330 Words
KRISHA I am slowly losing my sense of sight, but not because of the pain that the beings cause me right now. It's because I'm getting tired and sleepy. I'm surprised that I still have some of my senses, although I've already lost the most important ones. It is the sense of feeling. My arms and legs are both tied to the gigantic tree near the edge of the cliff, where I am getting whipped by my own pack right now. "Die!" "Curse lycan!" "Hurt her more!" These are some words that I'm still hearing, although I know that any minute from now, I will not hear them anymore as my consciousness begins to fade. Heh. I really want to sleep now, but I cannot completely close my eyes. I still want to have a glance at all the beings that are cursing and hurting me right now. They managed to bring me to sunlight where I could expose myself to light more, but it's not hurting my skin. Moreover, even their whipped that was made to hurt me is just keeping my skin itchy. I guess I lost my sense of touch too. I still have the strength to talk, but I choose to keep my mouth shut. I don't want to talk anymore and give them my side of the story if they are planning to listen from the very beginning. I don't know how many times I lost my blood this time, but I'm still alive and breathing. Could anyone actually save me and show me the different side of the world in which I'm living? Despite all the beating and whipping that I got today, I still managed to give them a smile while looking at their faces, even if I could not see them clearly anymore. "Hey, marna shokyra?" I managed to ask them using some of our ancient words. I closed my eyes, and this time, I let my power control my whole self.
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