Chapter 15

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His hazy mind was instantly cleared of his animalistic desires. "You..." he could not say anything else. He didn't know what to say to this stupid lamb. "You're still a virgin?!" he asked, clear disbelief evident in his tone. He knew it! In the back of his mind, he knew that Kelvin must still be a virgin. Cris avoided looking at his face once he started touching him because he felt like he was doing something wrong, but he ignored the feeling and convinced himself there was nothing wrong because of how Kelvin responded to his touch. The way Kelvin's body moved, the way he moaned, and the way he felt just by touching him, distracted Cris so much that he chose to believe these signs instead. When Kelvin nodded, and confirmed that he's in fact a bonafide virgin, Cris black pupils narrowed and a fleeting emotion flashed in them but he blinked and they were back to normal, as if it was an illusion. Cris Yoon breathed deeply as he closed his eyes looking as though he was counting to ten. When he opened his eyes again, he seemed angry, even though his face was again, undecipherable. Kelvin can just feel it. Kelvin was shocked. Did he fail the test? "Tell me... why are you still untouched?" Kelvin blinked. He really didn't know how to answer him, so he said the most logical thing he could think of. "Because I've never had a boyfriend before." "Why?" "I wasn't interested in anyone. I don't know... I haven't really thought about it." Kelvin knew that was a bit of a half truth. He knew exactly why he had never had a boyfriend before, but there was no way he could tell him the truth! "Don't tell me you have never been kissed either." Kelvin blinked. He just sat there in silence while he turned his head and started looking around the room. Cris Yoon shook his head in disbelief upon realizing the answer behind his silence. He ran his hands through his hair. He can sense that Kelvin might have not been with a man before but... to not even have been kissed at all before tonight was unbelievable! This was why he just couldn't shrug away the possibility that he might have been wrong in thinking he was pure and innocent - because it was very hard for him to believe that someone could still be a virgin at 20 in this day and age! Did this young man want to enter priesthood at some point and then change his mind about it or something? How did he even get mixed up with someone like him? He got up and dressed himself. "Get dressed." He ordered and the still stunned Kelvin helped himself up, covering his nudity with the bedsheet. "I... I... wait... Did I pass the test?" "No, you failed," he said, running a hand through his hair again. Kelvin was so shocked he couldn't speak for a while. "W-why? Is it because I really didn't attract you at all?" Kelvin asked and Cris could tell right then that this young man was actually so disarmingly unaware of his beauty. He just had no idea at all but he wasn't going to tell him that. Instead, he brought his attention back to the current issue. "I don't do virgins," he replied instead and Kelvin was again dumbstruck. "Get dressed now. I'll send you back home," he added and Kelvin started to panic. How could this be? How could he not have passed his test? Kelvin could still feel his skin throbbing from where he had kissed and touched him. His heart was still beating uncontrollably and his body was still flushed red from his advances. After all of that, he still failed the test? Kelvin shook his head. "No. I'm not going home. Not until I pass your test and become your boyfriend." Kelvin was so damn sure and determined that the man could only pinch the skin between his brows in frustration. This boy... this little lamb was driving him insane! "I told you. I don't do virgins. I don't like inexperience twinks. You failed the test," he repeated, but Kelvin just glared at him, showing no sign of giving up anytime soon. At that moment, Kelvin didn't know why, but he just felt that if he gave up on him now, he might never ever see Cris again. He just gave off that feeling that he was going to disappear from Kelvin's life after this and the thought of it made him clutch the blanket beneath his hands. "Okay, so if I return as a man of experience, I will pass the test, right? Is that what you're saying?" The man was speechless. "What did you say?" "That's what you want, isn't it? Then I'm going to go out there and get some of this so called experience... until there won't be any reason for you to turn me away." Cris Yoon was dumbfounded and he didn't know why, but there was suddenly an uneasy feeling in the pit of his stomach. "Kelvin..." he uttered his name. The lust in his eyes was completely gone and he was as calm as still water again. Cris eyes had looked at Kelvin with a seemingly steely decision - a decision to send this young man away, as far away from himself as possible. Since the night Cris first saw Kelvin, he already sensed that he was probably a nice, gentle and good boy; he just gave off such a vibe. Cris noticed it in the way Kelvin spoke and his mannerisms from their interactions. He could just tell because Kelvin's eyes were so clear and pure that he could see right through into his soul. Unlike him, Kelvin's eyes spoke of life, they weren't dead, and it was as if they were unable to hide any secrets at all. Cris first impression of Kelvin was that he was like an untouched river, clear and pure but also vigorous. But then, he suddenly t wanted to experience hell with him, even offering himself to him despite his warnings. Actually, Cris was wondering. What made him do this, bravery or stupidity? Cris didn't know, but Kelvin's actions