Chapter 18: Damon POV

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Chapter 18: Damon POV (Mature s****l advised. All acts are consensual in this chapter.) I noticed something unusual about my mate after church but I could not put my finger on what it was. First she was more anxious due to the exchange with that beta and then she had a full on anxiety attack. Her body was hot like she was on fire. I had to take her home only to have her taken from me to see a doctor. After the longest 30-minute wait of my life I was called back into the pack clinic. My mother told me to sit with Clara, who clung to me asking if she was going to die. I tried to relax her by kissing her forehead but almost immediately I smelled it, her. It was like she was aroused times ten. My wolf howled in my head. "Mate is in heat. Mine!" He pushed me to the back of our subconscious. I woke up in a pack hospital holding cell, which is usually used for injured criminals. What the f**k?! After what seemed like forever the doctor came and got me. He took me to his office and started the hardest conversation he and I had ever had. "Young Alpha, I thoroughly apologize but I had to do what I had to do to protect your mate." I stared, confused. "What happened? Where is my mate?" He grimaced, "Damon, your mate is in heat. Your wolf took over and tried to mount her on the examination table. She had another anxiety attack." I felt my eyes bulge. He did what?! "Bad! What the hell is wrong with you?!" I screamed through the mindlink to my wolf. He whimpered, "You don't understand. Mate is in heat. Mate's body wants us." I shook my head and scolded him again. "Alpha, it is easy to lecture your wolf when you are away from your mate's scent but you won't find it as easy when you see her again. It will be intoxicating to not only you but all other unmated wolves. Unfortunately unless you mate her this will be for the next six and a half days and she won't survive it without you comforting her. I don't think her human body will manage well." I fidgeted with my fingers in my lap. "Doc, I don't think she is ready mentally for mating." He nodded, "I'm aware. Luna provided Clara's medical history. Unfortunately if that is the case you will need a strong will to keep your hands to yourself while at the same time not keeping them away from her." I stared, confused. "I don't understand," I admitted. "As a male your job during the heat period is to either mate her or at least bring her comfort. You will need to hold her, kiss her, and maybe even help with s****l release if it gets really bad. Basically she is completely dependent on you for the next week." I nodded. I wanted to feel embarrassed but at the same time decided to be the strong mate the doctor was encouraging me to be. "It will be your first true trial as future Alpha," he said. "Now go to your mate and control your wolf." I was determined. Yes I could do this. I walked down the hallway with all the confidence in the world. As I approached my mate's room I caught a whiff of her scent. It was arousing but tolerable. My mother came into view. Clara was strapped to a stretcher. "Where are you taking my mate?" I demanded, running down the hall. Mom smiled, "We are taking her to your new bedroom of course, the suite we had made for when you found your mate. It's the perfect time to move in." I stopped barely two feet away. "How can you be thinking about moving us right now?" I asked gesturing at Clara, who was unconscious. She chuckled, "The master bed, bathroom, and closet will be very helpful. Believe me." I blushed. Master bed? Clara was pushed to the main house and set up in a massive king sized bed in a suite on the opposite end of the hall from my parent's suite. It was very grand in design. I laid in bed with my mate, constantly wiping sweat off her forehead. Her body temperature refused to go down. When she whimpered that her body ached I gave her massages and ice baths. Sometimes she would be lucid and other times the fever made her incoherent or irrational. Other times she was lustful and trying to seduce me. That was the hardest part: resisting my natural urge to mate with Clara. That was a type of Hell in of itself. I woke up one night with her clinging to me. To my surprise she was naked and grinding on me. "Help me, Damon," she begged. I was startled at first. Was this really my Clara? I held her tightly. "Baby, please stop. Do you want an ice bath?" She grinded on me harder. "I want you inside me right now. The Moon Goddess wants us to mate." I stared, confused. "The Moon Goddess?" Clara stopped grinding and doubled over in pain. "She came to me in a dream. She said the only way to get rid of all the pain was to mate you and have pups. Are we supposed to just ignore her?" This is insane! Clara is having hallucinations! Despite her wishes I ran a bath, laid her in it, and mind-linked my parents. "She isn't making sense," I linked to them. "How so?" My mother asked. "She is trying to...well anyway she says the Moon Goddess came to her in a dream and told her we are supposed to mate and have pups. How insane is that?!" My rant was met with silence over the mindlink. Suddenly my mother said, "Honey, you do what the Moon Goddess says." I felt all the blood drain from