Season 2: Darkness is near

1849 Words
AQUARIUM UNDERGROUND BASE Blaring Sounds of Alarms in the Agency Base Became Louder, The Alarm Bulbs Glowed Reddish, Agents rushed down to the Main Hall and so as The Leaders, Felix, Jones, Sam, Breca and Jack all rushed down to the Main Hall to know what really Is Happening down there. " What is going on down there? Answer me " Felix demanded with weary tone, All Agents Faced him and they retired their gaze back to the Monitors which uploaded Pics of Lavas Flowing down from the Great Active Volcano. " Oh my god, Isn't that the Shaviria Volcano which was said to start Erupting in three days, What is going on in this sunnydale, Why are all this Casualties befalling Us this Time around " Felix sadly said and He Brought out his IPhone from his pocket. " What are you doing Felix? " Jones questioned but Felix Ignored him and he kept operating his IPhone when all of a sudden something caught his Attention in those pictures, Felix gasped immediately he saw Derak and that Flamy Dragon attacking the People. " Looks like it wasn't Ordinary after all, Get all Warriors Ready and All Agents Prepared, I need Fifty Atlantians ready with their Tridents because we are about to Invoke Waters into that Island, We can't Sit and Watch this Innocent Humans Die " Felix Ordered and He Brought out his Wristwatch from his pocket and he put it on immediately. " Squad Four do you Copy, Get all Cameras Ready, Scan the woods, Libraries and All that....Choppers Ready for This is Going to be What they call a Mini War " Felix said into the Watch which was a connection and he bolted into the portal he had already Summoned. " Felix what do you think that you are doing? You remember the Last time we fought that Monster, He whooped our a*s like we were some kids, We need to trend with Caution Felix " Jones advices but Felix paid Deaf ears. " Are you Coming Or Not? " Felix asked. " Of course yes I am coming, What kind of Question is that " " Then Keep Quiet Jones, We Have Pressing Issues to deal with, Mutants Attack, Hunters Killing and Now Destruction in Island Caused by Monsters, I gat no time to calm down so shut the f**k up and let's kick some damn as right now " Felix yelled as they approached a Jet Before them. " Atlantians Prepare the Dive... Remember that it is the Atlantic Ocean North Regional Island, Agents Get your Mvther fvcking a*s into the Choppers...It's time to end some Bitches Lives once and For all " Felix stated into his Watch immediately they were already inside the Jet which was about to Start. " Start the Jet right away and Prepare the Blasters, Mussels Must be Ready and Everything else I am sure is already stable... Go..Go.. Go " Felix shouted and The Jet Flew up into the sky with Choppers Behind Them, Atlantians were below them while in the Ocean riding Water type of Spaceships which I don't know it's name. ISLAND Derak Could be seen slaughtering Villagers with his axe, He had already Butchered three thousand with his Armies following him, The Fire dragon Roared fire destroying Houses and People all around it's vicinity but all of a sudden The Waters Began to Rise which made them all dumbfounded. " What the Hell is that? " Derak questioned while staring at the High Rising Water, Water Formed Hands Started Hitting The Monsters Away and Atlantians Jumped out of the Ocean with their Tridents in their Hands and they were conjuring Waters from the Ocean. Lasers Rained down from the sky Destroying Many Monsters, Choppers Filled the sky with Lasers Blasting Monsters all around while The Atlantians Conjured water which Started Stopping the flow of Lavas all around but a strong Force blasted them away. " Not on my Watch insignificant Supernaturals " Derak Veered controlling Rocks and He leapt High Into the sky, Derak Grabbed the Under of an Helicopter and he flinged it down which sent into massive Explosion while Multiple Lasers beamed down on him but it had not effect. Derak Roared Commanding Lightning from his axe which Blasted Atlantians Away, Killing Many and Injuring Some, Great Amount of Force Blasted Derak from an approaching Jet and Derak groaned in pains... Five figures stood on top of the Jet and they landed on the island Ground with anger plastered on their Faces...They were Felix, Jones, Jack, Sam and Breca. " Tetrion Belanse " Breca Chanted and Rocks Dashed At Derak Who was already on his Feet, Derak Blasted all those Rocks with Lightning from his axe with his gaze fixed on Felix who was still staring at Derak in his Ocean Lord outfit. " We see again Ocean Lord and Besides today shall be your end Mr Hero " Derak smirked with pride and He Connected his Axe to the Ground with Great Impact Causing the ground to Vibrate, Hands Sprouted Out of the Grounds and Felix Bounced Back in shock. RYJACK'S TEMPLE Ryjack Emerged out of the source Wall with Pride, His Glowing Body Glittered all Round and The Forgotten Brothers bowed before him in Respect, General Khan Could be seen standing before Ryjack Who smirked. " My