Ultimate War

2662 Words
. . Silent reigned, All the atlantians were out with their weapons, The sky darkened and the silver moon emerged slowly, The atlantians found themselves breathing hard and the force was to strong, This was the evident that the Silver moon was weakening them. Their was great uproar of disastrous sounds everywhere, The sky darkened the more and a fiercesome being appeared with his wings flapping around, All the atlantians face morphed with fear on seeing that being. After his appearance, The clouds was filled with different beings with dark wings flapping around, They stood beside the silver moon as it doesn't have weakness on them because they are impure. " Who is that being in the clouds? " An atlantian asked pointing to the sky, Lightning spark in the sky and the sky became foggy, Sorcerers from nowhere appeared in the sky besides the winged warriors. " Warriors! Be prepared the war is about to start, They are channelling the silver moon powers to weaken us the more, Those are sorcerers, skibats and that punny lord Gaap, We defend our people, We destroy them " Prince Silas shouted and the warriors chanted angrily. Lord Gaap could be seen in sky with smirk plastered on his face, All the warriors stood by him with readiness to strike, They were just waiting for the orders to strike, The blood clans could not be seen anywhere around. " Remember this, Show no mercy... Sorcerers prepare the seal and I want them all the be weakened and they won't prove to be a threat, You haven't channel enough force from the silver moon to weaken them all " " Our rules is our rules, We kill them all and poison their oceans, The oceans is their source of power and when it is poisoned, they will be as weak as all this worthless humans around, Start the spells enchantors while the sorcerers will fight, Skibats attack!!! " Lord Gaap screamed and all the skibats charged with great speed. " Black plasma balls rained down from the sky with great amount of strike, all the atlantians dived to another direction to avoid the balls raining down upon them, Atlantians unleashed lightning from their tridents which the skibats deflected. The battle was on the island, All the atlantians rushed to the island to fight the skibats, The councils, the region kings and the princes were seen standing on a mountain as they watched the epic battle. " Well well well, Look who I am seeing, The royals of Atlantis how wonderful to crush your skulls within my palms, It was nice selecting the silver moon to strike and in the next two hours, The atlantians will seize to exist " Lord Gaap smirked as he approached the royals with his councils by his side. " It was a mistake that you were not killed you son of a b***h, You will pay for this I promise you that lord Gaap, You are an evil person, The devil son for that matter, Curse you Gaap!! " King Trissat said and in no seconds lord Gaap plugged out Trissat heart resulting him to fall down lifeless. " Oh do not be shocked, I didn't kill him this early because of his insult no, I killed him because he forgot to add the lord to my name, And my fight is not yet now dudes, I am keeping it for the perfect hour and you all will be facing my councis...Attack " Lord Gaap ordered before disappearing from the mountain. The skibat generals charged at the royals, Triton ducked the claws of a general but he was late as he received a bone breaking punch to his nose and he flew backwards crashing down to a Hard Rock, Belgaus gloves glowed and a lifted rocks with gravity which he directed to a general. Belgaus was quick as he followed the rocks, The general destroyed all the rock and he was to late as belgaus released three heavy punchs to his jaw, Ribs and his chin, Belgaus blasted the general with his gloves but the general was quick to have regain his stance and belgaus was dumbstruck. " Orcadel distirurr nemestia " A moon sorcerer chanted and he dived the clouds resulting the silver moon to shine brightly on the royals, All the councils knelt down weakly due to the effects of the moon on them. Belgaus was bleeding and that was affecting all the atlantians warriors that were fighting with their weal body, Triton tried to stand but the silver moon was weakening his pulse deeply as it shines on them. " That sorcerer is a moon one, I need to stand but the moon is destroying our bodies, If this continues and in an hour we will be all them because Belgaus is dying slowly and that is affecting our warriors down there " Triton groaned weakly. " I think it is time to test my powers " A voice ran out from behind revealing a huge and handsome young man with an evil look on his face, Dark veins spread out all over his body, His wings were green and so as his eyes, He was putting on a strong and dangerous armour that was intimidating in sight, He smirked