Prologue I

2895 Words
Leo Donovan I was a rebel. Well, I still am. They know me as the bad boy around here. Whether they were in high school or lower years or even in university, I would say I was unnecessarily popular.  Everyone knew not to look me in the eye when passing by me, to not speak to me unless given the permission to do so, and to not breathe around my area unless I wanted to be around their presence. Which frankly, never happened because I didn’t like being around other people anyway.  And yet, a lot of people, mostly girls, still try to get closer to me. This was only because I was Leo Donovan, the son of the owner of the Donovan Enterprises which as of right now is currently the richest company in the entire North America.  Personally, I didn’t give a rat’s ass. My parents were never there for me because they were too busy making money. The only fun I had in this is that I could do and get anything I want whenever I want without any repercussions because who were they to tell Leo Donovan what to do? I made more money just standing here than they could their entire lives. This was how I planned to spend my entire high school year. I was the King and with just one year left, I was going to keep my kingdom in control.  At least, that's what I planned to do, but somehow it all came crashing down when this one girl showed up on that one fateful day and suddenly, everything I knew and everything I believed in changed with just one… small… punch. And it didn’t even hurt. - “P-please, I f-forgot to bring y-your homework! I’m s-sorry!” The measly boy in my hands being pushed onto the wall pleaded in desperation. I rolled my eyes at his incompetence. “You had one job, Spencer.” I said unamused and he trembled in my hold. It was not like I couldn’t do my homework. In fact, I was probably the smartest in the school. I had photographic memory which allowed me to remember things I see even if it was just for a split second. It was this ability that made me remember lessons and formulas and whatever crap school had us learning and memorizing.  The thing is - why should I bother? I could keep my position in this school whether I went to class or not anyway. It was much more fun playing games, skipping classes, and forcing others to do my work for me too.  “I’m s-sorry D-Donovan it was-”  “Don’t you dare say my name!” I punched the wall next to him, my anger rising up inside of me as I felt my blood start to boil.  It irked me to my core when people called me by my last name because it reminded me of who I was… and sometimes… Maybe most of the time, I hated even being me, being a Donovan.  I wondered if I had been born in a different family, would my parents care about me more? Would I have a more loving family who actually dropped me off of school and went to school events? Would they actually care about my achievements, praise me and tell me they were proud of me instead of just using their money to bribe my love for them? “S-sor-”  “Shut up!” I growled angrily as I pushed him harder onto the wall, making him squirm in pain.  My teeth gritted as I stared at him. This person who probably came home to a warm meal everyday, to parents that asked how his day was and if he had any problems. Maybe they would even ask who hurt him if I gave him a big black eye right now.  Ah, yes. That would suffice for him forgetting to do my homework.  “You know what, I’m done with you, Spencer.” I told him with a small smile as I let go of my hold on his shirt and dusted the sides off like I was fixing him.  Spencer’s face turned completely baffled but still scared at the same time as he looked at me cautiously. “Uh- um, t-thank you?” He said unsure and trembling.  “You’re welcome. Now please accept my token of appreciation.” I said with a mischievous smile as my hand tightly clenched in a fist began to raise, getting ready to give a very painful punch on this guy’s face. “Hey! What do you think you’re doing?!”  Just as my fist was merely an inch apart from Spencer’s face that had the most ridiculous scared and crying expression, there was a loud voice that came from the side of the corner and if I knew then how much my life would change because of what was about to happen… I still would have gone through with it.  My heart skipped a beat like it had never before the second it landed on this person… this woman I’ve never seen around in my entire life. There was something undeniably alluring about her. I couldn’t grasp entirely what it was that made me feel as if I could stare at her for hours and never get tired of it, but it was there… and it was strong.  I didn’t notice that I was too awestruck until she had walked all the way to where we were and although she was much shorter than me, reaching just my chest, she still stood as if she was six feet tall and the way she pierced into my eyes said she could take me on right here and right now. She turned her look away from me, making sure to angrily shift her head to face Spencer who was still bawling his eyes out. “Is this guy bullying you?!” She asked, her voice a little high pitched but nonetheless trying very hard to sound tough.  