Season 2: Darkness forever

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UNKNOWN WAREHOUSE Breca drove into an Unknown Warehouse Filled with Vans and Armed men and they all bowed before Breca immediately they saw him, Breca advanced into the warehouse without wasting time and all his g**g Members Hailed him with respect. " Where is He? Where is that Mvther fvcker? I am in an Hurry because I just Heard about Incoming Crissis in sunnydale and I need to hurry, Bring that Bastard out " Breca ordered hastenly and they brought out the already Dozing Young man and Breca smirked. " Wake him Up for it is time to know what is really Happening in sunnydale " Breca ordered and they injected something into the man which Brought him out of the realm of sleep but he got the beating of his life in the hands of the g**g. " Hello Demsworth Peniel, I am sure that you don't know me but I believe that you have illegal Business that you are doing and that's what I need to find out because it is necessary And I just want answers... If you refused to Tell me to correct answers... Then I will make you suffer dearly " Breca threatened and the man cringed in fear. " Please don't Hurt me, I was only in that Hotel to Partner with The Brandon Group, I don't know about the Illegal Business that you are talking about " The man said and Breca Laughed and he brought out his g*n from his pocket and he fired the leg of The man causing him to scream out in pains and Breca Brought out a pen knife. " I won't remind you about who I really am, I don't Joke with My questions, Answer me or I will t*****e the Hell out of you and you will regret ever Living in this worthless world " Breca Threatened in anger and the man gulped. " What Illegal Business are you dealing with because my Men Hyjacked Three Trucks of Overloaded Gas tubes for something Unknown to me and My Men Traced the Three Trucks connections to you Demsworth Peniel... Don't play tricks with the master of tricks Peniel " Breca Warned while Staring at The Sobbing Peniel. " I don't just know How it happened, A four Eyed Dark Man Appeared before me Threatening to kill My Entire Family unless I do what he asked of me, I had to do it to safe my Family and I will Ordered to Bring Trucks of Gods Tube to the Center of Sunnydale for the Reason I know not of " Peniel said and Breca smirked. " Gass Tube you say, Hundreds of Humans down there are Mutants Because of some strange Radioactive Gasses Released in the atmospheric Region, We now have to take down Mutants all over Sunnydale because of A Four eyed Monster as you just mentioned.. I won't be killing you for now.. I will be back " Breca said and he left Warehouse immediately. RYJACK'S REALM Derak appeared immediately before the source wall and he awaited the Presence of His Master and The a Dark Portal appeared Revealing General Khan who was Now Possessed by the Fire god and Ryjack Emerged from the Source Wall with his Body Glittering and His face were filled with Happiness and He was Calm. " I am Feeling them, My Mutants are Raiding Sunnydale Under my Control and the Gassess are Transforming those Pathetic Humans into Dark Mutants under my Control and My Plans are coming into perfection and Very soon I shall possess my full powers " Ryjack stated with pride and Derak bowed before him. " Ryjack haven't you heard of the Ocean Lord? his team are taking down Few Mutants while some are still in hidding, I have succeeded in Mutating my Armies and they are Terrorists mutants and powerful to be killed by Mere Bullets " Khan said and Ryjack smirked. " The Hour Shall Come When I will no longer need the source wall, I Think it's time for me to be Focusing my mind on the Anti Life and the three Gems that will make me so powerful for me to become the Unlimited Being " Ryjack stated and he Faced Derak and Khan. " Be Prepared and Ready for The Anti Body that Resembles this your Host and Thou shall not be in use of this Pitiful Mortal Body, Such a Embarrassment for a fire god to dwell in an Mortal Body even though it is of darkness " Ryjack said and Khan Smiled. " Very soon the World will Crumble and We shall rule them all " Khan said with pride. UNKNOWN ISLAND The Enraged Jones Dashed at the women with staffs and they released Great amount of powerful force but Jones repelled it back to them sending them crashing and Jones punched one in face and he Slashed her face with his Claws. Jones Tossed The Woman Away and He Controlled Nature Against them, Jones Eyes glowed and he Wrapped his hands together Creating a Powerful Force which shredded the bodies of those Women into Pieces and they screamed out in Pains but Jones showeth them no Mercy at all and He Ran towards Where Felix Laid in pains but Something didn't seem right because he absorbed all the pains into him and he felt free.. What is really Going on. " Felix are you alright? " Jones asked worriedly and Felix Nodded and they were both facing Mamba who was Enjoying all that was Happening and He Smiled immediately he saw their eyes fixed on him and Jones approached him but Felix held him back. " Hey mamba or whatever you call yourself, I want you to send those Message to the Phantom Lord, Tell