and he clenched his fists causing The royals to shout and wail in pains. Lord Gaap councils were not complete as some followed him while the not much strong ones fight and destroy all the royals, The figure clenched his fist as it greatly affects the royals until something happened, A strong fire blasted that figure down and A figure made up of fire appeared. " You mess with the wrong people dudes, Now get ready to be destroyed " The fire figure said as he released great amount of fire on the figure, The skibats generals charged at him and he was quick to have evaded many strikes aiming for his head. " Lightning strucked down all the skibat generals resulting them to lay on the ground weakly, Around the island numerous black portal could be seen and red ninjas with their sword emitted red flames walked out of the portal with readiness to strike. " What!! That is impossible, Now I know what I felt when I scent that unlimited powers and energy around, The blood clans were not killed but where trapped all this while, Damn Neptune, when will he stop showing mercy? " The fire being asked as he transformed back into Prince Silas. Prince Silas stood strong and powerful as the silver moon didn't affect him a single bit, He was a demi god and a spirit because of his parents, Princes Silas watched the ninjas approaching them and lord Gaap appeared in the sky with smirk written on his face. " Surprise Huh? Don't worry I maybe a little vicious towards you but don't think that I didn't learn something from our previous battle, You all poisoned me with my weakness and now I am revenging " " This auras radiating around is made out of the silver moon, The moon sorcerers have the ability to reach the moon even it is that powerful as the Silver moon, The silver moon is all your weakness and now I made it more powerful to weaken you all... Prince Silas I stopped your vision from seeing this war like you did before and now all your men are already poisoned due to the massive inhale of the auras and I will leave them all to be handled by the blood clan, This is getting more instense than I thought, Warriors attack and spare no one " Lord Gaap ordered grinning evily. Wails and cry's of warriors could be heard, The red ninjas were ripping out and cut of the heads of the atlantians, Atlantians fought for their lives but it proved abortive as the ninjas were gaining leverage with their speed and skills. " Let the show begin unleash the terror " Lord Gaap smirked as he flapped his wings furiously, Sorcerers descended from the sky while chanting, The pains increased as the cry's echoed around, All the royals fell down while bleeding, Their bones were breaking due to the spell used on them. " Taxtax veldaneno " An enchantor screamed and the crust stones of the silver moon rained down from the sky, There could not be a shining light as everywhere was darkened by the auras of lord Gaap, Lightning strucked many of the ninjas down and that got lord Gaap furious. " Whoever dares to attack the atlantians, Dares to strike me down and that will never happen even in the next life, Prepare to be destroyed Gaap " A voice rang out and a blue portal appeared revealing Felix, Breca, Jack and Jones coming out of it. While Kuhan descended from the sky with his wings flapping around and lord Gaap was shocked. " Hmmmm as I can see, The ocean lord is back after escaping from my grip, Sounds good you brought all your friends to die so easily because I prepared something good and nice for you, Begin the strike " Lord Gaap ordered and three enchantors appeared chanting inaudibly. " Everybody leave this side, The spell of apolcalyspe is about to be unleashed, You don't know what will happen to you when the spell is made, Run far away from here right now " Breca screamed and everybody left that side as the enchantors were unleashing. " Videririe apolcalyspicaltical detronne Dallas " The enchantors chanted as Breca was too late, The spell hooked him and he found himself fading slowly, They were erasing him from existence, that was lord Gaap plans for Felix all this while. " Brecaaaaaaaaaaa!!!! " Felix called out as he found Breca slowly fading away, Breca was silently shedding tears because no one has every break out of that spell before except the person is a god or something like a god because it Was Ryjack spell. " Time to die ocean lord " Lord Gaap voice rang out from behind, Felix was slow to have evaded a strong punch coming his way, Lord Gaap punched Felix heavily causing Felix to crash into numerous trees, Lord Gaap smirked as he raced of with unknown speed. ' Breca you can do this, Prove to them who you are.. Break out of this spell because it is not your time to be erased from existence, Bring Out the devil in you, Unleash your powers Breca, Release your masters powers in you ' Breca said to