If this was any other person, I probably would have had them against that wall already and they would be begging for me to stop. Except, this wasn’t any other person. First and foremost, it is a woman and as rebellious as I was, I never inflicted harm on any female. Much less, someone as beautiful as this one beside me.  As she stood closer to me, I could now fully see her better. Her facial features were soft, but at the same time strong, like a woman that knew how to defend herself but also had a soft side to her. It was clear that she wasn’t like every other girl I’ve met who took the time to make themselves prettier with all that makeup and hair products.  From her messy hair bun to her bare face, she definitely didn’t care about all of that. And yet, it was that natural beauty that stood out for me as well. She didn’t need any products, and it was in her eyes that definitely made me feel a little too lost and if I wasn’t able to snap out of it, I would have almost ended up staring at her far too long making it uncomfortable. I shot Spencer a look, clenching my jaw and staring at him as if to tell him he better give the right answer or he would be dead meat.  “N-no! Of-of course not! We’re friends!” He managed to say his lies, spewing out of his mouth in a very unconvincing way but I couldn’t really blame him because this situation was very hard to make excuses for. “See? We are very close friends.” I turned to the beautiful stranger with a seemingly innocent smile as I patted the very nervous Spencer on the shoulder.  “My name is Leo, by the way. Leo Donovan.” I said proudly, knowing full well that with just the mention of my name people would know who I was and would back down. I hated my identity sometimes, but it worked for me in other times because suddenly people would want to get on my good side. I let my hand out for her to shake and made sure to give her my best smile and my eyes looked at her softly, trying to get her attention. I’ve done this so many times and each time, it absolutely worked. It was full-proof. Until now, that is. “I don’t care who you are. You’re a big fat bully, that’s all there is to it!” She shouted angrily, swatting my hand away and my mouth hung open at her reaction.  As I was processing what just happened, this woman pulled Spencer away and pushed him, shouting at him to go before it was too late. “Go! Run!” She said eagerly and he did as she told him to do, his chicken legs running as fast as they could while I stood frozen on the ground. What the hell? Did that really happen? Did this girl just swat my hand away and then let my victim go?  The woman turned to me, her smile screaming pride at her success and if it was anyone else, I would definitely have no more restraint because nobody messes with me. And yet, all I could do was admire her face and the gorgeous emerald green eyes that twinkled so mesmerizingly.  I snapped out of my daze when she scoffed and began to walk away from me, forcing me to grab her arm before she could get away.  Her hair flipped to her back as she turned around to face me again and I felt a tug at my heart. It was like watching a movie and everything slows down and all I could focus on was that one character on the screen. “Wait! What’s your name? Who are you?” I asked, sounding almost desperate, which has never happened before. Although I didn’t care. I just needed to know who this woman was that hasn’t made my heart calm down since she showed up. She squinted her eyes at me in an angry look. “As if I’ll ever tell you!” She said before pulling her hand away from my hold and it was that moment that truly changed everything I knew.  It was a moment I would never forget because it was the first time that someone had made me feel so… vulnerable.  Her fist came out of nowhere just as she did in my life. The small hand flying in the air and then landing straight on my lip. The force was minimal, but it still left a bruise and a little blood.  “Stop bullying others, Leo Donovan!” She shouted before flipping her hair as she turned around and stomped angrily away from me.  I was supposed to be mad. Supposed to feel hurt as my pride was damaged and my lip bleeding. I was punched… by a girl. But the funny thing was - I didn’t feel any of that at all.  On the contrary, my heart was beating so fast I thought I was going to have a heart attack. I lifted my hand up as I placed a finger on my lip and looked down to see the bit of blood.  I scoffed, amused at what just happened as I tried to process it all. Did that just really happen? Did I get overpowered by a girl?  