Friend Why did you Summon Me from the source Wall? " Ryjack asked with Authority and Venom etched in his voice, Khan Eyes Burned With green Fire as he approached Ryjack without fear and Respect. " Days are gone Ryjack, The Heroes has Started Fighting My Mutants, You Need The Power gem, Time gem and Nature gem and I need my Body, What are we waiting For.. You send your Herald Derak to destroy Villages but he is been Encountered by the Heroes... We need to Have what we need before those Heroes will be able to stop us " General Khan Veered and Ryjack Smirked. " I know that already My Friend, The Heroes are something Else and Anytime I send Derak to Attack, He explains what they are to me... You wouldn't Like to go against your Brother's Son would you by Very good friend? " Ryjack Questioned. " What! Who is he that is my Brother son? " General Khan asked and Ryjack Smirked. " That so Called Ocean Lord is the Bastard of Neptune, A Demi god with the Powers of gods and Then the Phantom Hybrid which is said to be Vampire and Wolf but he is something Else... The Ancient beast of divine and The Sacred Atlantian... All Are Destruction themselves and that's why i will need the Gems.. I shall go get the Nature gem from the Devils Temple " Ryjack Stated and General Khan Winked at him. " I have a son to deal with and Now A Nephew, I will not Kill him because of What Neptune did to my son but I will surely Make him for what his father did to my Body, The Era has Surely Come and Destruction is the order of the day " General Khan boasted with pride. " What about your Mutants Khan? " Ryjack asked. " Few Mutants are still on the loose but I will surely get them, The Rest are Under me and I have perfect Plans for them all, This Realm will surely Belong to us all and All Supernaturals will surely bow before us.. Well except for the Magic users because you will surely Wipe them out " General Khan stated and Ryjack Nodded. " The Perfect Time is Elapsing and Th Moment shall Come when we will rule the World and The Rest of the Cosmic Beings shall surely Bow before us " Ryjack stated with Pride and Khan Nodded with smiles. ISLAND Many Skinny Scary Creatures Emerged from the Ground in Massive Large Numbers, Derak Leapt High and He Landed Behind Felix in an attempt to Decapicate Felix but Felix swiftly Duck it And he kicked Derak back and Derak bounced back. " Time to play Mr Monster " Felix said and his Sword appeared on his Hand, He Connected His Mind to the Ocean Creating Water Formed Guns which released Powerful Bullets killing Those skinny scary Monsters and He Charged at Derak with his sword. " Bring it on Hero, It will be Honor to kill you myself " Derak said swinging his axe, Derak Tossed his Axe against Felix but Felix ducked it and he Bounced up skillfully kicking Derak down with full force and Energy and Derak Groaned. " You may be powerful Ocean Lord but you are never my match, Apen Do!!!! " Derak Chanted and a strong force blasted Felix down with Agony, Derak Called back his Axe back to him and He Charged Against Felix In an Attempt to Smash Felix But Jack Pushed him back with Full Energy and before Derak could stand up to his feet, Jack Lifted him up and Smashed him on the ground. " You can never imagine what a divine Beast Can do b***h " Jack Punched Derak into the Sky and He Leapt Into the Sky, Jack Kicked Derak from the sky massively and Derak Fell down with heavy thud to the Ground. " Ancient Beast of Divine! You have Proven yourself Worthy Enough to Beat me but I am not Any Monster that you have ever fought, For the Fact that you have spoken to the Creator Himself Makes you Powerful but I am something Unimaginable " Derak Roared and Lasers Shot out of his Four Eyes Blasting Jack down. " I am Derak the Ultimate Herald of the Great Ryjack... You Can Never Imagine what a Being of Reality and Magic can do to you, I have Fought and defeated Foes Like you for my master Ryjack, you are powerful but I am More powerful " Derak stated with Venom etched in his voice and He Strucked the Ground with his foot aggressively causing it to c***k. " I want to see How Fast you are in Leaving this Island, in the Next one Minute everything here will surely Be destroyed and There is nothing that will stop it, Till we meet again Ocean Lord or else you are already dead..." Derak Laughed and He Varnished together with the Dragon and His Armies and they were now focusing on the destruction that is about to Happen now. " What are we going to do now? that Bastard Has already Planned What Will Happen Next, We need to Evacuate this Premises Right now... It is Encrypted with Dark Magic and I am sorry to say that we have nothing to do about it " Breca said Caressing the ground. " Everyone into the Ocean Right now " Felix Screamed out and They all Dashed into the Ocean with Great Speed and the Island Explode Killing all Life in it and Everything Varnished with Great Force... There was no life in the island. The End is Near!
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