Déjà vu

1195 Words
  Narrator--- It may be a Déjà vu or may be some imagination of his mind. Mathew had a strong feeling that somehow the bergamot or the lavender room freshener was related to him! Did Charlotte use those on his clothes and in their bedroom before? He showered and changed his clothes and lied on the bed resting his head on his hands folded at the back of his head. He kept staring at the ceiling! Even though he had a couple glasses of whiskey, yet today sleep decided to stay away from him. He turned and twisted but the lavender fragrance in the air reminded of something which he couldn’t put his finger on particularly! Whenever he closed his eyes, some white and black flashes speeded through his brain! Tiny fragments of memories maybe! ‘No one has ever sprayed Lavender room freshener in my room ever, leave alone cleaned by clothes and soaked them in Bergamot! Bloody I myself never knew that I would like these! Who is the new girl, Violet? Why would she take so much trouble to arrange everything so neatly!! I have to see the girl!’ Mathew thought in his mind! He got up and opened his wardrobe. He took out his t-shirt and he inhaled the smell deeply and then switching off the light and went to bed. After turning and twisting for almost two hours, he finally fell asleep at early dawn. --     “Mrs Cooper! Mrs Cooper!” Mathew’s urgent voice made Mrs Cooper alert! It was morning and she was yelling at Ruby, the cook for being slow in preparing lunch! But she was worried hearing Mathew’s voice because she has never seen Mathew visit the kitchen ever! She hurried outside but was met by an anxious Mathew at the door. “Good Morning Master! Do you want me to send some other dishes for breakfast? Or is there some problem with the food?” Ruby gasped hearing Mrs Cooper and Mrs Cooper already silently warned Ruby through her glaring eyes, that if there is a complain about the food then Ruby will definitely lose her job if she doesn’t lose her life first! Since Master Mathew slept till late hours today, the breakfast was just sent! There are high chances that he didn’t like the taste of the food! “Mrs Cooper! Where is the girl?” Mathew asked frantically! He couldn’t sleep well and even had strange dreams of someone whose face wasn’t clear laughing and smiling! And Mathew felt that he really liked that person, probably a girl. He even had flashes mostly black with shades of white just like the negative of pictures taken by a camera! A girl running her hands over his chest and he kissing her! What were those memories or just his imagination? Was the girl Charlotte his wife or someone else? All these thoughts didn’t let him sleep at all! Mrs Cooper was confused! If Mathew ever needed a girl he would talk to his men and never with Mrs Cooper! Her job was only to ensure all the girls who were kept for the entertaining of the boys were taken care of! But Mathew had always had only one and that is Selina! There is a separate room for her and even two maids to take care of her! She was almost the mistress of Mathew! Mrs Cooper really couldn’t comprehend which girl Master Mathew was asking for the first thing in the morning! “Master…girl? Which girl?” Mrs Cooper stuttered a bit. “Holy christ Mrs Cooper! The girl….what was her name…..Violet..Violet..the one who cleaned my room yesterday!” Mathew hurled the words irritated. “Oh! Violet! She has gone to change! She just came to work Master!” Mrs Cooper replied. “Mrs Cooper! I need to see the girl now!” Mathew yelled. “Yes Master… shall I send her up to your room or the glass house?” Mrs Cooper asked. “No. I will wait right here! Please go and get her now!” Mrs Cooper hurried out to get Violet. When Alicia came after changing her dress and wearing her apron, she clearly heard Mathew’s loud and rude conversation with Mrs Cooper in the kitchen! She immediately turned and went back to the changing room when she heard him asking for her! She didn’t want to meet Mathew yet! Not before she knew enough to conclude whether he was Mathew or Damien! Knock! Knock! “Violet! Violet! Come out right away! How long will you take to change!” Alicia heard Mrs Cooper now almost banging the door! She got very scared! If Mathew came to know that she is the one who he is looking for and turns her out of the castle then all her plans would go on a toss! Already 10 days have passed and she had only fifty remaining days to find out the truth! And if he is indeed Damien, she needs to remind him about his past! Alicia rummaged through her brain trying hard to come up with a suitable idea to avoid opening the door! But nothing would come when most needed. “VIOLET! OPEN THE DOOR! HAVE YOU DIED INSIDE???” Mrs Cooper’s voice was now restless and angry. “One minute Mam….Mrs Cooper! My zip got stuck…I just need a little more time!” Alicia managed to say. ---  Meanwhile Mathew lost all patience since it was over ten minutes that Mrs Cooper went to get the girl but didn’t return! Frustrated with the delay, he strode to the servant’s changing room and found Mrs Cooper waiting outside the door asking Violet to come out! “Move!” He yelled. “But Master! She is in the changing room!” Mrs Cooper reminded Mathew! There were specific girls or rather s*uts who were brought for being bedded but maids and servants were safe and never anyone were allowed to abuse them! Infact, once when one of the men of the gang laid hands on a girl, he was shot dead in front of everyone! “I said move!!” Mathew yelled closing his fists at his sides. Mrs Cooper moved away from the door! She didn’t have enough courage to stop or protest against Master Mathew who was supposed to take his oath as the mafia king in a few months from now! Mathew banged the door so loud as if he would break it down if needed! “VIOLET! COME OUT NOW !” Alicia yelped with the loud thudding noise! She was sweating and trembling with fear! But she knew she won’t be able to hide for long! Sooner or later she has to open the door! So after a few banging she opened the lock slowly and very slowly opened the door and walked out looking down at her feet! Tears already rolling down her eyes, thinking about the consequences! Thinking about her efforts were about to go in vain! Before anyone could say anything she tried to apologise but all of a sudden several gunshots almost burst her ears and she sat down pressing her hands tightly on her ears and hiding her head in between her knees! “Boss! Dexter’s men!” Milo screamed and everyone started to run and close the doors. Mathew also hurried out taking out his gun from his pocket! Alicia looked up to see Mathew’s back as he rolled up his sleeves and rushed out! And then she witnessed something she never imagined she will ever do!
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