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-CZECH- My jaw twitched as I watched the future Alpha of Spark Galore walk away. I couldn't pinpoint it, but there was something about him that irked me. Is it because of the fire in his eyes that I noticed right away when I first met him? Is it the way he speaks which seems like he is attempting to outwit everyone? Or is it how his actions attract trouble? I vividly recall his snarky words from the day I drove him home. That sharp tongue of his will undoubtedly be his demise one day. It is deliberately provoking my beast. It perturbs me to no end, even if he's correct that I shouldn't butt in his personal life. What a brat. I'm wondering what his parents think about sending him to school without any Epsilon to protect him. With rogues lurking everywhere, he is certain to be slain for being reckless. However, as he stated to me, 'It is not my business, therefore why should I care?' My jaw twitched as we headed to the locker room. "It appears that not only Alicia is interested in Robin, man," Greco mumbled behind me. "Gavino won't let what happened earlier pass just like that." Aphro chuckled and shared his opinions. "I think Spark is capable enough to defend himself, right, Czech?" I responded with an annoyed grunt. "He should be. It is not my obligation to constantly save his ass anytime he is in trouble." I've already rescued him a couple of times and I have no intention of doing it again. Spark bragged to me that he is capable of protecting himself well, so we'll see how he does it in the future. Those thoughts were racing through my mind when I finally came to a halt in front of my locker. I wasn't shocked to find Robin Spark there as well, removing books from his locker and gnawing his bottom lip. "Hey, buddy. Are you okay?" Greco approached him. Spark turned to my friend with a lopsided smile and said, "Yeah, never been better, dude. I just cannot stand the likes of that airhead. He made me lose my composure in the corridor." A deep scowl formed on my brow, and I couldn't help but throw him a glance. Robin is usually dressed in unique outfits. From his trendy shirts to his tattered pants. I also observed that he likes piercings. He has one on his nose, which, while odd, suits him. Another feature that distinguished the boy from the rest was his platinum silver hair. It's insane, but I had a strong urge to stroke those silky locks. I've always been intrigued by how they felt in my fingers. But then I focused on the last thing that struck me about him. His expressive eyes were painted with black eyeliner. The corner of my mouth arched. I've never met a man wearing makeup. He's such a peculiar lad. Amusement filled my chest as Robin turned to face me. Our eyes locked instantly, causing my jaw to clench and my forehead to scowl. He noticed me assessing him, and his left brow lifted in surprise. And as a small resolute smirk flashed on his lips, something clicked inside my head, aggravating my beast once more. ______________ - ROBIN- I couldn't help but chuckle throughout my Physics class. As I recalled what had happened earlier that morning, the pen in my hand danced around my fingers. The ice jerk. He's looking me over. I wonder what he thought of me after scanning the entire form. Did he appreciate my style? My ripped jeans and piercing? I hummed and clicked my tongue while mentally describing him. Czech stands at least six feet and eight inches tall. He has neatly cropped hair. His body, well, I could tell he was capable of crushing dozens, if not hundreds, of rogues with his muscular arms. He was ripped and sexy as hell! And heck! Did I just say that the King of Iceberg is sexy? I groaned aloud in disbelief, capturing the attention of every single soul in the room. Well, damn! My gaze turned to Mrs. Darlington. She adjusted her eyeglasses before shooting me a stern look. "Mr. Spark, care to explain to us about the law of attraction?" I bit my bottom lip because I was caught red-handed, but it wasn't enough to put me in an undesirable situation. My shoulders moved up and down nonchalantly and in a clear voice, I acknowledged the teacher's remark. "The law of attraction is the universe's attractive magnetic force which draws similar energies together. It showcases itself through the power of creation everywhere and in a variety of ways." Murmurs from my classmates filled the four corners of the room after I recited, while Mrs. Darlington scoffed, unimpressed. "Be sure not to zone out of my class again, or I'll give you detention, Mr. Spark." She then proceeded to discuss her lesson. Relieved, a sigh escaped my mouth, and then I pouted inwardly. Well, I couldn't help myself spacing out, especially now that I'm becoming more intrigued by the Dark Prism's Epsilon; Czech Romanov. Why is he like that? What lies beneath those chilly eyes? Why is he such an annoying, gorgeous jerk? Until the lesson ended, my mind was preoccupied with him. "Robin Spark, wait up!" When I heard someone shout my name, my ears perked up and my eyes grew wide. Shit! There was no need to look back; I knew it was Alicia. Cussing in my head, I accelerated, hoping to dodge the insane witch. However, when she came up with me, she appeared to be determined to spoil my day. "Robin, you can't avoid me forever!" She said and grabbed my arm. The wench was powerful, as evidenced by the ease with which she hauled me into an empty room and pushed me down onto the table near the blackboard. "Don't resist me, Spark!" She snarled at me and straddled me, much to my utter horror. What the hell? "W-wait! Alicia, what the f**k are you trying to do?" With dread etched across my face, I addressed the girl on top of me. Moon goddess! Is the woman possessed, or something? Why is she constantly pestering me? Do I appear to be a weak target to her? "It's your fault for being such a tremendous turn-on, Spark. Now give me a taste of you, sweet—." Alicia was going to kiss me, but I quickly moved and jerked my body sideways. That caught her off guard, causing her to lose her balance and fall to the floor with a loud noise. "Ouch! That hurts, Robin!" She let out and grasped her behind, which fell first. "You shouldn't force yourself on someone who's not interested in you!" I answered with complete distaste in my voice. Before the insane wench stood up, I dashed to the door and grabbed the knob. "Wait! You cannot do this to me, Robin Spark!" Alicia shouted, which caused me to pause for a moment to glance at her. "I'm sorry, but I'm not into a woman." After telling her that, I eventually opened the door and stepped outside, as if I were being pursued by hellhounds. However, as soon as I exited the room, I froze when I bumped into a recognizable figure. The man who has been in my freaking mind the entire day. My knees buckled as I immediately grew weak and anxious. Damn it! He heard what I told Alicia, right?
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