just kept on contradicting with his judgement of him that he decided to believe that he might be wrong this time, even believing that Kelvin was just acting coy to try and get close to him like so many other men had previously done. So now, that Cris finally proved that Kelvin wasn't actually acting coy at all, he became angry both at himself and at him. A man like him belonged to a comfortable, peaceful and bright place; he couldn't possibly drag him into his tortured world - his hell. "I am not the man for you," he whispered with a stern expression on his face and before Kelvin could even process what he said, the man picked up Kelvin's clothes and gave it to him. "Get dressed. I'll wait for you in the garden," he added and just like that, he left, leaving Kelvin alone in the vast room. Kelvin looked at the crumpled suit in his hands, unable to comprehend what just happened. The words 'I am not the man for you' echoed in his head and he didn't know why but it stung him, hard. He really had failed. He tried so hard to do what Cris wanted, to prove himself to him, but in the end, it seemed he really wasn't good enough. So this was how it felt to be rejected... this stinging feeling in his heart. Kelvin didn't know that it would really hurt like this. Kelvin had always been the one to rebuff his would-be admirers. He had never been on the receiving end of rejection before maybe because no one had ever sparked his interest. Kelvin had not met anybody who was able to evoke that desire in him, to want to be with them. No one had ever made him behave this fearlessly, until he met this mysterious Cris Yoon. Kelvin clearly heard him - he didn't want him, which was supposed to be a good thing in the first place. As he quietly put on his clothes, Kelvin's thoughts were in chaos. He had clearly told Cris that he would come back once he gained more experience so that he could pass his test, but the rejection that followed crashed his resolve. Kelvin was caught so off guard with all these unfamiliar feelings and new experiences that he didn't know how to even cope. Kelvin almost felt like crying. Tears were threatening to fall from his eyes but he couldn't let them. Kelvin closed his eyes and pushed back his tears as he took deep, steadying breaths to calm his mind and his heart. Once Kelvin felt more in control of his self, he walked to the door and left the room. When Kelvin reached the garden and saw him standing there, facing the dark sky, Kelvin bit his lips. 'No, Kel! Get ahold of yourself!' he inwardly berated his self. Cris Yoon immediately noticed his presence and he walked towards him. Cris led Kelvin silently down the stairs and out the building until they reached the car that Mr. Black Leather Jacket drove to fetch him. They both sat inside the car; Kelvin, on the passenger seat and CrisYoon, on the driver's seat. Still, no one spoke a single word. The atmosphere in the car was gloomy and dreadful and Kelvin wasn't sure what to do or say to make it better, while Cris just concentrated on the road and didn't seem to care. After some minutes, the car finally stopped in front of Leslie's apartment. The car already stop running but Kelvin still didn't move to climb out of the car. "Mr. Kelvin," Cris finally broke the silence and Kelvin looked at him with a determined look on his face. "Mr. Cris Yoon, who really are you?" Kelvin asked and the man's brows slightly creased. "I'm not going to climb out of your car until you tell me," he threatened and the man's lips curved up slightly. His smile was the same as that first night they met. The first time that Cris gave Kelvin that wickedly cold smile. He looked like he was trying to scare him away again. "Mr. Kelvin, I don't see any reason why you still want to know me but okay, I will indulge you one last time. I might as well introduce myself before we part." he said, making it seem as though this would be the last time he would ever see him. Kelvin could feel that he was only telling him as some sort of parting gift. "My real name is Cristofher Yoon Heinrich," he said and Kelvin's gaze at him deepened. "Cristofher Yoon Heinrich," Kelvin echoed under his breath. "It's late," Cris sighed and Kelvin knew that he wanted him to leave. Unwillingly, Kelvin opened the door. He glanced at Cris one more time before he stepped out of the car. Kelvin closed the door but he was still holding onto the door handle. Then suddenly, Kelvin ran around and knocked on the driver seat window. As the window rolled down, Kelvin signaled Cris to move close to him because he wanted to whisper something to him. Cris humor what he wanted, with a deadpan expression. Out of nowhere, a kiss landed on his cheek, causing his expression to change. Cris eyes widened for a split second before he turned and looked at Kelvin. Kelvin just smiled at Cris. "Goodnight Cris, see you again soon," Kelvin said before he ran away. Kelvin didn't turn around to look at him again. He walked straight inside the building, seemingly unaffected, but on the inside, his heart was still unable to calm down. However, by the time Kelvin stood outside Leslie's door, Kelvin looked like the tears he tried so hard to hold in, were about to burst out. When Leslie opened the door and saw his expression, worry carved on her face and she immediately went to hug her friend. Kelvin felt himself calm down a little when he felt Leslie's warm arms around him. "What happened?" Leslie asked as he led his friend to the couch. "Did that Cris Yoon do something bad to you? Tell me! What did that bastard do to you, huh?!" Leslie angrily shouted. She's so angry because it was the first time she saw her Kelvin look like this. Her innocent little Kel, who always shone brightly like a happy sun now looked like a sad and hurt little puppy. Oh, my precious Kel! "What happened? Did Cris Yoon do something inappropriate to you? Did he scare you?" Leslie asked again, sitting beside him and holding his hand. "He rejected me," Kelvin uttered, looking utterly depressed. Leslie, on the other hand, almost puked blood. 