Chapter : 01

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                                                                                       one                                                                                          ☾ Present day "When you get done jerking each other off, can you guys actually do your goddamn jobs?" I said to Jax and Carlos irritably.  They were supposed to be training the pups in hand-to-hand combat today but apparently, they had better things to do.  Pissing me off it seems like. "What's up your ass?" Jax said, switching off the tv and turning to watch me over the couch. "I know!" Carlos offered before I could say anything. "She's pissed because Alpha chose you to represent us in the Games over her." I snapped my head over to them so fast I almost got whiplash. "What are you two panty-sniffers going on about?" "You don't know?" Carlos narrowed his eyes at me. Sensing my confusion he grinned as if he just won the lottery while Jax looked a little nervous. What the hell is going on? "This is the best day of my life!" Carlos dug into his pocket and pulled out a plain black card. It was an invitation and written in gold was the Alpha King's crest at the top. My eyes scanned through the invitation and my blood boiled. I spun around on my heels in the direction of his office. That traitorous asshole is going to get the tongue lashing of his lifetime. Carlos burst out in uncontrollable laughter seeing me all heated. I flicked my wrist before I stepped over the threshold and heard a body slam against the wall and then a loud groan. "f**k you, Lois!" My leather boots clicked on the marble floors, determination leaking with every step. Eyes followed me down the hall from curious pack members, mostly guys, as I got closer to my target. The invitation in my hand crumbling up with the new anger bubbling in me. "Staring won't give you the powers to see through my clothes, boys. Get back to work!" I snapped. I didn't even bother knocking. I pushed open the door to his office with enough strength that it bounced off the wall. There he sat, exuding power and dominance that could throw you on your ass. No wonder he became Alpha, he was like this even when we were kids. It was f*****g annoying. He looked handsome then and I could see why girls threw themselves at him back in high school. His dark, messy curls fall over his stormy grey eyes much like my own as he concentrated on the files in front of him completely ignoring my entrance. That only induce my anger more. I slammed the paper on his desk. "What the f**k is this?" I demanded. He raised his tired eyes to look at me then at the sheet. "It looks like an invitation to something," he said dryly. "Don't play dumb with me, Caleb. Why didn't you tell me? Do you know how long I've wanted to go to the Capital?" "Good to know. You're still not going though." He got up and went to the bookshelf behind me, dismissing me completely. "The hell I'm not going," I planted myself between him and the book he was so interested in finding rather than talk to me. "I've worked my ass off to get where I am. I deserve to compete over everybody else here and you know it." I was promoted to the Pack General when I had just graduated from high school a little over a year ago. Ever since my dad— the Ex Alpha, had seen my skills in kicking ass, he'd prompted me to get better at fighting until I outmatched every warrior in the pack. I worked hard every day in the Gym surpassing my limits and now I'm ready, Dad's sure I'm ready to win the tournament. Every two years the King calls a meeting for all the Alphas in the country to discuss politics and war and all that jazz. It lasts for two weeks and during that time many activities take place in the Royal Capital for the visitors. One of them happens to be the Rival Games— a tournament for only the best of the best pack warriors chosen by their Alphas to compete to bring honour onto their home pack and a chance to join the King's army if they choose. And this prick is refusing to let me go. But I think I have an idea why. You see, the Royal Capital happens to also be the home of the Lycan court and our King. A breed of werewolf ten times faster and stronger than your average wolf. Can ruin an entire state in one temper tantrum and they are also very easy to piss off and I am known to speak my mind a lot without thinking. So my dear brother thinks I'd lose my head for pissing off a Lycan the moment I step foot on Capital soil— which is a bit of an exaggeration. It might take me a day or two. "Come on, who could you be possibly taking over me?" I asked but I already knew the answer. "Jax," he said taking a step away from me and folding his muscly arms over his chest. "Are you kidding me? The guy thinks with his d**k ninety-nine percent of the time." I love Jax and all, but the guy is a certified man-w***e. He f****d half the state and some of them being other guy's mates. And I am not going to lie, I'm one of them. I've slept with him on countless, emotional and lonely nights when I had downed a bottle or two of red wine on the thought of seeing everybody in this packhouse with their mates being happy and so in love. The realization that I'm nineteen and haven't even seen my mate hits me hard some nights and I just need something to get my mind off of the pain. It helps that Jax is also the only mate-less member who lives in the packhouse. So it's not like the feeling isn't mutual because I'm pretty sure he's using me too. He gave me a stern look. "That is your Beta, you will show him some respect no matter how right you may be," he scolded me. I rolled my eyes, "Listen, if you take me with you I promise I would be on my best behavior. I was a Girl Scout, you know and Girl Scouts never lie." "You were a Girl Scout for two days because you kept stealing cookies so they kicked you out." "I was still a Girl Scout and you can't tell me otherwise. Please let me go, I won't ask you for anything ever again." He sighed, "Fine." "Really?" "No." "I f*****g hate you! I don't get how Peyton could put up with you." He was enjoying this I could tell, he was trying to hold back a laugh. Right on time, Peyton swept into the room. "Great Peyton, you're here! Caleb is being a prick again. Can you please get him to take me to the Capital. Threaten him with s*x if you have to," I begged which earned me a glare from him. Peyton was a goddess, blonde locks that fell all the way to her slim waist, pink plump lips that made her look younger and green eyes enhanced by thick eyelashes that I would kill for.  Peyton was the perfect Luna, kind, strong, compassionate and willing to put up with Caleb's assholery on a daily basis. Peyton slid her hands around her mate's hips and looked up at him lovingly. "Why don't you want your sister to go with you to the meeting?" She asked him. He drew small circled on her cheek with his thumb and kissed her on her forehead. "Have you met Lois?" I rolled my eyes at the jab. "Now you're just being cruel." "You know Lois doesn't beg for anything. She means it. Let her go," Peyton said puppy dog eyed and all. Did I ever tell you how much I love this girl? She just went up on my small list 'of people I don't despise.' Caleb let out a sigh in defeat, he knew, and I knew he would never say no to his beloved Peyton-- props for being her best friend, she'll most of the time take my side. "Fine, but if in the morning you're not ready to go, I'm leaving your ass." "Yes!" I jumped up and down like a kid who just found out she's going to Disneyland. I ran over and kissed Peyton on her cheek. "You're the best— Caleb, you did good on this one." Peyton chuckled and Caleb pushed me off of her pulling her to himself to whisper in her ear, "You owe me for that." He trailed kisses up her neck and behind her ear and she giggled like a schoolgirl. "Oh I wonder how I could repay you," Peyton said back huskily, her hand travelling down to his pants belt. "Eww. At least wait till I leave the f*****g room first, you nasties." I scrunched up my nose and rushed out of the room. They looked like they were going to go at it regardless if I was in the room or not. Mates and their horny-nes.
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