The Danger

1943 Words
SATURDAY 6:AM THE BRANDON'S GLASS MANSION . . Securities were alert with their armed weapons with them, Wonderful flowers were spotted around the compound, Three garage were spotted with three different names on each which shows the owner of each garage. This was a beautiful scenery to behold, while inside the mansion was filled with decorations around and two figures were seen on the sofa and we're playing with themselves while the plasma TV was on. The two figures were recognized to be know one other than Felix and Jones and they full of smiles and laughter filled the air. " Bro... Didn't you notice the newbie, he was such a jerk. Which one is I am must find the ocean lord " Felix said in a mimicking tone and Jones busted into an overwhelming laughter while he was feasting on a pizza inside the pizza box. " That's funny bro... But I kinda like him " Jones said while eating. " Me too bro.. Can I have a taste of your pizza " Felix approached Jones and took a bite out of the pizza and Jones formed a frown with foods clouded in his mouth. " uhmmmm... Yummy yummy.. Pizza so.. So.. Delicious " Felix teased Jones and l*****g his index finger. " Then you better, go buy your own and stop biting my melodious and inquisitive pizza and foods "Jones said with his frown look gazing at Felix. " Calm buddy.. It is just a bite bro " Felix retorted and smiled. " It is just because, you are my bro, or else.. You would have rot in hell for biting my pizza " Jones teased resulting Felix to burst into an outrageous laughter. " You funny men.. You know that right " Felix said amidst his laughter while Jones flashed a frown look at Felix. " You know buddy.. Let's forget about that where do you think we should head to?? " Felix asked and Jones was in deep thought on the question that was asked. " Hmm.. I don't know bro.. What do you think " Jones retorted and his gaze were completely fixed on Felix. " If you say... I think we should head to the beach and have some fun in the ocean in a ship, imagine only us in a ship " Felix suggested and Jones jumped up in excitement. " Well.. If paps isn't around, I think we should go then " Jones stated in happiness and he rushed to his room and picked up one of his car keys before coming to the sitting room. " Let's get going then " " Yippee, am always ready for beachy time " " beach here we come " The two brothers bolted out of the building and they got to their garage, Felix picked a BMW while Jones picked a green Ferrari and they all zoomed out of the building towards the direction of the beach. Minutes later.. They got to the crowded beach and people were seen under the scotched sun that beamed from the sky, footprints were seen on the beach sands and people layed down on the beach sands while others played around with their children or their lovers. Two cars drove in and we're scanned before giving approval of parking to avoid dangers, The brandons emerged from the cars, their sun glasses were on and they were putting cool and fancy beach clothes with their pants on( ? What are you thinking, it is not normal pants.. The American called trousers). Slight wind blew eerily on their faces resulting their hairs to be scattered and girls were seen drooling at the two Brandon's that approached the crowded beach. Many eyes were on them but they composed themselves as they reached the ocean bank. Their footprints were showing vividly on the beach sands as they stayed under the scotched sun that were reflecting on them, their sun glasses prevented them from having any eye problem as a result of the hot sun. Felix was on the ocean bank with his gaze fixed on the ocean waters while Jones went to secure a boat for them to sail all around the oceans and Felix waited patiently on the ocean bank with his hands tucked into his pocket. The wind blew his clothes up and his hair was scattered, Some girls were calling out their names just to get Felix attention, but it all prove abortive as his whole mind were on the river. After series of discussions, Jones came back with smiles on his face as he approached Felix, He got to Felix side and gave him a warm hug. The calm ocean waves flowed down on them as they were closed to the ocean. " Hey buddy.. I just secured a boat for us alone.. Isn't that great " Jones said with smiles on his face and he pointed to the direction of the boat causing Felix to smile while his eyes drifted towards the boat down there. " Let's get going then " " yeah.. Let's rock it on " The two brothers ran towards the boat joyfully, they increased their pace until they got to the boat, they entered the boat and prepared everything that was necessary to prepare, they tied ropes together and lifted a kind of flag or?? ( I don't know how to explain it). They pushed the boat into the ocean before bolting into it and riding of towards the ocean reef that was still far. The wind blew ferociously, their clothes was moving as a result of the wind and their hairs scattered the more. " Yipeeeee.. Uuuuhhuuu... This is wonderful " " No Felix... This is fantastic.. Fantabulous and Pleasurable " Jones said almost half yelling, so that Felix could hear his voice because the wind and the