Chapter Eleven - I have self-control

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Olivia’s P.O.V “I need a beer after that,” Lucas said. After that? He means after I destroyed him at bowling, I mean destroyed, I think I bruised his pride, that is what he gets going in all arrogant and confident thinking he was going to win. He soon realised that it was not going to happen with me. “Why? Cause you got your ass kicked by me?” I laughed. “Yes. You aren’t ever going to let me live this down, are you?” He said. I never answered, instead I smiled widely, and that answered his question. “You wanna go for a drink?” He asked. “We can go, I will just have a soda or something.” I shrugged. He thought about what I said before answering me. “No it is fine, I will grab a six-pack then you can come to mine,” He said Go to his? Why does he want me to go to his? Am I getting rid of him at all today? I suppose it isn’t too bad. I have been having fun hanging out with him today, think it helps he was not his usual perverted self. “To yours?” I confirmed. “Yeah. We can go for a swim, watch a movie in my movie room and do whatever else.” He said. He has a pool and a movie room? Well, isn’t he lucky? I am not going to lie his suggestions all seemed fun and appealing to me. I love the water, not had a chance to get in it for a while. “Sounds good. Need to stop by my house and grab my bikini.” I said. I see a smirk on his lips, and his eyes go wide when I managed my bikini, he never said anything, but I knew what he was thinking. I need to remember to grab a tee to wear over the top of it; he does not need to see me half naked again, that could lead somewhere I don’t want it to lead. “OK sounds good.” He said. We headed back to my place to grab what I needed before we headed back to his home. He stayed about an hour away from me; his house was sort of in the middle of well nowhere which surprised me. I thought he would prefer to be in the middle of somewhere full of life with people like him surrounding him. “Why somewhere in the middle of nowhere?” I asked. “I have a bachelor pad in the city but my actual house I prefer to be out of the way. Would rather not everyone knew where I stayed.” He said as he drove into his car garage. At least that answered my question, still surprised though. Lucas led me into his house, the place was beautiful, and it was not huge, but it was pretty big. I have never understood why one person needs such a big house, but who am I to judge? He led me inside, giving me a tour of the house, it was beautiful. “And that is everything. Swim or movie first?” He asked. “Swim, please. I love the water not had a chance to swim in months.” I said. “OK. The bathroom is in there for you to get changed.” He said, pointing to the bathroom. I grabbed my bag, heading into the bathroom stripping myself down and pulling my bikini on, pulling the tee I brought with me over the top of me. I headed back out, Lucas was waiting for me in only his swim shorts. I accidentally eyed his half-naked body, licking my lips. He worked out that was for sure. My eyes did eventually meet his, the look on his face telling me he enjoyed me when I looked at him like this. “What is with the tee?” He asked, disappointed, looking at it. “Cause I want to swim in peace without you being a perv.” I giggled. “Me? Never! I would never dream of it.” He laughed, “Come on; let’s go.” He added. He reached for my hand, leading me through the house out back to where the pool was. The back yard was beautiful; the swimming pool had a waterfall, it was a set up like a waterfall you would see out in the woods or a jungle or something, the best way to explain it. It was breath-taking. The entire yard was beautiful. “Oh, wow! This place is beautiful.” I gushed. “I thought you would like it.” He smiled proudly. Lucas headed over, diving into the pool. When he came back up all wet and sexy, I whimpered loudly, pressing my thighs together. Damnit! Why does he have to do this to me? I gave myself a shake, pulling myself together before he saw me. I headed over, dipping my toe in, making sure it was not cold, it was not, it must be a heated pool. I dived in after him when I came up from the water he was right in front of me, only a couple of inches between him and I. I looked up at him, a smug look on his face. “What is with the smug look?” I asked “You should probably not have chosen a white tee if you wanted to hide from me,” He said. Darn it. I never thought this one through, did I? “Shut up,” I said, splashing water at him. Lucas laughed, reaching in and grabbed my hips, pulling me close to his body. I chewed on my inner cheek, stopping any noise from releasing from my mouth no matter how good his body felt against my own. “Or maybe you did it on purpose cause you like the attention I give you.” He said. “No.” I managed to stutter out. “Yes you do Olivia, don’t act like you don’t baby.” He replied. I went to tell him no again, but my words never came out, the way his eyes were burning into me, causing me to become speechless. I needed to put a space between us. I pulled out of his grip, diving under the water and swimming to the opposite of the pool. I heard him chuckle and he soon came after me. “I don’t know why you keep running away from me, sweetness, you know you want me, you told me that yourself. You will give into me eventually, why waste any time?” He said standing in front of me “You do think highly of yourself, don’t you?” I laughed. “You know I am telling the truth, baby.” He said full of confidence “If you insist. I don’t mix work with pleasure…sorry.” I smirked. “I can always get you fired then we can concentrate on the pleasure part?” He smirked back. I am sure he could if he really wanted to, but I know he is only messing with me. He was right in everything he was saying. Still, I can’t give into him, no matter how much my hormones are fighting me on this one, I can’t cause I have a feeling if we got started, really started then I don’t think I could stop and that can’t happen, not with someone I have only known a week. I am not that sort of person. “I would rather the work part, thanks though.” I giggled going under his arm to actual Swim, the reason we were are here. I need to keep my wits about me, especially around someone who knows what he is doing, knows how to get what he wants from women. He is full of charm, and I can understand why he gets as many women as he does. I am not going to be one of those, not this easily anyway. I have self-control, how long that is going to last is a question I still yet need to answer.
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