my face. Had everyone gone insane?! "What? No! She is not in her right mind. I can't." My father chimed in suddenly and said, "Son there are various things you could do for her to calm down enough to think clearly. It's up to you but if you don't do anything she will remain in that state until the end of the heat." I felt flustered, "We still have three days!" "You better get to it then." That was the most casual and embarrassing thing my father has ever said to me. "Get to it? What is he talking about?" I asked myself. "Make mate feel good," my wolf suddenly mind-linked me. "What?" I asked. "Adult males keep telling you to relieve her. Are you dense? Want me to take over? I could help mate out!" I mentally popped my wolf on the paw. "You will not!" I was pulled away from my thoughts and mindlink when I heard my mate crying for me. I went to the bathroom. The ice had melted in the large tub, leaving my mate completely exposed. "Don't you want me, Damon?" She asked, her lips quivering. She was sad and hurting. I picked her up with a towel, wrapping it around her the moment I could. I carried her to the bed. Almost as soon as her back hit the bed she was pulling me in for a kiss. It was like fireworks. I thought about what my father and the doctor had said. There were ways I could help her without fully mating her. "Clara, Baby, I'm going to help ease the pain okay?" She nodded and whimpered, "Please. I don't know how much more I can take." I pulled the towel away from her body and gazed upon it. Her skin was pale, her stomach flat, her breasts were perfect. Everything about my mate was perfect to me. I put my mouth on one breast and massaged the other. She let out a small moan of approval. After giving attention to both breasts I kissed my way down her stomach. I found a birthmark I'd never seen before. It was shaped like a mini peanut and resided on the inside of her left thigh. I kissed her thighs. She bucked her hips up as if telling me where to kiss next. I'd never done this before so I was just winging it. I spread her legs further apart and looked at her v****a. It was beautiful. I traced the lips with my finger and found that it was wet and swollen. "Damon," she cried. I brought my lips to the c******s and sucked on it. She moaned and begged for more. That was when I stuck my tongue in her folds. She shuddered the moment it happened. Was it that good or was she that aroused? "More, baby, more." Clara was demanding and I kind of liked it. I buried my face between her legs and did everything I could think to do to relieve some pressure. She grabbed my hair at one point and said, "Inside, please, I need you inside me." Once again all I could do was blush and tell my wolf to stand down. "I'm going to try something," I said. Clara just bucked her hips at me as if that was her way of consent and approval. I got up on my knees and licked my finger. I rubbed it against her folds before pressing it inside. I moved it in and out a few times to see if she liked the feeling. Goddess, did she ever. She was smiling and giggling and asking for more. "Mate, more, I need more. I feel so close." I thrusted my finger in and out and added a second finger for good measure. She screamed in ecstasy. I'd found her sweet spot. Clara orgasmed, her body shuddered almost violently. "Mate, I love you, Mate," she cried happily afterward as she clung to my body. I embraced her, caressing her damp hair. We were both sweating. At this point I was somewhere between very proud of myself and also almost in pain. My wolf was itching to get out and my d**k was hard as a rock. My brain was happy but my body wasn't happy with me. I tried to excuse myself to the bathroom but Clara just grabbed me and forced me onto the bed. "Not yet, Mate, I have to take care of you. It's only fair," she giggled. I wanted to protest but honestly I was hurting. My whole lower body was throbbing with desire for her. Clara was more lucid now as she removed my clothes. "Is this okay?" She asked, her hazel eyes clear and looking for consent. I nodded. I needed this almost as much as she did. She undressed me and immediately dropped to her knees. She took my p***s in her hand and started kissing the head. I moaned. Just her touch was enough to make me want to c*m. I was so pent up. I told myself to hold it together. She sucked and stroked me for awhile. I was caught off guard when she suddenly stood and pushed me on to the bed. Without saying a word she straddled me and put my p***s between her breasts. She teased the tip with her tongue and lips as she pulled her body back and forth, stroking me with her soft breasts. "Oh Goddess, I'm at my limit," I moaned. Clara pulled all of me into her mouth two more times before I screamed that I was coming. She took it all into her throat like last time. We collapsed on the bed, her body on top of mine. "That was wonderful," I whispered. When I didn't get an answer I looked over at Clara. She was fast asleep. I laughed to myself. Of course after all that she finally sleeps! I laid in bed awake awhile longer thinking hard on how to help my mate get through this. We still had a few days left. Could we really defy the Moon Goddess and refuse to mate? 
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