The moment before death

1178 Words
Alicia’s POV— I flicker my eyes open once I regained my senses. By looking around I could say that I fainted but only for a moment. And I could see a face hovering over me! “Are you alright? What happened?” Sara asked as she helped me get up from the floor and led me to a sofa at one side of the bar, holding my hand. I turned my head to see Damien but he was gone! “Sit here.” Sara made me sit and then she yelled at a waiter, “Hey! Some water here please!” The boy brought a glass of water and I drank half. “Are you feeling better?” Sara asked wiping my mouth with her napkin. I nodded, “Yes. But I need to go!” “Go? Where?” Sara frowned. “Sara, he is here! I saw him…no I bumped into him and then I spilled his drink..his t shirt was wet…I was about to clean when I saw him and then the world spun …..everything came back….I –I…” “Whoa! Calm down, Calm down! Don’t have to get so worked up. Let me take you back to the cottage!” Sara held my arms and pulled me up but I freed my arm from her grasp rudely and started looking around, turning every man’s face….actually everyone who was tall! I was possessed and I was obsessed. Sara followed yelling, “Alicia! Come back, where are you going?” But I didn’t care and just rushed through the crowd as fast as I could and looked for him everywhere, every corner and finally I saw him slip out of a red door at the back of the bar. Two giant sized men with guns guarded the door but before they could realise, I simply pushed open the door and slipped out! “Hey! Where are you going Miss?” one of the men followed me out but I ran as fast as possible, bare footed, holding my high heels in my hand. It was drizzling outside and soon would start pouring heavily. I guessed so looking at the sky which was very dark. The alley was dark and narrow and well, endless! I don’t know how far or which direction I ran but the music from the bar soon faded until it was pin drop silence! I stopped running to catch my breath for a while and then slowly walked step by step towards a turn. As I walked I could hear muffled sound which I dared to follow. I needed to find him. And if I do, I will ask him why? Why is he pretending to be someone else? Why didn’t he come back to me? Why didn’t he call me? As I reached the turn, my eyes almost popped out with fear! There he stood, holding a man from the back! He has tightly covered the man’s face with a plastic sheet! The man was struggling, throwing his legs on the ground, in the air and slowly choking. Is he trying to kill him? Near to him, stood another man with a thick moustache and beard. He was not Carlos. That was a relief but the man was dying and Damien was killing him! I had to stop him. “Damien! No!!!” Without thinking I just screamed and ran towards him. He was completely startled to see me and might have loosened his grip on the man. Taking advantage of the situation, the man freed himself and ran. “s**t! You bitc*!” the bearded man cursed and ran after him and they both disappeared in the dark leaving me alone with him! My Mr Devil! Now, the actual Devil. He turned at me sharply, his eyes dangerous and full with disgust or rage, jaws tightened, the blue veins on his neck almost popping out and his fists closed tightly beside him. He was breathing deeply and slowly walking towards me. At first when I saw him in the bar, despite the bad memories of the past incident, I felt happy and hopeful, even if it was for a moment. But now I was afraid! He was looking at me in a way that made my throat dry and my inside coil. I gulped with fear and slowly stepped back. “Damien…. It is me Alicia! Your Alicia! Your wild cat!” I whispered as I kept stepping back and he, stepping forward, until my back hit a wall. Now there was no escape! He is not Damien! Can he be? Will he kill me now? These were the only thoughts that ran in my mind. He stopped in front of me but not too close and tilting his head he looked into my eyes. The same way he looked the other day. I could not speak. I remained quiet. My heart was galloping in my chest and was about to come out of my body anytime soon! My face was wet with sweat or rain drops, I don’t know. I kept staring at him with wide open eyes. “Damien!” I tried to call his name but only a whisper came out. “Shut your f**king mouth, b**ch!” He yelled and I jumped in shock. The next moment he had taken out his gun and pointed it right on my temple. The metal felt cold on my skin. “I told you I am Mathew! And now you are following me! Who the f**k are you? A cop? A detective? Huh?...... I don’t will die, now!” he threatened in a dangerously low voice, bringing his face closer to mine. I closed my eyes. There was no escape this time. I was about to die! But how will I see him before dying? Pointing a gun at me? Hatred in his eyes? No. I won’t see him like this before dying. ‘Click!’ The safety lock clicked and he would be pulling the trigger any moment, I realised and that is when I did the last thing I always said I will do, before I die. I was sure that in a few moments I will be lying dead in this alley, covered in blood! I was also sure that the man was Damien, my Damien. I didn’t know why he was acting so weird and refused to recognize me but whatever it is I won’t know ever, because I would die any moment. I always used to tell my Mr Devil that when I die, I want him to be there and the last thing I want to remember should be the touch of his lips! I opened my eyes and moving closer, I kissed him. I kissed him with all my heart, all my love and honesty! It was not a peck. It was a deep kiss that lingered for a long moment. I realised that he was stunned and didn’t pull the trigger yet. I slowly pulled back and looked into his eyes with tears and I whispered, “Didn’t I tell you that I want to have your lips as my last memory before I die? So, kill me while I kiss you. Please!” Saying this I wrapped my arms around his neck and this time I kissed him harder, pouring all my heart in that kiss.
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