himself in while meditating as his body slowly varnish. Jones could be seen fighting alongside Jack as they faced five skibat generals and four sorcerers, Jones did a roll up and he skillfully kick a general in his ribs and he was followed by a disastrous punch, Jack slammed two generals with his destructive strength. Lord Gaap levitated looking around as he couldn't see Felix anywhere, Felix was weakly hiding besides a tree as his wounds slowly healed up, He looked at Breca slowly fading away and tears dropped down forming a red glowing stone. " Don't worry Breca, I will end this once and for all... Gaap I think it is time to show you my demi god powers, It's time for you to pay for what you caused all this while, Felix don't be a pussy..be a man and end that bastard " Felix smirked as he felt his powers in him. Whoosh sounds was heard as the ferocious wind blew, A strong water formed Punch from nowhere hit lord Gaap away causing him to crash on the floor, Lord Gaap was quick in standing up as he received a strong bone breaking punch to his chin revealing Felix in his atlantian outfit. " You are not as strong as you think you are Gaap, You will pay for what you did to me before and for what you are doing to the atlantians, Why don't you free them and fight one on one with me coward " Felix said sarcastically and lord Gaap smirked. " You don't know me Boy, My ultimate goal is to eradicate this atlanteans and you been a threat is gonna make me end your wretched life as well, You all are nothing but fools, You killed my Son and you are calling me an evil person, No you atlanteans are evil and you all shall pay for your sins starting from you " Lord Gaap said and he could not be seen again. Lord Gaap appeared in the sky and he unleashed a green plasma ball which beamed out from his hands and it blasted Felix down, Lord Gaap teleported himself to where Felix was and he delivered several punchs to the ribs of Felix who was laying on the floor. Several black plasma balls were unleashed as they went straight for Jack and Jones, Jones deflected everything while Jack bounced up escaping from the balls and he beamed down lasers from his eyes which scattered the skibats. Three ninjas launched their swords at Jones but Jones was quick to have duck everything, Jones swiftly twisted the hand with the sword and he twisted the body of the ninja which he throwed at the incoming ninjas causing all of them to fall. Jones eyes was brown and his fangs and claws were seen as he rushed plugging out the hearts of the ninjas, Jack twisted his body releasing sharp blue blades which destroyed many ninjas approaching him. Jones was about to remove the head of a ninja when a strong lightning strucked him down, Everybody was confused especially Lord Gaap who didn't know who just attacked right now, Jones been an hybrid stood up immediately. Kuhan came down from the sky and Ben rushed to the direction of Jones, The smoke cleared out revealing Damon and His warriors in their armours, Damon twisted his sharp sliver sword which shined around as he approached Jones with smirk plastered on his face. " Hello vicilas ( In their divine race it means vessel), It wasn't easy in finding you and right now, You are going to hell " Damon said and Jones frowned in confusion, He didn't know what he was saying at all. Breca eyes glowed darkish and he broke the spell and his body returned back to normal, Breca understood why Damon was here and he rushed with his enchantor speed to help Jones because only Jones can't defeat Damon. " Who are you? " Jones confusily asked and Damon smirked still spinning his silver sword, Kuhan, Ben and Jack where all prepared while the war was going on, The wind was disastrous and a great heavy tornado blasted everyone away, This was the doing of Breca. " Jones you need to run, He is after you because of what you are.. Run and don't turn back while I handle this piece of s**t " Breca clenched his fist angrily as it spark with blue lightning, Breca eyes was multi color and that sent fear to the spine of Damon. " Who are you b***h? " Damon asked looking at the multi colored eyes of Breca, Breca auras was disastrous as it began to suppress the poisoned auras which made the atlantians to regain their strengths, The war continues. Meanwhile... Lord Gaap gave Felix a massive punch which made Felix to bleed, Felix blasted Lord Gaap but he was not there again, Felix felt a strong arm fling him away with great strength, Lord Gaap appeared with his sword in his hand and Felix smirked. " Pretty cool Huh? You haven't forgot about your ninja life as you are a lord over the skibats and the worthless beings you called warriors, You are a piece of junk Gaap " Felix slowly stood up to his feet and he summoned his atlantian sword.
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