The First Meeting part 2

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DUNCAN I thank the man before me, as the others in the room all agree with him. "I want you all to know that I share your worries, and your sacrifice. I have found my mate, here in the pack. My first thought was to take her to my camp and keep her safe. But she wouldn't be my Luna if she allowed me to do that, so she is going to stay here, with our people. Elsie come here love." I held my hand out to my kitten. I could see the wide-eyed stares of the people in the room. She nervously walked towards me and took my hand. "Elsie is your Luna. I may not be able to mark her right now, but she is my life, and she will lead you in my absence. She will always have a way to get hold of me if you need anything." Everyone in the room showed their necks to my girl, excepting her as their Luna. I kissed her head, and whispered, "it's official now, you can't back out." She turned to me with a smile, "I could never have backed away from you anyway, you are stuck with me for life." I couldn't resist peering a quick kiss to her perfect lips, causing a few quiet cheers around the room. I wrapped my arm, tightly around my girl's waist, and gave my attention back to the people in the room. "I want you all to go about your normal lives, keep to your routine. But while you are doing that, I ask that you keep your eyes and ears open. We need to know the patrol schedule, and the times of deliveries. If there is a pattern, we may be able to use it as an advantage. But you must keep yourself safe, that is your number one priority." "Now I have something that I hope will make your lives a little easier, and help you to keep your strength up." I nodded to Liam, and he uncovered the crates of food that were piled high against the wall. Eyes are nearly popping out of their heads, as they scan over all the crates. "We will be sending as much food as we can. Liam will share it among those here in this room. As you are the main shopkeeper's, you can give the food out to our people. You also know who needs it the most, and can make lists of what people need. We will try to have a few shipments a week. We don't want to raise suspicion, so please continue to act as you always have, still collect your food from the pack kitchen, and keep what we give you out of sight. We don't want anyone accused of stealing." We closed the meeting, and I answered as many questions as I could. We have arranged to have the next meeting in a weeks' time, but in the meantime they are to report to Elsie or Liam. They have also been told that if there is an emergency, then we have a way to get a small number of people out, but we only want to use it in an absolute emergency. As we say goodbye, Liam arranges to start dropping off supplies the next day, while doing his rounds. The young man that spoke earlier approached us, I smiled and held out my hand, "Mark, right? You were a year above me in school." Mark flushed. "Yes Alpha, I didn't think you would remember me." I grinned, "how could I forget? You and your brother saved Harris from bullies. They would have hurt him badly if you hadn't stepped in." Mark bowed his head, "we couldn't walk away, it was three against one, we just evened the odds. Max Ellis is still as much of an As.shole now. But now he has the backing of the Alpha, his dad is the Gamma." He grinned at my girl, "I know you and your dad train together at the edge of the forest. Would a few of us be able to join? Our wolves are not the strongest, but we will work hard." My girl beamed at him, "That's a great idea, I think we could all do with some defense training. Da and I will write down some exercises for you to do, then we will arrange to meet up. I think it will have to be one on one so it doesn't look suspicious." Mark takes his leave and I gaze down at my little mate, "You know how to fight?" She gave me a sly smile, and tapped my nose, "there is still so much we do not know about each other, my love. Ella and I have the heart of a warrior." A load chuckle from behind us made us both turn around. My brother is smirking at us. "Look at our cute little warrior princess, we should all watch out, or she will attack our knees." Liam's laugh caused Harris to smirk even wider, until Liam clapped him on the shoulder. "I bet you the money we have saved for a new pair of boots, that my warrior princes could whip you good. In fact, I think she could put you on your Beta as.s in less than a minute." That got our attention. Fergus and Rory cleared the floor in the center of the barn. Fergus grinned, "now that is something I would pay to see. I am always telling you pups to not judge a book by its cover." Elsie shrugged off her jacket and walked to the center of the barn, and motioned to Harris, "come on Beta, don't be shy." Harris glanced at me, and I nodded to him. I know he will not hurt my girl, and I wanted to see what she has got. He joined her in the centre. Liam walked forward." The rules are easy, the first one on their back is the loser, no shifting, Ella is a noisy fighter." My girl grinned at her Da, the dropped to a fighting stance. Harris did the same, and Liam counted them down. "3,2,1,FIGHT" Harris ran at her, wanting to get it over quickly. My girl didn't make a move until he was almost right in front of her, as he reached out to grab her neck, she grabbed his arm and spun away hrom him. She used his momentum to swing him around, the she jumped and wrapped her legs around his neck, and twisted her body, using their combined momentum and her body weight, she made him flip, head over as.s, landing with a bang on his back. My girl stood over him, her arms folded across her chest. "How long Da?" Liam chuckled, "39 seconds, love, it's your new best time." She grinned and held her hand out to Harris, "Da is a size ten feel, he needs proper work boots." I wrapped my arms around her waist, and whispered in her ear, "that was so fu.cking sexy." I have a feeling that my 'omega' mate may be hiding something from me.
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