New beginnings

1120 Words
"Oh great, Freya you're here! I am so stoked to tell you the awesome news, we are expanding our branch!" That's my work bestie, Lisa. We've been working together since she started at the company 3 years ago. I had her shadowing me for her first year and after that, she earned her spot on the team being my photographer. Me on the other hand, I paint our famous landscapes. The name's Freya Pattinson, and I'm a 24 year old artist. I started working at MC ARTS right after my graduation, which was four years ago. After I started working, I immediately moved out of my parents house and right now, I own a single bedroom condo. As much as I would like to visit my family more often, I decide against it to keep the peace between myself and my father. Let's just say he prefers my brother over me. "Girl! Aren't you excited?! I have a strong feeling that we're going to relocate." "Yes, of course I'm excited! We do, however, have to try and be cool about it. Okay? OMG! What am I saying, we're expanding our branch!!!" We went on for two more minutes, laughing and celebrating, until the board members called an emergency meeting. "I assume we all know why there is a board meeting, if not, we want to announce that our company is expanding again." We usually sell out at galleries, and people fly from all over the world to buy our art. They always claim that the paintings speak to them. Hearing we are expanding our business was a great opportunity, for everyone at our branch. The board usually chooses their strongest crew to lead the new location. They expand every 4th year based on shareholder agreements, and I can confidently say that this is my year. I can feel it. While attending the meeting, the president of the board received an incoming call from our company's founders. This will be the first time for me and many others to see the faces behind our company's name. I imagine them being greyish and seasoned, I mean, who else would appreciate old school art other than older people? Boy was I wrong! Our president accepted their zoom request and the minute they popped on our main screen, I could hear light gasps and muffled murmurs from the others. They were two young men, like late twenties young. Boy were they handsome... I didn't want it to seem like I was unprofessional by staring sparkly eyed at them, so I diverted my attention to my notebook in front of me. After a few minutes of being completely focused on my notes, Lisa nudged my arm. "Freya they are waiting on your answer." "Huh_oh. Uh, pardon me sir. Do you mind repeating the question?" Lisa gave me a 'don't blow this' look, as I looked towards the screen. "My apologies miss...Pattinson? I didn't realise we were intruding on your me time." "No,sir. I_" "We would like to know if you are capable of managing the branch in Idaho, of course with your busy schedule, you would have to take a few of your fellow employees with to start our new campaign." They were mocking me, but I couldn't act smart. They were promoting me to branch manager status, which was totally amazing. "I am more than capable sir, thank you for this opportunity. I assure you that I can do this." The brother gave me a single nod and went on with the rest of the meeting. I made sure to be present and alert, because by the way they took turns to stare at me, I could've sworn that I was naked and attracting attention. I grew conscious of how they were staring at me, almost like I was a weak little lamb to prey on. After the meeting, the board members were having further discussions with the owners. In the meantime, I had to pick four other employees to start up with me. "Gosh Freya, you really zoned out on one of the most important meetings ever?! Did you see how they looked at you, it was so intense, but also core shakingly sexy. You better tread lightly girl, we need this." "Oh stop, it wasn't that bad." Lisa shrugged and we left the building to enjoy our break. After lunchtime we were told to head home and pack, because we were to leave early the next morning. When I got home I made sure to call my mom, making sure she knows where I'm headed and that I love her no matter what. Morning soon arrived, and if the black Rolls-Royce didn't speak luxury enough, the private plane definitely did. The only confusion was that I flew alone. Lisa texted me before I stepped on the jet, saying that the rest of my team were assigned to be at the new branch before I get there. This meant that they were told to board the plane during the night. This was strange and a little confusing, because I'm the assigned manager meaning I have to be there first. Nevertheless, I enjoyed my 6 hour flight and when I landed in Idaho, a different Rolls Royce was waiting on me. "Good evening ma'am, I hope you had a lovely flight. My name is Liam Kellaway, and I will be your driver for as long as you want me to be." "Nice to meet you Mr Kellaway, I'm Freya. Freya Pattinson, as you probably already know." I internally bashed myself in the head for being so nervous. He was an older looking man, but he had a very calm aura about him. "Before we go, I just need to inform you that I will be dropping you off at the condo you will be staying at for the time being. We then have an hour for you to freshen up, as you need to attend an opening event for your new position and launching of the new campaign." I nodded at him and he just smiled saying, "It's okay ma'am, just breathe. By what I've heard, you'll do great things." I was baffled at this man's soothing comment. Did he know me or has he met Lisa before picking me up? "Have you been talking to my crew? Please don't believe a word, Lord knows what nonsense they told you." He gave a light chuckle and just shrugged at my comment, not letting out another peep. I didn't want to push the matter, so I settled on familiarising myself with the night sky of Idaho. It was spectacular, I could already see myself painting by tomorrow. This place could surely become my new home.
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