2: Introductions

2506 Words
“Welcome home, Pet,” the blanket was yanked off unceremoniously, letting the icy air hit me all at once, shocking me awake. His fingertip traced along one of the loops of rope wrapped around my legs. I tried to pull myself out of his reach, but I could only manage to wiggle like a worm on a hook. “Bring her up to my main office,” he chuckled. “We’ll do the introduction there, but let’s make sure we keep it short, I have plans tonight.” “Of course Alpha,” Nathan replied, “Would you like a full audience?” “Just the enforcers that are paired for tonight,” he tilted his head to look at me thoughtfully. “Too many new faces might rile her back up, and as much as I enjoy watching her spirited attempts, it’s already late and Sophie is probably worried.” Patting my thigh, he turned and walked up the stairs, into the house. Nathan nodded, pulling me from the small cargo space. He held me cradled in his arms, like he was carrying a sleeping child. Leaning against him offered some warmth against the cold, and it felt less exposed than being ass up over a shoulder. It also let me see where we were going as we walked. What they called a house looked more like a Tudor mansion mixed with an old gothic church. Blake closed up the hatch, following close behind as Nathan carried me inside. “Collect the paired Enforcers, have them assemble in the main office and warn them all to behave, it’s already been a long enough night.” He paused just before stepping through the double doors at the top of the stairs, “Be ready to speak up when given the chance, if you still want to secure a better position.” Blake jogged off to do as he was told, after acknowledging with a quick nod. We moved inside, weaving through a series of rooms and halls until we got to a large office. It was a large, mostly empty room. The walls were lined with built-in bookshelves while a large desk dominated the space in front of the only window in the room, the only chair sat behind it. Nathan set me down in the center of the room, waiting until I was steady on my feet before stepping away. “Stand still and behave so this can go quickly,” he grumbled, “I promise you it’s in your best interest not to provoke him anymore tonight.” I couldn’t imagine what he thought I could accomplish right now. If I tried to breathe too deeply, I might throw myself off balance and end up on the floor again. He crossed the room and leaned against the desk, folding his arms over his chest, just waiting and watching me. The same 6 brutes that had wrestled me to floor of my parents’ living room filed into the room along with some I’d never seen before. Nathan would nod his head, directing them to stand around the room. The 15 or so, if I counted his nods right, of them formed a semi-circle around the room, talking in hushed tones amongst themselves. I could feel all their eyes on me as they drank in the sight of me. Even with my back to the door, I knew when he entered the room. Everyone stopped talking and snapped up, suddenly alert. Everyone except Nathan, he held his position, leaning on the desk, arms folded. “Looks like everyone is ready to begin,” Dmitri chuckled. He started walking around me like a predator circling his prey. I could feel his eyes rake over me as he moved, and I stared him down each time he passed in front of me. “The Lykos family finally fulfilled the agreement they made with my parents when they petitioned us for sanctuary. They’ve sent us,” he grinned, “their rather spirited daughter, Alexandra.” He studied my face as he spoke, looking for some hint of rebellion or recognition maybe. “Do you all agree to be witnesses to her induction to the pack?” As a chorus of voices they answered together, “Yes, Alpha.” He continued, “Be sentinels to protect and educate her like you would a new pup born into the pack?” “Yes, Alpha,” they agreed. “Now that the formalities are taken care of, let’s move on to the more interesting details,” he sighed. Stepping in close to me, he lifted the massive tangle of red curls of my hair, inspecting my neck and shoulders. “I don’t see a mate’s mark anywhere, who’d like to confirm?” He looked up and gestured at someone behind me. A new face came into view as he circled around me, to look for marks as well. “I concur, Alpha, she indeed is unmarked.” He returned to his place among the circle quickly. Keeping my hair balled up in his fist, he looked around the room, “Dose anyone else wish to take a look?” he smirked. Everyone must’ve shaken their head no, because he looked both amused and disappointed, but no one else circled around me. With a jerk, he yanked my hair back; forcing me off balance so my body fell against his. “I’ve been assured that she’s been kept a virgin,” instantly my face felt hot as he announced it. With another tug, my head was pulled aside, allowing him full and intimate access to my neck. Nuzzling his face into the space where my shoulder and neck met, he inhaled deeply, scenting me, sending a strange tingle down my spine. I could feel the smile tugging up the corners of his lips as he took in another breath, “Like fresh rain,” he whispered against my skin. “Who would like to confirm?” I almost feinted as several of them had stepped forward eagerly, making him chuckle. “I will,” Nathan huffed, pushing off the desk. He stalked forward, looking annoyed. Dmitri held my hair firm giving Nathan access while still forcing me to lean against his body. Stepping into me, he nuzzled my neck inhaling deep. For a moment I thought I heard him purr, but he quickly stepped away, “I confirm, and before any of you think to challenge my word, I’ll remind you that our Luna is waiting. The rest of them can learn her scent from her old clothes.” Many of them exchanged glances, but no one spoke up against him. “Do you always have to be such a buzz kill Nate,” Dmitri complained, but released my hair and stepped away. I wobbled, just barely able to maintain my balance and stay upright. Nathan returned to his perch on the edge of the desk and shrugged. He started circling me again. “She isn’t a shifter; I suppose she’ll need a personal guardian. They’ll have to be moved into the main house here with their mate, and be expected to accompany her whenever she is not in my company. Do you have any suggestions, or do we ask for volunteers?” Dmitri asked, arching an eyebrow. Blake was the first to speak out, “I’ll volunteer,” he announced, seeming to beat