him that the Team Ocean Lord is coming for him and He will surely pay for Murdering all those innocent Supernaturals back then " Felix stated in anger and they varnished immediately without stress. " You are so Unimaginable Ocean Lord, I will deliver your message to the Phantom Lord and He will surely Kill you and your Warriors with his Own bare hands for he is the Unknown " Mamba said and he Ordered the remaining Agents to retreat and they left the woods. DIVINE REALM The Gathering of gods Took place and The Great Hall of the divine were filled with Thirty beings that were unknown to all and they were all sitted around the round Table of The Dieties to discuss what brought them there. " The sky Sorceress and the Dreaded Brothers all died Fighting the host of the spirit and The Host of the soul, What are we going to do now? " One of the beings asked and they was Complete silence in the Hall. " I once Warned you all that killing the two host is a difficult Task, The True Jaguar and The Phantom Hybrid is no ordinary Foes to deal with, that's why I suggest we sends gods down there to take down those two to end the return of the ultimate destroyer " Another being suggested and they were all Comtepulating. " He is Right, Sending Dieties down there is the Best Option to take down those Threats to our existence but come to think of it... Who is the body of the Ultimate Destroyer? I don't just understand the games of the Creator, I am Confused here " Another being spoke out with confusion. " That's correct but that's not the main Problem, Let's First Focus on Eliminating one of those two before Tracking the body and then we will trap the body deep down were will be unknown to everyone except us all, We are the dieties that are unstoppable " One of the Lords of the sky spoke out and they all smirked. " We are the Ultimate Dieties of all Races " AQUARIUM UNDERGROUND BASE Felix and Jones appeared inside the Base and Sam Heaved when he saw them, Everyone was watching Jack through the Plasma As he was taking down Few Mutants with the Atlantians and Agents and Felix heaved. " What Brought all this Mutants in Sunnydale, Since two hours that those Radioactive Gasses were released into the sky, Hundreds of Mutants and Citizens went missing and That's what I am trying to tackle because someone is k********g all this Citizens " Sam said with his Face became Weary and he was Angry at himself. " We need to activate all surveillance in Sunnydale, Set the Memory Wiper to be ready because we won't Want them to remember all this Mutants Destroying things in this City, Get every battle ship ready for we are about to go into what they call a Mini War " Felix said and Jones smirked. " I Love the sound of that and I better get myself ready because this Mini War is going to be Savagely wonderful, Deploy all Machinery and Weapons of Light to the Normal Base and Atlantians and Agents get yourself ready " Jones Ordered and he disconnected the Walkie Talkie. PACIFIC OCEAN Ships Could be seen moving in the Atlantic Ocean the a Strong Wave Blew and the Ships Wreck Began and A Man could be seen standing on a rock on the surface of the Ocean with his lips Filled with mischievous Smiles and that being is Pelvis and he was holding his Trident. Pelvis Controlled sharks and Octopus to be hitting the Ships like it Creates hole which will make the ships to sink, Choppers On the Air and Armed men dived down from the choppers skillfully and they opened fire immediately they landed inside the Ships killing many people in the ships. " Take the viral Codes and Drives from the Milepotaniam Groups and Kill everyone in the ships, Let no one survive and this is not the Time to Harbor Innocent people all around, We send them to the underworld immediately " Pelvis said and they all nodded as they continue to waste lives like they means nothing to them and one of the Armed men handed a Drive to Pelvis and Pelvis nodded. " I now Have the source Connection to Network through this Drive, The Key is Granting me Access to all Network in the Globe and then I shall track and Hack Aquarium system making me the All powerful immediately I absorb the powers of the divine atlantian... This is getting More Instense and I love it " Pelvis said and he dived into the Ocean. He Went Deep into the Bottom of the Pacific Ocean and he Strucked the gigantic Walls with his Trident Resulting it to vibrate heavily and some part fell into the Pacific Ocean, What he is trying to do is to make Atlantis be visible in the sight of Humans that they may attack Atlantis without stress and he had planned everything from the very beginning. " Very soon Brothers, Your end will come and Atlantis shall be doomed, No Kingdom to rule and I shall reign Havoc in the Human World while I become the Ultimate Ruler of The Mortals, sorry mum but I must do this " Pelvis whispered and he strucked the ground Vigorously Separating the Ocean to Include Atlantis and He Smirked because Atlantis will soon be unveiled and it will surely be destroyed once noticed. His Ultimate Plans is Working for him and Very soon, He will Triumph and Rule the Mortals.
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