'Goddammit! Who does that bastard think he is to reject her precious Kel! Is that man blind?!! Damn right, he is!!' Leslie raged inwardly. Leslie suddenly had the urge to go out and find some random guy and beat him up hard. She desperately needed to do something to vent her anger or she wouldn't be able to calm down. She was angry, so angry to that bastard and at herself. How could she have let anyone hurt her Kel within just a few hours, and on his very first attempt to leave his shell, too?! She shouldn't have let him go. She shouldn't have trusted his naïve friend's choice of men! "I'm so sorry, Kel. Don't be too upset. There are plenty of other nice guys out there who know how to appreciate a man like you. Think about that while I quickly pop downstairs to buy us a drink, okay?" Leslie tried to sound calm and collected but she was still fuming on the inside as she walked out of the apartment and headed towards the elevator. She looked around to see if there was some random guy out there but she didn't see anyone. "Guhh!!!" she angrily growled as the elevator doors opened. She walked in and to her delight, a man was inside, standing quietly in the corner. He was tall and lean, wearing a white hoodie and his dark chocolate hair covered his eyes. He was also wearing a surgical mask. He looked a little suspicious but Leslie just smirked at the sight of him. "Hey dude, do you want to make some easy money?" she suddenly asked and the man looked at her, surprised. "Let me beat you up and I'll give you as much money as you want," she added, moving closer to him. The man blinked but didn't reply. "Okay, how about this? Fight with me. I will still pay you for any damage I cause. Don't worry, I'm not going to hit you hard. It will just be a little beating," she grinned and the man in the hoodie finally lifted his face. Her face was now fierce and mocking, purposely mocking the man to fight her. The man looked like he's smirking behind his mask as he shook his head in obvious disbelief. Leslie had obviously done this before from the way she was acting. She had beaten countless men since she was 18 years old, including a few of the bastards who dared to stalk her gorgeous Kelvin. Because the truth is, Leslie had a tendency to vent her anger physically but this only started after the night of her debut. For some reason after that day, every time she got extremely angry, she would want to vent her anger by beating someone up, preferably good looking men. She was a member of her high school's taekwando team, so she had exceptional fighting skills to begin with. And her strange habit is also one of the reason why she still hadn't met a guy who she can have a normal relationship with. "Dude, don't you want to? Are you scared of me?" she taunted him, hoping to get a reaction. "Don't worry, it'll only hurt a little. You're a man, after all." She whispered. "C'mon, say yes now." The man's eyes glimmered in both amusement and disbelief as he looked at her through his hair. "Okay," he said, and Leslie rejoiced. It seemed like this man was pretty much the same as those other guys who became curious or maybe thought that she was a little crazy, but still wanted to see if she was for real or just flirting. 'So this man is the same as them, huh? Good,' she thought, because she couldn't hold it in anymore. "You're not going to fight back?" she asked and the man shook his head. A smile carved on Leslie's face. "Okay, here we go," she said and like a sleeping tigress, she suddenly attacked him with the same intensity as her frustrations. When the elevator doors opened, the man was already leaning by the wall, his hands on his abdomen as he panted and winced in pain. Leslie, on the other hand, just gave him a thousand dollars and with a quick 'Thank you', she left the man without a backwards glance. The man in the white hoodie watched her until the elevator closed again. He straightened up and fixed his clothes and stared at the money in his hand. His eyes were blazing, and then a soft chuckle left his mouth. He only agreed because he didn't want her to pester him more than this. He couldn't afford to be recognized after all. But she was actually a hooligan and she beat him up for real. Damn! What a girl! Was she a gangster?! The man in the white hoodie laughed again. He was so damn amused. Who would've thought that he, of all people, would be beaten up by a girl inside an elevator?! Once the man left the building, he went straight towards the black Rolls-Royce waiting for him on the other side of the road. He entered the car and removed his mask. "He's safe, Cris. He's not with a man. He's with his friend and you don't have to worry, he's with an interesting hooligan girl. I believe she's a capable female bodyguard." He mused and the man in the passenger seat glanced at him. "And you let the hooligan girl beat you?" "Well, it was a good experience, for me and for her, haha. She just beat a prince and gave him a thousand dollars. Haha. That was indeed unexpected!" He didn't stop laughing until he looked at the silent, moody creature next to him. ". . ." "Sigh... Okay, let's go. I don't really understand why you let the little lamb go. It's not like you at all." "Silence!" "Sigh, you're hopeless....." ********************************
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