anyone else by just a second. “You understand that this will be a very demanding post? You’ll have to put your duty to her before all else, including your mate, regardless of her condition.” “I understand, Alpha,” he stepped next to me, “I’d still like to volunteer.” Dmitri clapped once, “Excellent, Delta, you are now in her service starting tonight.” He joined Nathan, leaning against the desk. “You and your mate can make arrangements to relocate tomorrow.” “She’s been living with humans along our borders, so we’ll have to make sure she’s educated properly.” Nathan pointed out. “We don’t even know if she knows basic history and lore.” “Sophie can see to that, it’ll give her something to keep busy with for a while.” He smirked at me while I glared back at them. “Does anyone have any complaints or concerns about increasing our pack?” There were a few snickers and mumbled comments about some candy, but the glare Nathan shot shut them all up rather quickly. “Then I suppose we are done for tonight,” he smiled clapping his hands, “Blake, see that my pet is properly settled in her new home, while I finish up today’s business. The rest of you are free to go for the rest of the night.” Dismissed, they funneled out of the room; Blake standing beside me. “Shall we go tell our Luna the good news,” Dmitri clapped Nathan on the shoulder, “She’ll be excited to new company.” Nathan just grumbled in response, making Dmitri chuckle. He waved at me as Blake lifted me up and carried me out of the room, tossed over his shoulder again. I was instantly lost, losing track of how many turns we made and flights of stairs we climbed. We eventually came to a stop in a hallway that had 3 sets of ornately carved double doors. He carried me through the black set, into a sitting room with large overstuffed leather and dark wood furniture. After flipping on a light, he carried me through another room that looked like it was set up as a small office, and into a bedroom. Blake, set me down on a black velvet chaise at the foot of a giant 4-post bed with black and red satin bedding. The room was dimly lit by the light that filtered in from the first room, probably more for my benefit than his. I could only assume that this was the Alpha’s personal suite. Everything was oversized just to fill the large space, and dark. He spoke gently, “If you swear you’ll be calm, I’ll do the best I can to make you more comfortable,” he gestured toward the ropes. It would be nice to be able to sit normally, or at least be able to move of my own volition instead of being carried around like a child. I nodded, knowing that I wouldn’t be able to make it back through the maze of corridors or past a house full of shifters even if I wanted too. Kneeling on the floor, he started to loosen the knots along my legs, letting me move around a bit. The sensation of pins and needles crept up my legs as the circulation returned. Walking across the room to a large armoire in a dark corner; he left me sitting on the chaise. After some rummaging, he returned with a pair of leather cuffs joined by a 4 inch chain. “I’m afraid that I can’t leave you unrestrained, but these should be less restrictive.” He waited for me to nod before setting the cuffs in my lap. He sat beside me and began setting to work on the knots holding my arms. Freed from the rope, I experimented with moving my arms around a little. He waited patiently for me to still, then buckled the cuffs onto my wrists in front of me. He looped the ropes neatly and put them in the armoire, returning this time with a brush and hair tie. “I think I can remember how my mother used to braid my sister’s hair,” he offered. After I nodded, he ran the brush through my hair. He worked all the knots and tangles out before loosely braiding my hair. It was both comforting and weird to feel like I was being groomed like a doll. “I can’t remove the gag,” he apologized, “but I can raise the temperature for you if the rooms aren’t warm enough.” I shook my head; it was plenty warm in here. After a few minutes he got up and led me to a large thick cushion in a corner near the foot of the bed. He instructed me on how to kneel, sitting back on my feet and resting my hands on my thighs, palm up. “Alpha will expect you to sit like this when he gets here, assuming you don’t want to antagonize him anymore tonight.” He picked up a leather collar that was chained to a hook on the wall behind me, “I’m sorry about this,” gently he fastened the leather around my neck. “I’ll be just outside the main doors, and I’ll be able to hear if you need me for anything. I’ll also do my best to let you know when he’s coming so that you can rest at ease until then,” he promised. After a short hesitation, he walked back through the rooms and closed the doors to the hall, leaving me alone. I tried to sit and wait, but I couldn’t tell if minutes or hours were passing. The cushion was large enough that I could easily lay down on it if I curled up with my head near the wall. Tucking my arms in against my chest, I rested my head against the soft velvet and let my muscles relax. The weight of everything that had happened crashed into me like a semi-truck. Hot tears rolled down my cheeks and I cried muffled sobs around the ball gag, still in my mouth. I cried over the betrayal of my parents, how they watched as I was restrained, and just let me be drug away. I cried over the loss of my dignity, stripped down and bound like wild beast, then inspected like livestock and paraded around like a piece of meat. I cried about the loss of my freedom and the life I thought I was going to live. I cried for the fear welling up inside me, unsure of what horrors would befall me next. I cried until my eyes burned and my throat felt raw, and I had nothing left to give. Then, I just lay there, curled up in the dark, staring at the void where the ceiling should’ve been. How long would I be chained up like a wild animal? No one had seemed surprised to see me bound in rope, or gagged. Is this just how all women were treated in this pack? Could this all be some kind of scare tactic? I hated the not knowing. He’d said that I was the price of an agreement made between our parents when we were granted asylum by the pack when I was a baby. Why hadn’t I been told any of this? Why did he come to collect now? Why couldn’t I stop asking myself questions that I didn’t know the answer too?
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