Wild cat with claws

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Alicia’s POV--- Previous night despite going to bed in time, I couldn’t really sleep well because the thought of Mr Devil kept coming in my mind! How does he know that I have to go to the institute today to resume classes? Neil said that someone on his behalf handled the account of Mr Devil! Who that could be? He could be a friend or even an employee! Among friends luckily he has a few, one is Mr Douchebag and arrogant – Damien whom I just can’t tolerate, Mark who is already married to Monica, Dason? Can it be Dason? But no, Dason was in Coma for such a long period! But apart from these people there are only a very few others who won’t usually be given such a task! May be Jackson or Taylor as well! Yeah, it can be Taylor! But Taylor is such a quiet and nice person, how can he be so arrogant? Oh! Can it be Mark, Sara’s brother? Or it can be David, Neil’s friend from Harvard! Yes, how could I forget him? Or it can be even Dominic or Dylan even! And both their surnames starts with ‘S’! Dominic Snyder and Dylan Stone! But what if, he is not a friend, but an employee? Then there are so many I don’t even know! I sat playing with my pancakes on the breakfast table while my entire attention was to think of the people who could be Mr Devil! “Ahem…. Someone is lost somewhere in search of certain someone!” I jumped as Juliana shoved a bite of pancake into my open mouth. “Mmmm..wh…..at ….Mmmm..are you doing An?” I said chewing the pancake. She smirked and giggled while I rolled my eyes. “Earth to you Ali! Dreaming about Mr someone special?” Juliana teased me and I could see from the corner of my eyes, Mom, Dad and Grandma chortling. “No dear sister-in-law! But what about you? Did my brother not let you dream, the entire night? And oh my God! What happened to your neck? How do you have bruises?” I said innocently pointing at a blue hickey to tease her, just like she did to me. Juliana chocked on her coffee and coughed, while Neil immediately rubbed her back and said softly, “Are you ok Juls? Have some water!” “Awwww……look at you love birds!” My dramatic Mom whispered as she looked at Juliana and Neilson with adoration! “Anyways, I am getting late for the institute! See you guys later!” I got up with my purse. “Wait. I need to talk to you.” Juliana also excused herself. I rolled my eyes and fake glared at her, “What is it?” She pulled me at one side and hugged me, “Awwww….my best friend will remain annoyed with me?” Juliana said as sweetly as she herself was but I kept pouting! “What happened? Did you get to talk to him?” She whispered. “Whom?” I asked as much innocently as I could. “Come on! Don’t act Naïve! Of course Mr Devil!” Juliana rolled her eyes. “Yes. He is also a very arrogant person! He wants me to find him! And he also knows that I am resuming my classes from today! How is it possible if Neil didn’t tell him?” I narrowed my eyes in suspicion at Neil scratching my chin with my finger. “Hmmmm…..” Juliana also did so and we both stood with our arms crossed, staring at Neil, trying to read his expressions. “Do you think he knew about your classes today?” Juliana whispered still staring at him with narrowed eyes. “I am telling you An! I know my brother too well. He can act innocent!” I replied in whispers staring at my brother too, who was oblivious about our suspicion or at least looked so. “Hmmm….you are right! He is a businessman and I am sure he is a good actor, especially when he managed to perform so well in our family drama!” Juliana whispered and then still looking at him she continued, “Do you think behind that man who is failing miserably to pour himself a glass of juice from the jar, there can be a shrewd informant?” “I definitely think so!” I whisper back narrowing my eyes a little more. “Did you know about my class today?” “Did you know about her class today? “ The questions came out together in unison without any pre plan and Neilson turned his head slowly towards us with an open mouth! He shrugged his shoulders innocently and gave us a look as if ‘Geez! What is wrong with you too?’ “Anyways, I think, we should sit together in the evening and make a plan together. Tracy is good about all this!” Juliana said. I agreed and said nodding, “Ok. I will even inform Sara! She can be of some help too!” We raised our thumbs and I left for the classes immediately after!   -----   “Sara! Where have you been? I looked for you everywhere!” I panted because I was left breathless after running to Sara who was talking to one of our friends in the cafeteria! She turned to look at me and immediately a wide smile spread on her lips, “Hey Alice! I didn’t think you will join classes today!” She looked surprised and I confused. “Come on! I mean after the party yesterday night!” Sara rolled her eyes and I then understood what she meant! “Oh!” I nodded. “What is it? Everything OK?” Sara asked with concern. “No! Nothing is OK. But it can be if you help me!” I replied. Sara was my friend from the institute! Infact, she was my and Juliana’s common friend and she was the one to open an account for Juliana whom we knew by the name Ana, secretly. And that is how Mr Devil got connected to me while I was handling Juliana’s secret profile and chatting with potential prospects for her behind her back! Only if I knew that while looking someone for her, I myself will fall for a person I have never seen before! I don’t even know the person’s real name! “I will do anything for my friend! You just have to tell me!” Sara agreed easily. I looked around to see if anyone could hear us! We have already walked outside to the lawn and once I made sure that we couldn’t be heard, I said with a little red spreading on my cheeks, “I want to find out Mr Devil! I just came to know that it was not my brother but someone else on his behalf! So, do you understand what that means?” My eyes sparkled and her mouth formed an ‘O’! She nodded rigorously and giggled, “Oh My GOD!!! That means the person you fell in love with is not imaginary! He is also not your brother! He is someone out there!! That’s great Alice! So, who is it??” I rolled my eyes and sighed, “Would I be asking for help from you if I knew?” “But why didn’t you ask your brother?” Sara frowned. “Huh! Neil is