CHAPTER 3 – Satan to a Devil

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Samira’s POV It has passed just 24 hours since my mate’s death, and everything was slowly coming to normal except me. I didn’t meet the new Beta yet; he was busy examining his duties and using William’s office. It shattered my heart; I am not jealous or greedy for power; I can’t hold the pain of losing my mate. The pack rule was that we could leave the pack or mate someone else in the same range. I saw some wolves do this, but it was impossible for me. My only option was to leave the pack, but how can I do it? My memories with the pack were too many, and all the beautiful moments we spent in the pack house were hard to collect into one piece. Alpha requested to stay with the new beta, being another mate to him. He already had a mate, so I knew that he would treat me equally, but I couldn’t do it; I couldn’t share my feelings and thoughts the way I shared with William. Marius was good, he will respect me, but I know I will be a burden to him also. My wolf was not talking to me, and I didn’t feel her after my mate’s death. I heard the wolves go mute or hide from us for a certain period. I don’t know what my wolf will do, but I have decided to talk to Marius and peacefully settle this. We only need to pretend to the world that we are mates, but we don’t need to deal with this deeply. I barely had a sandwich in my tummy. The hunger was gone, so I looked for Marius and talked to him. I walked to his office, which his guard guarded. “Hi, I want to meet the Beta Marius,” I told them. He went inside to get permission. William never kept guards for him; he always welcomed the pack members. Anyone can talk to him any time, but I think Marius would like to deal with it professionally. “I am sorry, MS, he was busy at the moment. He asked you to meet him on his floor after about one hour, “ the guard came outside and said. “Thank you” I nodded with a light smile and returned to my room. Alpha asked me to withdraw my things from the room, and now I was living in an isolated room. The room was a small one, but it was enough for me. I walked to the washroom to have a was hand changed my clothes. I have to wear something decent if I am going to meet Marius. I did not intend to make him attract me; I wanted him to understand that I was here to deal with him professionally. I washed and changed into a pair of jeans, with a long sleeve white top and a blazer on top of it. I took my mobile and looked for the time. Still, I had fifteen minutes to meet Marius, but I thought, why don’t I go early in case he was free and came early to the floor? I was in a separate building of the territory, and I had to walk a few meters away to go to the building where Alpha, Beta, and Gamma lived. I saw the pack warriors doing their night duty while a few other Omegas carried the dishes to wash. I passed the Gamma’s floor and reached the Beta’s floor. This floor was not new to me; I had been there for years and knew every nook and corner of the bed and building. I walked to the floor, and there were two guards on the floor, but I noticed something unusual. Their faces turned pale as soon as they saw me, like I got caught them in bare hands. They looked at each other’s faces, I was getting suspicious, and then my wolf ears heard moans from Marius’s bedroom. Maybe he and his mate were having a mating time; I should come later. I thought and turned to go, but I heard another different moan simultaneously. Then I stopped at my place. We wolves have more hearing than humans and can identify the different voices of others. The second moan differed from the first, and I heard a slow weeping sound among them. I shut my eyes to concentrate and listen carefully. Then I heard another moan, three different moans with slow and steady hiccups, just like someone was secretly crying. What the f*ck was happening here? I turned and walked fast closer to the bedroom. “Stop, ma’am; you can’t go in. The Beta Marius is busy now” The guard stopped me before I entered his bedroom. It was not good to barge into someone’s bedroom, but I felt something was wrong. “Let me in; I know that he is inside,” I said with an irritating sound. “Let her through” Suddenly, I hear the voice of Marius from inside the bedroom. I raised a brow, and the guards opened the door. I entered quickly, and the doors behind me shut. The floor beneath me shattered with the scenery in front of me. The breath I inhaled got stuck on the way. I couldn’t believe what I saw; my eyes never lied. It was hard for me to stand without collapsing on the floor. In front of me was the most disgusting scenery I ever imagined seeing. There were Beta Marius, all half-naked. He covered his lower part with a towel, but still sweaty. Then three girls were omegas of the pack. They barely covered their bodies with lace thongs and bras. The following scenery was heart melting. Marius’s mate was sitting on the floor and crying slowly. It was her cries I heard previously. Marius was walking to me slowly with a smirk on his face. His descent and innocent look were not there on his face. Seeing it was so sickening, and I wanted to vomit at the smell of his seeds. The omegas looked at me with funny grins while holding a glass of wine. His mate was innocently weeping. “Shut the f*ck up, you are f*cking filthy wh*re” Marius looked at his mate and growled at her. She shivered in fear and gathered herself on the floor. Poor thing! She had to look at how her mate was enjoying with the wh*res. “Marius, what the f*ck was happening here? You three better put on some clothes and get out of here,” I yelled at the omegas. They were acting like they didn’t hear me. “No one goes anywhere until I say. We were not finished yet,” Marius said, maintaining eye contact. “Marius, what is this?” I asked him. “You can see what was happening here and join us. I wouldn’t mind; I can manage four. What do you say, girls?” he smirked, turned to the omegas, and asked. They giggled, and the disgusting bubbling inside was coming to my throat to vomit soon. I dug my nails into my palm, and without wasting a second, I slapped him harder as soon as he turned his face to me. The echo of the slap was ringing in my ears. His mate and the filthy omegas were shocked by my action. Marius’s facial expressions changed, and the muscles on his face were shaking. I knew that he was pissed. “How dare you slap me, you b*tch? You think you are still beta’s mate, ha?” he roared, pulling from my hair. His breath was fanning my disgusting face. “I was calling you to handle this peacefully; why do you wanna waste this juicy c*nt, let me handle it” he touched my private part with the other hand, which was enough to flush the anger to my blood. I took all my courage and kicked his manhood. “I will go to the Alpha and the council. They should know this, Marius. You are not suitable for the Beta position” He fell to the ground with a scream, and the next moment I turned and ran outside the room at lightning speed. I should tell this Alpha; he doesn’t know what kind of a man this is. He should know the true colors of this man. The Beta should be stripped from his title as soon as possible. I ran to see the Alpha, but unfortunately, he was unavailable. He attended the annual Alpha meeting and will be here after three days. I was going crazy; I couldn’t hold this everything. My wolf was not there to talk, so I ran into the forest until I met the river at the territory boundary. I was hugging and puffing, trying to catch my breath. I sat on the riverbank and started to memorize what I saw. I never thought that Marius would come out as a b*stard like this. How can he do something like this to his mate? How can he f*ck other women while making her watch them? And I felt disgusted about myself. I wiped my private part, which he touched above my jeans. I was unable to do anything without my wolf. Tears started to dwell in my eyes with the memory of William. He treated everyone in the pack equally and never brought another woman into our bedroom. He only made love to me. “William, why did you leave so soon, baby” I started to cry, hiding my face between my palms. I was hiccupping, and my sobs were echoing in the forest. It was about 9.45 p.m. I am not sure and cannot guarantee my safety without my wolf. After crying for about an hour, I wiped my tears. It was useless sitting and crying here like a kid. I gathered myself from the ground and stood, turned to go. Suddenly a sharp pain went through my neck, and someone shut my mouth from behind. I struggled a few times, but I felt my body was getting numbed, and soon the darkness ruled my world! Hi readers, How was today’s chapter? So, Marius came out as the devil? Who thought that Satan could be a devil? Let me know your thoughts on the story, ladies. See you with another chapter, and don’t forget to #Vote# for the moon tickets.
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