I wasn’t sure about a lot of things, but if there was one thing I was certain about…  It was that she was the only one that made me not hate being called by my name for the first time ever.  Lucy Delaney It was my first day of senior year in high school. I had planned to spend it with my friends back in Brazil, but when my dad was once again moved to another military base, we had no choice but to follow.  Now here I was in an unfamiliar place with unfamiliar people, but it was alright. I had gotten used to it. In fact, I loved moving around because I was able to leave a mark wherever I went. That was my goal. To leave a good mark or message for whoever I met. I wanted to make the world a better place by sharing my kindness even if it was just through small acts.  I think I most definitely did a good job doing that when I encountered someone being a bully yesterday. I wasn’t supposed to go to school yet, but I wanted to check around first and it was a good idea because I was able to help that poor guy being targeted by… him. I bit my lip as I remembered my encounter and those striking light blue eyes that I hadn’t been able to forget since then. It was an unusual feeling I’ve never experienced before. Or maybe it was more on the fact that I’ve never stayed in one place long enough for me to find interest in anyone.  “Hey sweetie, are you excited?” My mom on the steering wheel gave me a quick glance back and I gave her a smile.  “I am.” I nodded eagerly.  I was excited, maybe not because of school itself, but the possibility of seeing that boy again... Oh snap out of it, Luce! I thought to myself as I shook my head to bring me back to reality. I looked to my left to where the window was, letting myself get lost in the trees and the places we passed by.  This was definitely much different from Rio de Janeiro that had barely any buildings and were mostly filled with sand and beaches. But nonetheless, I was hopeful. I was thrilled for what was to come for my family and I in this new place. Maybe this could be our forever home after all the moving. “We’re here.” My mom said and I felt my heart beat nervously as she stopped the car right in front of my new school.  I let out a deep exhale right before taking in the scent of the outdoors, watching students and parents running around the place, some panicked and some relaxed as they waved goodbye to one another.  I immediately noticed how the students were much flashier here. The expensive cars, clothes, and even shoes. It was obvious I didn’t exactly fit in with my plain dress and white sneakers, but that was okay. I didn’t mind at all. If someone wanted to be friends with me, I’d be glad, but if not, I wouldn’t lose anything.  “Bye, mom. See you later!” We both waved goodbye and after that, I found myself entering the halls of a North American high school. After three years in South America, things were very much different.  So many things to learn and explore. This was definitely going to be a good year.  I made my way to my locker, passing by kind faces who smiled and waved at me, while there were also the seemingly popular ones who would much rather either make out in front of you or roll their eyes for no apparent reason.  My thoughts once again suddenly went back to the boy I met yesterday. His slightly wavy dark black hair pushed back, his mesmerizing blue eyes, a jaw that could cut through a stack of paper, and that smug smile that was so annoyingly handsome. I wondered if maybe… maybe he could be one of the popular ones in this school. I wouldn’t put it past him because a face like that could probably get whatever and whoever he wanted.  “Oh fudge darn it.” I said disgruntled as I opened my locker, letting out a deep sigh as I found myself thinking of the person I said I wouldn’t think about.  He’s a bad boy, Luce! Trouble, that’s what. That smug look on his face says it all. He was someone I should never get myself associated with. I was here to be good, make good, and share it. I needed to focus. Studying, joining clubs, and excelling should be my main priorities.  Nothing more, nothing le- “Oh well hello there, little miss sunshine.” My thoughts were instantly interrupted when a familiar smooth and deep voice echoed in my ears.  I closed my locker and turned to the side and was immediately greeted by a snarky-looking and hard to resist devilishly handsome face. It was him. The boy I was supposed to ignore but now that he was right in front of me, his calm yet tempting composure as he casually put his weight on the locker made my heart skip a beat.  Don’t do it, Luce. Don’t let him get to you. Don’t let that annoyingly good-looking face with those alluring eyes and very sparkly and perfect white teeth tempt you into doing something you don’t want.  “Aren’t you a sight for sore eyes?”  Shoot.  With just a few words and a dashing smile, I knew that I was done for.
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