Chapter 10

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STELLA The lessons are long and tedious. Mrs Stevenson is seriously trying to put us to sleep with her take on geometry. When the bell rings, we all jump from our places and try to escape the room as fast as possible. "Elle, are you coming?" I ask my roommate, but she shakes her head. "Go onto freedom, my friend," she says in a grave tone. "I need to discuss my latest test results with Mrs Stevenson. I'll be here for a while." "That bad, huh?" I snort. "Yeah," she pouts her lips and knits her brows together. "If you see Carter, tell him I love him!" "Will do!" I laugh and leave the room. I go back to my locker to get the books I'll need for my homework today when I feel someone towering behind me. I smell the familiar scent of sandalwood and cologne and just know it's Xavier. "What exactly are you doing?" I turn to him, and he puts one of his hands on the wall behind me, our faces suddenly too close. "I've just realized you've never been to our town." He smiles. "How about I take you out there, now?" I hesitate, biting my lip as I study his face. That sounds like a date. And I don't want to date anyone. Not now, and not here. "I don't know, Xave," I mumble and turn away to hide in the depths of my locker. "Can we even leave school premises… legally?" "Yes, if you are accompanied by the school body president," he breathes right into my neck, creating goosebumps all over me. "Is he going with us?" I ask him, arching my brow. He bursts out laughing, annoying the hell out of me as I turn to face him again, angry. "You are looking at him," he says finally, and I feel so dumb. Of course, he is the school president. And he is probably also the captain of every sports team they have here for sure. "Is anyone else going?" I ask him nonchalantly. "Why?" He leans closer to me. "Are you afraid of yourself when you are around me?" For a moment there, I don't even know how to respond to that. Who does he think he is? That he is the most gorgeous guy I've ever met? With his intense blue eyes, and his rock-hard abs, and that husky voice of his… and that messy hair… Hell to the no. Someone is too full of himself. "Well, what if you are secretly some kind of psycho-murderer-maniac?" I snort at him. "I don't know you too well, do I?" "Just more reasons to go with me and get to know me better!" He touches a lock of my hair and brings it up to his lips, inhaling the scent. Weir-do. "Alright!" I give up. I do want to leave this place and see the town, after all." Yeah, that's the main reason why I agree to this! "Meet me at the school entrance in an hour," he smiles, and for a moment, it looks like he is about to kiss me, but then he quickly backs off and leaves. "It's a date!" "It's not a date!" I shout to his back. "Yes, it is!" he replies so that the whole school hears us, not bothering to turn and look at me. How is he so confident? And what the hell am I even doing with a guy like that? I go back to my room, thinking of what just happened. A date with Xavier. This is not what I wanted at all, but somehow I ended up agreeing… Damn. I open the door and almost jump when I see a dark figure by the window. Ebony black hair and a long dark coat, there is no doubt it's the man I met at the sports field this morning. "Hello there," he smiles at me, his hazel eyes never leaving mine.. "H-hi?" I stutter. This is weird, right? Who the hell is he to begin with? And why is he in my room of all places? "Are you Elle's new roommate?" He asks while sitting comfortably on the windowsill seat. "Yes," I furrow my brows. "And you are?" "How rude of me," he chuckles. "Cain Russel. I am Elle's older brother." Okay, I feel a bit relieved now. Elle's brother can't be bad… Right? "Are you sure?" I come in and throw my bag on my bed. "You two look nothing alike!" "I know." He smiles, his intense gaze not leaving me and making me slightly uncomfortable. "Same dad, different mums." "Oh," I don't really know what to say to that. "Well, I am surprised, as she hasn't mentioned you before. Not that I've been here for long, of course." "Hmm, it's probably my fault," he says calmly. "I sent her here and devoted myself to work. Didn't have much time to check up on her properly. I will do it much more often now, I assure you." "You are lucky she has Carter here, then," I giggle. "He is taking care of her as if she is a precious porcelain doll." "That's good to hear," his lips curve slightly. "He is the reason we chose this exact school. I wasn't too keen on him, but he proved himself. I will have to admit that." "Uh-huh," I nod, getting my books out of the bag. "And what about you, Stella?" I flinch as he pronounces my name. The way he says it is just too… I don't even know how to describe it. "What about me?" I snort and clear my throat. "Do you have a boyfriend here?" he smirks. His gaze is fixed on my face, which by now is probably a proper shade of red. "I have been here just a few days," I chuckle. "A bit too early for a boyfriend." "Really?" he smiles and wants to add something, but the door bursts open, and Elle flies in. "Cain! You are really here!" She throws herself in her brother's arms, and he hugs her tightly, his gaze fixated on me the whole time. "Look at you!" he says. "All grown up already! I didn't expect it at all." "Well, you should have come more often!" she snorts. "Could have witnessed all the changes in person." "I know, kitten," he strokes her head. "You know how my work is." "Crazy as usual," she giggles. "All that scheming…" "I actually have just been talking to your friend about how I should visit you more often. Would you like that, kitten?" He smiles at her gently. They seem to have a warm relationship, and I sigh as I don't have any relatives like that left. Elle is lucky. I choose a suitable outfit for going to the town, and go to the bathroom to change and do my make-up. When I am out, I find Elle and her brother are still here, as if they are waiting for me. "Stella," Elle looks happy. "Cain offered to take us both out to a restaurant in town. You haven't been there yet, right? You should go with us." I look at Cain and feel his amused gaze on me again. "Join us, please," he smiles playfully. "I want to know all about my sister's best friend." "Sorry," I shake my shoulders. "I kind of already have plans with someone else today. Maybe next time?" It must be me, but I think I saw his eyes flash red for a second. I blink a couple of times to check if I am seeing things, but nothing… It must be the fall... Hopefully, I don't have brain damage of any sort! "Oh, too bad! Who knows when the next time with this guy is?" Elle rolls her eyes. "He is always way too busy to visit me." "Don't worry, sis," Cain chuckles. "I assure you that you will be seeing plenty of me now when I have more time available. And, Stella, that dinner – how about next week? I was planning to visit Elle again." "Of course," I smile. "I'll be waiting." He seemed satisfied with my answer, and after some talking, we all decided to walk out of the school together. When we do, my jaw drops to the floor. The first thing I see is the latest model of the Maserati Gran Cabrio in a beautiful shade of metallic dark blue. The alarm system beeps, and Cain opens the door for Elle to get in. "Nice ride!" I say. If I could whistle properly, I would right now. The car is a beauty. And I am not even a car-obsessed person. "You should see my latest Bugatti," he smirks. "Well, maybe you will. Next week." "There is no chance the three of us could fit into a Bugatti," I giggle. "Maybe I'll take you for a ride one day while Elle is busy with Carter. We'll see. I guess this is a goodbye for today, Stella." Cain smiles and brushes his hand over his hair. "Yeah, bye!" I wave and watch their car drive off, then breathe out in relief. For some reason, that was tense. And, seriously, what was with the ride proposition? Can he come here and take out any unrelated student? It's not supposed to work like that. Also… just why would he do that in the first place? A black Range Rover, that has seen some life, stops in front of me and the window goes down. For some reason, Xavier looks unhappy, giving me a weak smile. "Hi," I mumble, and he gestures for me to get in.
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