Chapter Six - Change of plans

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Olivia’s P.O.V We were back at my place until I got changed before we headed back out, Lucas waiting in the living room having a beer. I never had to dress up; it was only a drink after all. As I stood looking through my closet in only my underwear. “Change of plans, well hello there.” I hear Lucas say making me jump and I tried covering myself up.  He does not need to see me in my underwear. He doesn’t need another reason to use his pervy lips on me. “What the hell? Do you not know how to knock, get out?” I said glaring at him. “Mmm Olivia, who knew you had a body like that under all those clothes?” He groaned at me as his eyes mapped over my body. “Oh My God shut up and get out,” I said my arms securely wrapped around my half-naked body. His eyes finally met mine, a sexy smirk on his lips. I don’t even want to imagine what was going through his head at this moment. “I have got us on the guestlist for Red and Black nightclub, so maybe you need to dress up a little more than first planned.” He said. “Clubbing? Why would you do that?” I said. I was not sure what his father would think about him, and I going Clubbing, then again he did mention I would need to go with him, try to keep him out of trouble. Red and Black nightclub? That is one club you can’t get into unless you are rich or famous, and well he is rich and famous in his own way too. It makes sense he could get into a club like that. Me? I was not sure if it was my kind of scene? “It will be fun. Let me see what you have in your closet dress wise.” He said coming over to join me, raiding through my clothes. I still felt awkward standing there in my underwear next to him. “Yes, perfect.” He said, grabbing the only little black dress that I owned. I think I only ever wore it once, a little short and tight for me to wear, to be honest, “Here put this on.” He added practically throwing it at me. “I don’t know Lucas. It’s a little short and tight, can you not find another one?” I asked. “Then it is perfect for the club. Stop being so self-conscious, express yourself, baby. I know you will look damn good in it.” He said, smirking at me. I don’t know if this is such a good idea. “Please? For me?” He said, giving me puppy dog eyes. “Fine!” I groaned giving into him. I turned away from him, sliding the dress on my body. I soon felt his presence behind me and pressed his rough fingertips against the skin of my back. I gulped, a shiver going through me, something I hope he never noticed. His warm breath was fanning my neck, his body closer to mine that required. “You want me to get the zipper?” He breathed in my ear. I nodded, scared in case I spoke, and my words came out mumbled with the effect of his closeness. He grabbed the zipper in his fingers, slowly sliding it up, his other fingers brushing gently against my skin. “There you go.” He whispered. “Thanks.” I stuttered out. I was expecting him to move. He never though, he kept his position right behind me. His hands fell on my hips, and I felt his lips at my ear once again. “Mmm, you look perfect in this dress, baby. It shows your sexy ass and curves off.” He grunted in my ear. I swallowed hard feeling myself lose control around him. I had to pull myself together. I cleared my throat, stepping away from him. I need that distance before I did something stupid. I headed to the mirror, making sure my dress was sitting right, fixing my hair and putting some gloss on. I never really needed to do any of that but I think I had to busy myself to ignore his eyes watching my every move. “Ready?” He asked. “Just need shoes, and then we can go. Please don’t cause any trouble tonight, OK? I don’t wanna get fired.” I said, laughing. “I can’t make any promises. And you won’t get fired, trust me.” He said smirking. I found a pair of silver glittery heels and bag to go with my dress, Lucas calling us a cab as I did so we wouldn’t need to wait around too long for it. I was still not sure this was a good idea, but no going back now. I grabbed my coat, the time we got outside the cab was waiting for us, Lucas telling him where we were going. The club was not too far away, and we would arrive there in no time. “Mate, can you drop us off around the side please?” Lucas asked. I looked out seeing why he wanted to do that, and that’s when I realised there was paparazzi outside, a lot of them which makes sense with the kind of club it is. I was relieved he wanted to get dropped off where they couldn’t see us. I do not want the camera in my face, and I knew cause I was with Lucas that is precisely what would happen. The press loves a rich bad boy who gets into trouble every other night. The taxi driver seemed alright with doing this. I think the large tip Lucas gave him made his night. We thanked the driver, Lucas sending a text as we climbed out and soon enough someone was opening the side entrance for us. “Thanks, Andrew.” Lucas smiled as we walked in. “No, bother. Why the side door? You usually love pissing the paps off.” The Andrew guy asked, laughing. “I do, but I don’t think my date would appreciate it.” He laughed. Date? I am not his date, am I? I thought I was only going Clubbing with him; no one said it was a date? “That doesn’t usually bother you either. You usually have no problem showing off the sexy women you come here with.” Andrew said, winking at me. “Long story I will tell you about it another time.” Lucas laughed. “OK, mate. I saved you your usual spot. The guys are already there.” Andrew said, walking off. Guys? How many people are we meeting? And why only guys? Please tell me I am not the only female that is going to be with them? I don’t think I could handle being in a group only with guys. Lucas started walking away, I, however, stayed put, regretting my decision even more and was tempted to head back out the door and go home. “You coming?” Lucas laughed. “I don’t know. Am I going to be the only girl with you and your mates? I don’t know how I feel about that.” I said. Lucas laughed, rolling his eyes at me before coming back over. “You will be fine, OK? Just stick close to me,” He said. I was still not sure if I wanted to do this. Lucas wrapped his arm around my waist. “You will be fine. Live a little.” He laughed. I sighed, throwing my hand in the air and giving in to him, making him happy with himself since he was winning this one. Lucas kept his arm tightly wrapped around me, leading us into the club and through the crowds. I took a few deep breaths preparing myself for what was to come next. Surely it can’t be that bad right? 
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