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-RECAP- As I pulled the car into the parking space near a massive building that I presume the Dark Prism's Main Packhouse, Calvin tensed up. "Hey, are you okay?" with worry, I asked him. He turned to me looking like he's about to cry. "Robin, what if they find me weird? I am a man in a woman's dress." I patted his shoulder to ease whatever bothers him. "Nonsense. Let's just introduce you as Cana. Believe me, they wouldn't find out that you're a man. You're cute and your voice is too feminine. I think you'll survive," I joked and grinned at him. "Robin!" he exclaimed and pouted that made him even cuter. "Just kidding." I chuckled. "But seriously, I think people here are nice so come on. Let's enjoy our weekend, Calvin!" I unfastened my seatbelt and opened the door on my side. "Let's go, I think it's them." I pointed at a group of Epsilons that were coming our way. They were messing around with each other with Czech in the front with Greco and Aphro in his sides. I slid off the car and slammed the door close that caught the Epsilons' attention as they all snapped their necks on me. That made me feel a little awkward but I shook it away immediately and calmed myself. As Calvin gets off the car, I finally took steps towards them. With my hands, slumped inside of my chino short's pocket, I stopped just a few meters away from the group of pack warriors in front of us. "Hi," I greeted them wearing a small smile on my face. I was not that sure if it's just my imagination or what but I think they turned into silence and the air was suddenly filled with tensions. It got more worst as Czech Romanov paced forward like a Wolf's God wearing khaki shorts and black unbuttoned in the front polo shirt. The Epsilon halted when there's only two inches gap between us making my breath hitched as the heat of his body sipped through my skin. He towered over me and gave me an intent glacial look that made me mentally snickered. I'm six feet two inches tall but he's like a giant compare to my height. Nevertheless, I am a future Alpha. I didn't back down and looked back at him showing that I was not intimidated even a bit. "Spark," he uttered my name in such a low agonizing cold voice that sent chills down to my spine and made me shivered. 'Damn it.' I cussed inside of my mind. Just his mere voice and my confidence easily wavered. But that's not all. There are strange warm feelings that were stirring me and my wolf's nerves once again that I couldn't explain. Seriously. I didn't realize that Czech would affect me that much. Reasons... I need reasons why of all the male wolves that I've met, why the King of Iceberg! My mind was filled with questions while staring straight at his gorgeous face and base on my observation, he has no plan of diverting his attention but only focused on me. Unawarely, the staring contest lasted for I don't know how many minutes until Greco suddenly grunted into the background and spoke. "Okay, that's uh, kinda hot. Why don't you guys kiss cause you know, I don't mind watching two dudes getting it on." That snapped me out to reality and snapped at him. "Shut up, i***t!" For wolve's sake. The dude has no filter! Aphro and the other Epsilon's chuckled as I brushed my hair from the embarrassment. Even Calvin giggled behind me but what surprised me was, when I looked back at Czech, I saw an amused smirk formed on the corner of his lips. I huffed in disbelief. So the glacial jerk knew how to smile huh? As Czech saw me staring at him again, his smirk widened. He leaned forward and whispered in my ear, "Kiss is not that bad, what do you think, Spark?" I groaned and rolled my eyes. Another i***t! _____________ -FAST FORWARD- It's not that often I run around Spark Galore but I knew compared to Dark Prism, our pack was smaller than the latter. Riding in a wrangler jeep, Czech toured us around their land. We've been into their sources of food supplies, the Epsilon's camp, the clinic, the packhouses, and at that moment, we're heading to the place where our land was connected. "What, then you are not Robin's girlfriend? I'm not really against it, Miss but to tell you frankly, I am rooting for my buddy Czech and our Spark boy here. Right, Aphro, man?" "Will you just shut your mouth, bro. Where did you even get that idea?" Aphro replied and shook his head. "What! Does it mean I'm the only one who noticed everything? Robin dude is into our man. The mighty cold bastard, Czech! It's too f*****g obvious!" I sank into my seat. Freaking dumb wolf. Will, it ever cross to his mind that I'm just in the front seat and Czech is beside me? Why can he just shut up cause the hell, he's making me feel like I want to dig a hole and bury myself there. I mentally groan in embarrassment and turned to the man in the driver's seat. Czech's eyes were fixed on the road but the moment that he felt my stare, he glanced at me. "Do you want us to head back? Say, let's just hang out in the packhouse?" A yawn escaped out of my mouth. "Uhm, yes please," I answered suddenly felt tired. I felt sleepy and it's no wonder for I've been lacking sleep the past few days. Heaving a deep sigh, I leaned my head into the window and closed my eyes. I still heard Greco saying foolish things to Calvin and Aphro and I mentally heaved a deep sigh of relief for they didn't find out that my friend is a boy. I was glad that the poor dude was also having fun as I heard his infectious adorable giggles. Another yawn and I felt my consciousness drifting away and when we finally reached the Main packhouse of Dark Prism, I was already fell asleep.
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