Season 2: The Attack

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RYJACK'S REALM Derak appeared immediately with the Two horned Monster with armours and Axes, Derak being an Herald of Ryjack and a powerful Monster made him so powerful that he has the powers to resurrect Ancient beings of the old and that was the mains reason Ryjack favours him while his other heralds were under missions for now. Derak Bowed before the Great Source Wall and Ryjack emerged from it, Beside Derak A Black smoke Floated and Derak wasn't shock because he knew why he master had sent him to distract those Pathetic Humans. " Great Ryjack! I have distracted them and they felt not the presence of the fire god when he was free from the chains of Neptune " Derak said while bowing with pride and Ryjack smirked with his hands At his back and he approached Derak who was still on his knees. " You may Rise Derak! I Sent you down there to cause commotion and to reveal yourself to them and not your true powers, My best friend the Fire god is free and We have to prepare for the second plan we scheduled " Ryjack said and Derak stood up and his axe disappeared as he stared at Ryjack with honour. " Ryjack my friend, For years I have been bounded by my brother, My Body shredded into tiny pieces and I do not have any form except My Combination of soul and spirit at once with the powers of my body and I don't still see any good reason why Neptune will destroy my body " A dark Grutal Voice from the Smoke echoed round. " You won't Understand, I watched the War and Your body has one ability, Your body can't been chained down because it will take only three days before you will be free and Neptune needed you chained Because he never wanted to erase you from existence.. That's why he had to shred your body and then Combine the powers of the body to your soul and Spirit which was binded in chains for thirteen thousand years ago " Ryjack said and everywhere was calm. " But what I will do is to Make you to use a Body, A Full Human that you may not to recognized as a god and I have that perfect Human who is always evil all the time " Ryjack said and he signalled Derak to bring him and Derak varnished. Derak Appeared back with a Young Man like he was at the age of twenty five to thirty and Ryjack Smirked immediately he saw the Sleeping Figure before Derak and the Smoke faced the Young man down there. " Who is he? " The Voice from the smoke asked. " This is Vintler Vintage, A Well known Killer and Terrorists, He has Bandits and Warheads all over the world and he is said to be missing but Derak with his tricky Nature caught him and brought him to me and I made him to be placed into deep sleep " Ryjack said and Derak smiled. " Indeed this is the perfect Host for me, I can feel the Evil in his heart, I can feel the souls he butchered, He is the perfect host and his Bandits and Terrorists are the perfect Armies to use under my control " The Voice from the smoke said again and it went straight into the nose of the Young Man and The Man opened his eyes which burned with flames and Ryjack was happy. " Having This Mortal To Harness my Powers is the best, His Of the Mortals and Me being in him makes him an Immortal, I Have full Control Over his Brains and Body and I have access into his memories which is perfect... What is the next Phrase of the ultimate plan? " The Man asked with Folded arms and Ryjack smirked. " Me Getting The Nature Stone is the next Phrase, I Have gotten the reality stone which makes me of Reality and I can wrap Reality anytime I want, I need to have full access to All Elements and that will make the Nature or Elemental gem the next target then I will create the perfect body for you and not this Mortal " Ryjack said and the man nodded. " I will surely be grateful if you do that " The Man said and Ryjack faced him. " But Come to think of it friend, Don't you know that you have a son which is in sunnydale? I am sure about that because you supposed to have felt his auras as he is your offspring, What is really going on? " Ryjack asked and The Man widened his eyes. " A son? That can't be possible because I remember vividly that Neptune killed that my son which made me weak before him, He trapped my wife and He Butchered my son because he never wanted him to be evil as I was " The Man said and Ryjack giggled. " That Was an Illusion god of fire, Neptune Created an Illusion to trick you because he knew that he can't shed the blood of the innocent, Neptune Harbored your son and he made him an Atlantian which he is now in sunnydale " Ryjack said and The Man smiled in happiness. " I can't believe that My son is alive, I knew Neptune can't be so wicked to shed an innocent child blood just because of the Hatred he had for me and for the fact that he made my son An Atlantian makes him Calm towards Neptune but I will surely end him when the perfect time comes " The Man said In pride as his skin burned with fire and Ryjack Entered into the source wall to regain his body and power just like how charging to make the battery full.. Ryjack was recharging his body. STAR AGENCY Mr Clark Appeared Immediately inside the Agency and all the guards bowed, He walked with Pride and Happiness because he knew that the Ocean lord is in sunnydale and it will be perfect to end the City greatest Hero. " Have you Traced who the Ocean Lord is? Remember that it's only the name of the phantom Hybrid and the Ocean lord that I need, Only their names are enough to get the rest " Mr Clark asked immediately he entered the Technology Hall were different types of techs were built and furnished. " No sir but I think we have Useful Informations for you, The Ocean lord and the Phantom Hybrid were in their un Tracked outfits which we can never track and from their stature..i believe that they are Students from Sunvale High " An Agents spoke out and Mr Clark widened his eyes as he stared at Felix in his Ocean Lord outfit in the picture. " Young Smart boys I see, I guess Sunvale my Created school is my Target, Though I may be selling it of so as not to bring g suspicion to those supernaturals, Derek and some Students and teachers are my