ocean waves were good definition of distractions to them. Seconds passed by, the mood changed, the sky darkened and thundered heavily, the storms were heavy as the waves became dangerous. The boat moved zig zag as the brothers held unto something to avoid been thrown into the ocean. " Felix.. I don't understand what is going on.. I am afraid " " Jones what are you saying.. I don't understand you " Felix yelled trying to hear what Jones said but it proved abortive while the heavy storm blew across the ocean and the sky thundered the more as lightening flashed through the sky. The waves were directing the boat to another direction but the brothers were trying to prevent it from moving to God knows where. Heavy rain fell from the sky while several lightening flashed through the sky, And the sky thundered heavily multiple times. The mighty wind rushed the boat and pulling it down but it was countered by the Brandon's pulling the boat from falling to avoid their fates if it do fall, The wind directed the boat to a strong rock which hit's the boat heavily. " Oh God dammit... The boat is sinking, Jones what are we going to do " Felix yelled and his whole body were completely wet from head to toe while Jones seen standing by the pole and mumbling something in his mind. " God I don't want to die " " God I don't want to die " " God I don't want to die " " God I don't want to die " Jones kept muttering as his face held fear and terror of death while Felix the brave one walked up to him, with the words of encouragement to Jones who was shivering in fear as the boat was gradually sinking. " Bro... Buddy.. Listen to me, we aren't gonna die toady at all... We are gonna leave this goddamned water for Christ sake... Jones.. Think about father, think about The school, the luxury... The money... The popularity and fame.. We can't die.. Not even in the next one thousand years " Felix said and Jones chuckled at his words. " Bro, it isn't easy as you think it is... We can't make it out if here alive " Jones said looking depressed and his body was completely wet and water dripped from his clothes as tears with the combination of the rains flowed freely from his eyes. " I understand you...i understand your words.. I understand the pain of dieing.. I fvcking understand why we can't die... Because we are alive for our... " Before Felix could complete his words, the boat capside,And faced the ocean below, resulting Felix and Jones to enter the ocean below, the mighty ocean wave flowed heavily resulting the upside down boat to move and the sky thundered dangerously. Felix head popped out of the ocean and he looked around the ocean in search of Jones but he couldn't see him, He was finding it difficult to breathe but he gotta look for his brother. " Jones... Jones.. Where are you Jones.. Jones.. Jones.. Jones.. Don't do this to me " Felix yelled and dive his head into the ocean, he hold his breath and he was searching for Jones everywhere inside the ocean. The ocean waves wasn't helping matters at all and it was a distraction in Felix seeing Jones, Felix heard a faint voice called his name and he titled his head fastly and he saw Jones going deeper into the ocean below. " Jones " Felix called out inside the ocean and he swiftly dive towards the drowning Jones already as he was at the peak if death when Felix took him out of the water he gasped for air. " Thanks buddy... I own you my life " Jones said catching his breath after been drown almost to death in the ocean. Felix carried Jones in a bridal style in the ocean as he sighted the boat and he gracefully drop Jones there with smiles beaming on his face as they were holding their hands together. Felix was inside the ocean and Jones who wasn't a good swimmer was on the upside down boat which kept him safe there, but the storm wasn't helping matters at all. The storm increases, it posed a threat to Felix in the ocean as water covered him and he fought hard to pop his up and avoid drowning. Tears flowed down from his eyes as he watched his only battle for his life, he couldn't do anything and that pained him the most. He couldn't swim and now his only and friendly brother is going to die for him. " Jones... Jones.. Jones.. Jones.. Jones.. " Felix called out amidst the ocean water covering him, he didn't know what energy made him to quickly rush towards the boat where his brother was kept, he gasped for air as he popped his head up, but he was covered a by an heavy wave and lightening flashed through the sky to the ocean. Making it difficult to reach Jones again, Felix gave up trying and tears formed in his eyes and he flowed freely, In his mind... He was already prepared for death, he removed the wrist band on his left hand, he tosses it over to Jones who immediately catches it from his side. " Goodbye brother.... And greet father for me " Felix said and the waves covered resulting him to drown and he went deep into the ocean. Tears flowed freely from the eyes of the weak Jones, he watched everything that displayed before him. " Noooooooooo... Felix come back " Jones yelled from the boat with tears as he watched Felix go deeper into the ocean.
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