Chapter Two: Reject Me

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I looked ahead of me at Prince Cody but my eyes shot to Princess Stella. She stares back at me, but not even in shock. We were fixed in place, that's when I realized that what I was as feeling wasn't for Prince Cody. Never again would I feel something for him. Princess Stella was gorgeous, she had long brown hair and hazel eyes, she always dressed proper. She was the picture perfect royal, but now all I could think about tearing her dress off at the seams with just my teeth. "Princess Astrid." Prince Cody walked to me and put his hand on my arm. A frown appeared on his face. "I guess we aren't mates... I'm sorry, your father said you were hoping it was me since you had no luck at your celebration. I didn't at mines either so I was also hoping." I didn't even care that Prince Cody was hoping I was his mate. Suddenly I started coughing. "Do you want me to ta-" Stella rushed to me and cut off her twin. "No I got her." She spoke quickly and grabbed my hand. She turned to my lady in waiting. "I have some water and cough drops in my room and we need to catch up so wait out here please." It was a lie, how could we want to catch up when we barely knew each other to begin with. Stella always avoided me when we were younger. I was pushed into her room and she closed the door panting. "Astrid..." She looked at me. "We're mates." All I wanted to do was touch her, hold her and hug her. "I know." I blushed. "Please don't come back." She turned her back to me one leg crossing the other and rested her arms against her desk. I held back a gasp, my own mate was telling me to leave. "Is it bec-" "Yes." She answered before I could even speak. "Astrid this isn't personal, you're incredible, you're beautiful, you're perfect without even trying, you're not afraid to be yourself. I've always admired you." I closed my eyes, this all was making me so dizzy. "But you're not lesbian." Stella sighed from my comment. "I am, I've known for a while, but we're royals Astrid." I opened my eyes as a few tears dropped. "What is that supposed to mean..?" Stella turned to me. "Lesbians can't rule a kingdom, trust me I've done my research, it's taboo, because we won't be able to give a rightful heir. We'd mess up the royal bloodline and having two queens is against tradition." I walked to her and grabbed her hand, but she slowly pulled it away from me. "Astrid leave. Please. And tell no one of this, you'll get the throne taken from you and passed to your brother and you'll be shunned." "Stella..." I never thought about another girl in this way before, or maybe I have... Stella walked to the door. "Reject me when you're ready, then you'll get a new mate sooner or later, maybe a male, you're bisexual aren't you? You seemed to like my brother for some time now, am I wrong?" She twisted the door knob pulling it open. I shook my head. "You're not wrong. T-take care of yourself Princess Stella." My voice cracked and I cried as I fled the room. "Princess Astrid!" My lady in waiting rushed to me. "Are you okay??" She hugged me. "God you're burning up, let's get you home." Everything happened to fast, Stella wants me to reject her so I can have a second chance mate who might be a man. I can't wrap my head around anything, I don't even know what to think. I blacked out on the flight home. I woke up a few hours later in my bed. I didn't want to talk about anything that happened. I got out my bed, it was dawn the only thing I could think to do was go straight to the castles library. I went to the section on mates. "Hm" I grabbed the book on mates of different species. And flashed my flashlight onto the book then began to read. "The moon goddess has a contract with the human god, he lets her pick a handful of humans a decade to mate to members of any of her species..." I continued to read after skipping some pages. "The first human to be mates with a werewolf was April." I read on about her and her mate. "The moon goddess mostly picked werewolves and vampires to be with humans, but some dragon shifters and a few mermaids too, rarely." I read some more. "She's with the earth goddess and she let's her mate members her species with elves." I skipped a few more pages. "The first elf to be mates with a dragon was the former King Charles of the southern elf kingdom..." I read on about him and his mate which was a sad story so I put the book up and kept looking. He is a distant relative of mine but not a good person. I came across a book about sexuality and mates. I put my back against the wall and slid down sitting on the cold ground. I put the flashlight on. It talked about homosexuality among commoners it's been happening since before the kingdoms were formed, it's common. But only one notable among royalty. "A Prince was mates with a noble man, there were riots and when they refused to reject each other, the noble was killed" My eyes widened in shock. "He got a second chance mate they hoped it'd be a girl, but it was another boy, he wasn't bisexual he was gay. The King had no other children and they wanted to keep up the blood line so they banished his second chance who was a commoner boy. He ruled by himself and then married a woman, she gave birth to the next in line and then he... committed suicide. The wife ruled and then the son took over at a young age of 15." I was in shock, scared me and Stella would repeat history. "This was centuries ago, the moon goddess is known for trying again and believing love always wins..." I got up and left, I wiped away tears and left to my bedroom. I wasn't ready for what I was facing, but that didn't mean I was gonna let history repeat itself.
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