agents.. They will track those Heroes down very soon " Mr Clark said with pride. " Hunting those weak Supernaturals wasn't fun at all, Now I see where the real Fun begins and I will make sure that my ways are brutal starting from now " Mr Clark said and he left the Hall, Three minutes Later he entered the t*****e room which was filled with Supernaturals under b*****e and Torment and Mr Clark smirked. " I know you all don't know who the Ocean lord is, I know you all don't know the Phantom hybrid, But I need answers from you all, My Men Attacked your packs and Coven and many were killed while many escaped and you all are few.. I need to know we're they are " Mr Clark said and the Tormented Supernaturals Scoffed while some gritted their teeths in anger while Mr Clark broadly smile as he approached one supernatural. " You need their location to kill them all right? Well you will never locate them and All your evil plans will surely backfire back to you and your death will surely be a painful one for the death of the evil doers is that of without mercy " A female supernatural said and Mr Clark nodded while smiling. " I will start from him to show you all that I am not here to joke " Mr Clark said and he ripped out the Heart of the Man and he dropped the heart and he was now focusing on the woman that insulted him few minutes ago. " Well my Darling, There are things you don't really know about me, I am something that is more powerful, I am of Infinity with the combination of Darkness, I am something unpredictable and you see when you talked about Death... I laughed because the Phantom Lord can never and will never die.. I am of death " Mr Clark boasted and s***h the Legs of the Woman with his Claws causing her to scream in pains before Ripping out her head. " I don't really need his supernaturals anymore, Deploy all Toxic Gasses and All Weapons, Seal the Torment Hall when I am out already, Prepare the Annihilation, We will surely be needing more and don't forget to dumb their bodies before the Humans in front of the Museum " Mr Clark said into his intercom on his hand and he left the Hall and the door was sealed and gasses was released. Screams and Wails was heard for thirty minutes and they all died down, The Door was opened and all the supernaturals Laid on the ground Lifeless and Mr Clark nodded in satisfaction and he left the Hall side to his office. " For the end of the supernaturals is near and those that bows before me will surely live and the rest will be forgotten forever for this is a new Era and The Phantom Lord shall rule over the great City of Sunnydale alongside with my sons and Together we shall all triumph " Mr Clark said with venom etched in his voice. AQUARIUM UNDERGROUND BASE Felix, Jones, Jack and Sam could be seen fighting or should I say training, this was known to be a Hard Training Combate and In The Training all, Everything is reversible and All Damages will be reversed and they are free all those their extreme powers. Felix Spinned himself and he kicked Jack down, Sam Conjured water which blasted Felix away and Jones Could be seen standing and not doing anything, He was thinking of another thing in the Past and Felix noticed it, Felix Conjured a water formed hand which punched and Choked Jones making him to come back to his senses. " Bro! Why did you do that? " Jones asked in shock and Felix smiled. " We are busy training ourselves while you are busy thinking, This is not the perfect time to think Jones and Besides what is that, That made you to so much be in deep thoughts, Tell us Jones... We are waiting to hear it " Felix asked and Jones sighed. " Two days ago, There was this dude that I mistakenly Collided with and when I did, There was this Strange feeling that we were together before, It's was just like we were connected to something and this was so strange because I have never felt this Way before " Jones said and they were all confused. ???FLASHBACK ??? Jones Could be seen walking hastening his footsteps when Sky Could also be seen running and he collided with Jones and when their bodies touched each other, Unknown Red lightning spark but it was unnoticed and They apologized, Jones was still in shock and he turned back but Sky wasn't there again and an Unknown Figure with hood appeared before Jones but He was invisible to the eyes of Jones and he smiled. It was the Hooded figure that Removed the memories of the Phantom lord and Felix during the war against Gaap and He was now standing in front with his Hood covering his face, How powerful is he that even the Phantom Hybrid can't notice. " The Creator was right, The soul and the spirit has Met themselves, The Great war is about to start, The Ultimate Destroyer will surely be free and I will make sure that happens for I am the Fate that Destroys Reality " The Hooded man said and he Varnished immediately, Jones returned back to his senses and he was still feeling that shock. NOW " It was just like we were chosen for something or..I am just Confused " Jones said and Felix and the rest were still confused on what Jones just told them, Who was that young boy that has connection with Jones. " Do you know that boy? " Felix asked. " No But it's just that he has something that I also have, We are connected to something and that thing is what I will surely find out... " Jones couldn't finish his statement when he started choking horribly and Jones gasped for air. " What Is Happening? " Jack asked in fear as they all watched Jones convulsed but it was something else and they didn't know about that. " Goodbye Host of the soul! Your end is now " A Dark Grutal Voice Whispered into the ears of Jones and the tension Increased, Jones Screamed out and After that came forth death...Jones was almost dead when Breca Revived with his spells and that Spirit varnished. " This is war.. There are forces that are coming Our war.. What are we going to do Breca " Sam asked In fear, Jones was still sleeping and it has been hours since that strange Attack and Breca was just Staring at Jones. " You are Mistaken Sam, The Forces are not coming, They are already here "
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