudden epiphany got down on him, the vessel’s memory flashed in his mind. Dawning on him like it was his own experience, the memory of the familiar sweetness and bitterness became vivid all of a sudden, as if it just hit his taste buds. F*ck! Similar in the past, the high-potent substance hit five minutes after consumption. This can't be?! Why was everything still going in the similar direction of Raven’s past life? He squinted his unfocused green eyes, gritting his teeth as he walked… To where? He didn't know. As long as Queen won't be able to follow him! However, before he could even walk further, someone grabbed his arms and pinned him on the wall. What the heck?! ______ Marcus thanked the police as they took care of the culprits. He tried as much not to involve the other guests and caused a commotion. Their security personnel subdued the man who delivered the illegal substance as well as the young master of the Stein Family and his friends. Unfortunately, the young lady was able to escape. Marcus frowned. How? Are my security team that incompetent or she’s just too sneaky? “Mr. Verge.” Xei turned around and saw a young man with blonde hair and blue eyes. The young man continued, “My name is Aloysius McCoy and one of the disk jockeys. I would like to thank Mr. Verge for saving my friend. My girlfriend told me what happened.” “Thank you, Mr. Verge. Raven saved me. If something happened to him, I—” the young lady's tears streamed down her face.” “Shh, Irene, it’s alright.” “What if Queen was able to do something to him? It was so hard to stop her at all.” Marcus noticed something, “This Queen, she..?” Aloysius replied, “She’s Raven’s ex-girlfriend but they already broke up." “She’s so obsessed with him. If Mr. Verge did not save him from Young Master Stein, who knows what could happen after he drank the drugged wine.” The crease on Marcus’ forehead deepened but he did not say anything regarding the matter. Instead, he handed Aloysius his calling card. “Raven is in room 305. You can go visit him. He can rest here. I already called a doctor to check him. I’ll inform you once he’s awake.” The club had Aloysius’ information so he did not leave it to Marcus anymore. He thanked the boss once again before leaving with Irene. After they left, Marcus called Secretary Smith. “Check security camera recording for the whole night and see if there were other people who interacted with Miss Stuart.” _______ Nephrite felt as if his head was being hammered continuously. However, as soon as he opened his eyes, memories from last night sank in. Someone pulled him. After he lost consciousness, what happened? His eyes wandered around the unfamiliar room, his mind in panic. Did Queen succeed this time? Nephrite shivered at the idea. Trying to figure out the events last night, the door swung open but he did not expect to see the person at the doorway. “Are you feeling better now?” “I still feel a bit dizzy.” Nephrite subconsciously answered. Eh? He looked up and saw the handsome figure in front of him. The elegant strides as Marcus carried himself as if he was in a fashion show made Nephrite feel something like admiration. Back at the cafe, Nephrite was not able to observe the other person except for a few glances. He was so focused on getting the job so he did everything necessary. He could only guess that it was due to the vessel’s desire to change his past. But now that Marcus was in front of him again, he could not help but admire this person’s appearance. Marcus has light brown hair that looks soft to the touch. Not to mention the prince-like aura, his height, probably around 188cm, was too eye-catching even in a crowd. Now that they’re alone together, Nephrite could not understand the feeling he currently had. Was it the president/prince-like domineering aura? Will he take this route in case he cosplay a character during the cafe’s event? What is this dominating aura? Wait, what is Marcus doing here anyway?! Why am I analyzing him? And, why am I panicking?! Nephrite took a deep breath, calming himself while gathering his thoughts. “Marcus, seeing you here...Did you help me?” Nephrite carefully asked. After what happened with Ignis last time, Nephrite could not blindly guess if the person helping him was Xei or not. Good samaritans can exist in any world, at the same time, this world was really unusual. Either way, he did not find Queen in this room, nor the young master and his group. Plus Marcus asked how I felt. Doesn’t it only show he knew something happened? Sure enough, Marcus confirmed it in his next words. “I apologize for our negligence. We were not able to capture the main culprit.” He explained how he saw Queen when he arrived to check the place in his cousin’s stead. Then he saw on the security camera how Young Master Stein pulled him and tried to bring him along. Nephrite felt a bit embarrassed upon hearing his situation. But, he was also glad. After all, there had been large changes from Raven’s past life now. Marcus’ involvement with him was a huge step to change the original vessel’s storyline. For a moment, Nephrite wondered if this person was Xei. Well, whoever he was, I owe him big time. Must repay the favor first! Nephrite shrugged.
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