Season 2: Anti Life

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RYJACK'S TEMPLE Derak Appeared With the Flamy Dragon Beside him, Derak Axe Varnished together with his Armour and He bowed Before the Great Source Wall, The Forgotten Brothers Appeared Behind Derak with smiles but Derak Frowned in anger. " Good Job Derak, You have succeeded In Luring the Heroes Out, The Circle of Life is Made In this World and the Thing that Amused me the Most is that the Anti Life Equation dwells in this Very City, The Time Gem is Also in this City but I just Can't Trace it.. It's very difficult to find " Ryjack stated and he Walked out of the source Wall resulting his body to glow and the reality Gem glowed non stop. " My Lord the Heroes seems to be tough, I Underestimated the Great Beast of Divine and I got Beaten Up by Him in terms of Strength my Lord, Please Forgive My Stupidity and Spare me " Derak Pleaded while on his Knees and Ryjack smirked as he approached Derak who laid on the floor in fear of been killed by Ryjack the Greatest Anti Being of Darkness. " What a Comedian you are Derak because I have no intention on wasting you Right now, There are Many things to do and You are the Last in my Mind to Kill, The Great Beast of Divine has Spoken with the True Creator and He is Extraordinary... You can't expect to single-handedly beat the one trained by the Arch angel Micheal Right " Ryjack said and Derak widened his eyes. " it looks like I Forgot about the Forgotten Brothers, I have the Perfect Mission for you three But not for now and As for now, You will Be Escorting Derak into any War he is about to fight, He is too Precious to be Killed For now... I have Many things that I need him to do and Derak is there any news from Your Killing Mission? " Ryjack asked. " The Pain, The Sorrow, The Agony, The Terror, The Brutality and the rest that Formed the Anti Life dwells in this Fertile Soil of this City, I felt it when I strucked the Ground with My Axe, I single-handedly Created Vast Monsters on my Own Through the Anti Life... It Has the Center where it dwells that Spreads out in this City... The Anti Life is in this City and I have felt it " Derak said and Ryjack nodded. " I know about that Derak, The Anti Life Powers Controls all Life and Wields in the Multiverse, All Evil Bows Before Me and Emotional Heartbroken I Control, I have that Perfect Plan that I will use in Controlling the Heroes before me... I am the dreaded one with A thousand Plans in his Brain " Ryjack Boasted and he Walked back to the Source Wall. " Create the Bond, I need to Have access into the Devil's Temple to Take The Nature Stone, With the Nature Gem I can Last Longer while Fighting in This City, I need my Full Powers Back for I can't Endure Living all my Life in the Source Wall " Ryjack said and he entered the wall but not fully Because he had few words to say. " Get all My Monsters Ready, Begin the Magic Users Hunt and Create More Monsters that will be used in destroying Cities, Before I Destroy all Copies in this Pathetic Human World, Sunnydale has to go down first and then the rest follows for Ryjack has Arrive " Ryjack said and he Entered into the Source Wall fully. AQUARIUM UNDERGROUND BASE Prince Silas could be seen panting while searching all the surveillances since two Months ago, He needed to know if there are any Trace of Pelvis to confirm his suspicious Mind on Pelvis who has been Away for a Long Period of Time without anybody tracing him. " Where are You b***h, Show yourself and don't be Afraid " Silas Muttered and He Clicked on something in the Monitor, A Being with Black suit and a suitcase and he entered into Sunnydale Grand Hotel which belongs to Breca and Silas Zoomed the Picture. " Aha, I finally Caught You b***h, for Months You have been hiding in the shadows and this is my Time to Take you down, Pelvis Aka Killer Croc and He is one of the Most Wanted Mafia in Sunnydale...How Impressive this is " Silas Grinned and he Copied Everything about Pelvis into a digital Chip and He Switched of the Monitor. " You can Run Pelvis But You just Can't Hide From me.. I will Hunt you down no matter the Circumstances " Silas Boasted and He Dived into the Portal He had already Created few minutes ago and The Agents Continued what they were doing. MAYOR'S MANSION " Huhhmmm..Yummy, This food is So Good and if I may ask who is the Cook that Cooked this Wonderful And Delicious Food Mr Mayor? " Jones asked while smiling and The Mayor Giggled immediately he heard Mr Mayor. " How Many times will I remind you that I am Mr Thompson Bernard, You can Call me By my Official Name Mr Bernard but don't Call me Mr Mayor, Billoniares have the right to Call me Mr Bernard and Mr Thompson " The Mayor said and Jones nodded. " Well Anyway it is, But I am in Love with Calling you Mr Mayor, He Sounds Cool you know, But let keep that Aside and Focus on Another thing, Have Heard that You are the Owner of the Jray Fashion Hall were Extremely Expensive Precious Jewels dwells and I will like to have that spinning Necklace " Felix said and the Mayor Nodded. " Yeah