Chapter Nine - "I don't trust myself around you."

1374 Words
Lucas’s P.O.V The morning has been fun and exciting. I had spent the morning teasing her from afar, Olivia trying her best to ignore me unless she had to talk to me. I knew she was falling under my charm like everyone else. I think I had made my decision. I told her I had not decided if I was going to make her life hell or tease the hell out of her until she wants me, I am going with the second option. Why? Cause she was gorgeous, sweet, innocent and I can’t deny that I am attracted to her, and well I always go after what I want, at this moment it is her…all of her eventually. If I am candid, I never thought it would happen this quickly, her giving into me but that works out better for me. “You wanna go out and grab some lunch?” I asked as she was hard at work. “Yeah I will head out and get you something, what would you like?” She asked, looking up from her laptop. “I mean you and I go out for lunch. I never meant you go get me lunch.” I laughed. “Um, I have too much to do.” She said, looking back at her laptop. I chuckled to myself that was a lie. Yes, she was busy, that is not the reason she told me that she has told me that cause she does not want to go for lunch with me. I think she believes if we are in the office, it is easier for her to resist me, that was proven earlier not to be true. “You are entitled to a lunch break. Now let’s go.” I said sterner. I see her roll her eyes at me before she closed her laptop over, grabbing her things and standing from her desk and started walking towards the door. I am guessing that means she is coming. It looks like I won again; she should get used to me winning. I always win since I could walk. I smirked getting up from my desk and making my way over to her. I placed my hand on her lower back, Olivia soon pushing it away. “Don’t do that; people will get the wrong idea.” She said, looking at me. This girl cares too much about what people think of her. She had a point though people would get the wrong idea, they wouldn’t say anything cause they know I could get their asses fired if they did. I would if they pried into my business, they know better. I kept my hands to myself, for right now anyway. The two of us headed out, heading down to the Sushi place close by, they done the best Sushi in the state. It was walking distance, no need for cars. Olivia was standing too far away as we walked. What does she think I am going to do in the middle of the street? Jump her? Hmm, now that is an idea, maybe another time. “Why are you so far away? Do you not trust me or something?” I said. “No, I do not trust you, not one bit, and I don’t trust myself either around you.” She said. That is what I like to hear, her not trusting herself around me. I stepped in closer to her, slipping my arm around her waist, pulling her in closer to me. “Why do you not trust yourself around me? Is that cause you want me?” I whispered in her ear, making her shudder. “I am not getting into this with you.” She said. “Into what sweetness?” I smirked. “Lucas!” She warned. “Olivia!” I said, mocking her. Olivia turned to me, glaring. I was getting to her that was the plan. She pulled away from me quickly, storming off and heading into the Sushi restaurant. I loved making her mad; it amused me. I headed in after her; when I arrived, she was nowhere in sight. I looked around, seeing she was already sitting at a table, not looking too happy. “Can I help you, Sir?” The pretty brunette at the front of the house said, smiling at me. “No, I have who I am looking for. Thanks though gorgeous.” I winked at her, making her go slightly giddy before heading over to Olivia. As soon as she saw me approaching, she lifted the menu covering her face from me. And she says I am immature? I would say that is a very childish respond. I sat down across from her, grabbing the menu from her and setting it down on the table. “I think you need to get over being mad at me now,” I said. “Whatever.” She said going to grab the menu again. I never let her I placed my hand over hers firmly, making her look up at me. I stroked the top of her hand with my thumb, the anger in her eyes began to soften, and I heard her gulp. I held myself back from smirking in case that made her get mad at me again. “I was only messing with you. Will you stop being mad at me now?” I said, giving her my best puppy dog eyes.   “For now but I am sure that could change before the end of the lunch.” She giggled. “I will try my best,” I said winking at her. I raised my hand, telling the waitress we were ready for drinks, both only ordering soda’s since we were working. Olivia seemed very fidgety as she sat across from me. Has she decided to get all nervous on me now? At lunch? Why? It was only lunch; it is probably the one place where she is safe from my oh so incredible charms. “Olivia, relax, would you? We are only at lunch. I am not going to try anything at lunch.” I laughed. “I know, sorry. I don’t know why I am nervous all of a sudden.” She said blushing. I stood from my side of the table, going around and sitting next to her. Olivia getting on edge again, I reached under the table, placing my hand on her thigh, Olivia shivering. I was waiting for her to swat my hand away; she never. Instead, she looked up at me, a silence between us. She started nibbling on her lower lip as her eyes met mine, a curious look in them. I reached in, placing my hand on her cheek. I feel her face heat against my hand, her tongue poking out her mouth swiftly and then back in. “Lucas, what are you doing?” She stuttered out. Was I not making it visible what I was going to do? I started inching closer to her, our lips close to touching but before they did my phone started ringing, my work phone. Seriously? Couldn’t they wait another damn minute? I groaned, pulling away from her and grabbing my phone, ready to snap at them before I see it was my dad calling. Why is he calling my work phone? He never calls my work phone, then again I did leave my other phone in the office. “Hello, father,” I said, hoping he wouldn’t work out I was mad at him for disturbing me. “Hello, son. I just wanted to check in and see how last night went?” He asked, “How did Olivia get on?” He added. “It was OK, never stayed for the full thing, too many people judging. Olivia got on fine.” I said. Olivia looked at me, confused when I mentioned her name. “That is OK. As long as you showed a face that is all that matters.” He said, “Good cause she will be attending more of those kinds of events when you need to go.” He added. The two of chatted before he had to go. As soon as I hung up the phone. “Why were you talking about me? Who was that?” She asked panicked. “It was my father. Calm down; he was only asking how you got on last night.” I laughed. She nodded, turning back to the menu. I was hoping we could get back to what we were doing, but it seemed like that is not what she wanted. That is alright I will get what I wish, later on, she was not going to get away with it that easily. For now, though I can let her away with it until we eat. 
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