such a bully! I will never ask him and tolerate his teasing throughout my life!” I said rolling my eyes again. “Aww…that’s sad!” Sara said with her lips turned upside. “Can’t Juliana help? She can find out from her husband, your brother! She has your brother wrapped around her fingers! No?” “I guess. But I don’t think I would want Neil to know that I am looking for Mr Devil! He is the secret spy and informant among us! A traitor!” I furrow my eyebrows! We have started walking outside to the parking. The classes were over already and I was leaving for home! “So, what can I do?” Sara asked. “Well, Juliana said, we have to come up with a proper plan to find this Mr Devil and so we need to meet and talk! Today evening at our house at 6.30 pm sharp! OK? Please don’t forget..it is very important to me and I am sure…” I was talking to Sara when a small boy approached me and said, “Excuse me! These are for you!” He was hiding a bouquet behind him which he extended towards me and said smiling. I was shocked and then I laughed a little, “I am sorry little boy! I think you are mistaken!” I replied placing my palm on his cheek and he nodded consistently and said, “No! I am not! This bouquet is for you from Mr Devil!” My eyes went wide hearing his name ‘Mr Devil’ and I looked around taking the bouquet from the boy! “Where is he? Where is the man who gave you this?” I asked frantically and the little boy pointed at the coffee shop opposite to the gate of the institute! But not seeing the person he said sadly, “He was there!” I sighed and my face dropped but soon smiling again I thanked the boy! “Thank you dear!” There was a small slip attached to the bouquet! I opened it and found a message in it! “Pink suits you wild cat! You are looking beautiful today!” -- ;) DS On reading the message my cheeks turned a lighter shade of red and I pulled a strand of hair that fell on my eyes and tucked it behind my ears! I folded the paper and kept it in my purse with a smile that didn’t leave my lips. The little boy still stood there looking at me! I didn’t understand why? So I asked, “Am I supposed to reply or something?” He nodded a ‘No’. I was confused and then bending down I asked him again, “Do you have anything else to say?” He nodded up and down and then asked crossing his arms on his chest and looking at me from top to bottom! “You are just a girl! How come you have claws?” I frowned while Sara broke into a fleet of laughter! She stopped as I glared at her! “Why would I have claws?” I furrowed my eyebrows and asked parching my lips after. “He said that you are a wild cat and you have sharp claws!” I stood with my hands on my hips and glowered at the little boy who ran away immediately shouting, “Sorry miss! But he said so!” I blew another strand of hair that fell on my eyes, with my mouth and shook my head in annoyance! “Hahaha! Relax girl. Now we definitely have to find this man, your Mr Devil! See you at 6.30pm!” --- Narrator--- In the office of Luna Corporates, Neilson was sitting in his private office room, waiting for Damien, whom he has summoned. “Hey man!” Damien walked in with his signature smirk as usual and sat opposite to Neilson. “Hi Demi!” Neil looked up shutting his laptop and then sat crossing his arms and leaning on his recliner. “What’s the emergency? Fought with Juliana again? Or is it Roseline?” Damien had a box of strawberries from which he was popping one after the other in his mouth! “No, we didn’t fight and it is not about Roseline!” Neilson replied. “Really? Now am I supposed to give you advice on honeymoon and all other stuffs?” Damien asked smirking. “No! Thanks! But it is not anything about that as well!” Neilson said shrugging his shoulders and then he leaned on his desk and narrowing his eyes at Damien he said, “I have a question for you!” Damien waved his one hand and said nonchalantly, “Go ahead!” Neil asked him clearly, furrowing his eyebrows and looking right at Damien’s face, “Do you know that it was actually not Juliana who chatted with you on the fake account?” Damien suddenly chocked on the strawberry and started coughing hard! “Is something wrong! Have some water here!” Damien drank some water and then chuckled sheepishly, “Oh! Is it?” “Hmmm…..it was someone else!” Neilson replied. Damien looked at his mobile as if checking something important and asked as casually as possible, “Who was it then?” There was silence for a moment and soon before Damien could understand he was pushed along with his chair which had wheels of course to the wall with Neils fingers wrapped around his throat! Damien was shocked and for the first time ever Neilson saw him gulping audibly! He was laughing his heart out inside but outside he maintained his threatening demeanour and said in a serious tone, “Don’t you dare break my sister’s heart Demi! I will kill you if you play with her!” Damien was embarrassed and in his entire life it was the first time Neilson saw him blushing! He loosened his grip and pulled away eventually. “Ok, listen dude! I am not playing with your sister ok?” Damien said, his signature smirk back on his lips again! “I really like her and I am serious about her! But if you want me to back off then…” Neilson raised his hand to stop him and said rolling his eyes, “Ok. Enough of your drama! I don’t have any problem with you dating my sister especially when it makes her so happy! But you know her Demi, she is fragile and still childish! I don’t want to see her heartbroken! She is my only little sister!” “Relax dude! You know me well and I would never dream of breaking her heart!” “Yeah..I know you well and that’s the problem! I also know all the girls you have slept with! Rosy, Lina, Ema, Clara, who was the other one, last summer? Pena…..Pene…” “Penelope!” Damien chuckled and corrected and Neilson glared at him! “I hope Alicia is not just a fling Damien and I am serious about this! Don’t play with her emotions! Do you understand?” Neilson warned again and Damien smirked saluting, “yes…brother-in-law!” Neilson glared at him when he shrugged his shoulders and extended the box of strawberries towards Neil and said nonchalantly, “Soon to be brother-in-law! Come on! Don’t give a poker face! Have some strawberries. These are very sweet!”
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