but am Afraid to say it that it is not For Sale Felix.. " " I will Give you Fourth Billon dollars For that Aquatic Necklace or Whatever they call it, Is that a deal? " Felix said stretching forth his Hand forward but He withdrew it back because the Mayor had refused to shake his Hand. " You may be Filthy Rich Felix But that's not the way we do things, All those things are Scientifically Proven that they possesses Supernatural Abilities though people won't believe me but I have tested it before " Mr Bernard the Mayor Stated. " Wow do you have supernatural Powers? " Jones asked pretending to be shocked and the Mayor Nodded Positively and Mr Clark Smirked And he Tightened his fist without showing it, He had already Made up his Mind to End the Mayor Right away but not when he sons are around because they are yet to be introduced into the Business. " That's Wonderful so What Kind of Powers do you Possess? " Mr Clark asked and the Mayor Faced him, A Glowing Ring appeared on his hand creating floating Water, Both Mr Clark, Felix and Jones all gasped in shock of seeing the Ring. " The Ocean Ring " Mr Clark Muttered silently while staring at the Ring on the Mayor's Finger, The Last Daughter of The Mayor Was still Instagraming and Tweeting all this Time and Jones wasn't Happy about that, The Mayor Noticed it and he Directed them water into picking His daughter phone Causing her to scream. " Why did you do that Dad? " The Young Eighteen Year of Girl Asked the Mayor and He Laughed out, Mr Clark Faked Laughter and his mind was thinking of the evil that he will do to the Foolish Mayor for Leaking Out this Secret. " Well Can't you see that we have Visitors Kristy " Mr Bernard Uttered and His daughter whose Name is Kristy Scoffed, She turned to the direction of the Visitors and Her swollen Face Changed into Shock on Sighting the Brandon's. " Wait Dad are you for real, The Brandon's are really Looking me Right now.. Gosh I can't Believe this " Kristy said in shock and Jones Smirked, He wanted to Greet Her Properly by standing up but Mr Clark held his back. " Sit down and don't Embarrass the Family Jones, Haven't I warn you not to admire the Bernard's " Mr Clark Whispered and Jones sighed and he was still staring At Kristy Beautiful and Charming face and he flashed a Smile from his Lips. " Hello Kristy Bernard I am Jones Bran.. " " Cut the Crap I know Who you are Jones Brandon, The Top Two Young Billoniare in Sunnydale and You own over Forty percent of Lands in Sunnydale through your land Company and you have Random Daycares and all that, So what's there to Introduce and Besides I am interested in Becoming friends with the Brandon's at all " Kristy Hissed and Felix silently Giggled together with Mr Clark while Jones Boiled in anger. UNKNOWN A Ancient Cave With Glowing Runes all around Could be seen and Inside The Cave was Filled with Glowing Runes plastered on the walls, Different Drawings of Ancient Beings all around and At the Center of th Cave stood a Being with hood... The Being was recognized to be Fate! " Welcome Back to the World of the Living Hannabel " Fate said drawing Hannabel Out of the Blue Glowing Pool, Hannabel Laid on the Ground n***d without Clothes and With one snap of Fate Fingers... Clothes magically Appeared on Hannabel and She Gasped out. " Where am I and Who are you? " Hannabel Asked Fate who was just smiling while Staring at Her, Fate approached Her But Hannabel Stepped Few steps Backward till she fell into the Pool, Mysteriously the Pool Pushed her out immediately. " Well Hannabel I am Fate of the Endless, Have you Been Wondering why you Got here, You Murdered Easily wasn't a Coincidence Hannabel, I Changed your fate and You Got Killed for a Reason which I will reveal to you now " Fate stated and Hannabel gnashed her teeths in anger immediately she remembered how she was Easily Murdered by that Monster but it didn't take her soul because of some reasons. " Why did you do that? Why did you change My fate to die that Easily and Early " Hannabel Asked. " You Got Chosen By the Orders Called the Mothers of Life, Your Fate Changed immediately they Choosed you to be the Worthy One.. The One to Bear the Runes of the Order and the Incoming War but I Changed Everything " Fate Explained. " Changed What? " " Well You see Hannabel you are not more the same Person you were, You are no More The Mutant Witch but a special One which is rare and When the Time is right both Ryjack and The Fire god shall Unleash their Evil in Sunnydale before Destroying the rest and you are part of them which were chosen to defeat Ryjack " Fate Said. " Is there anything that you are not telling me? " Hannabel Asked and Fate nodded. " Yes Hannabel, I have too Many things that I am not Telling you and You are not Worthy to know But there is something that I will not Reveal to you for now, When the time shall come.. You shall Help Hands in Bringing him back " " Bringing Who back? " Hannabel asked. " The War god! The god of War! The Destroyer But He is the Ultimate Destroyer "
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